[保養] 韓國Too Cool For School嘔泡清潔面膜O2 Bubble Cleansing Pack

之前係Too Cool For School掃咗一堆產品, 我以為我已經分享哂, 點知有sis問我可唔可以分享個Bubble Mask! 咦,我先發現原來我係未分享丫, 所以即刻拿拿聲影相。 我諗我要開住個blog對下我d存貨睇下我仲有無miss咗佢d咩產品先。 唔講咁多, 等我入正題!

(English:  I hauled quite a few things from the Korean brand Too Cool For School before and I thought I shared my comments on “all” of the products.  However, one day a subscriber asked me if I could do a review on the Bubble Mask!  Oh crap, then I discovered I hadn’t even written anything about it.  So I immediately shot some photos and got myself prepared for the write-up.  I think I should really check my storage against my blog posts and see if I have missed out some more stuff.  Right, let me get back on track!)

Too Cool For School O2 Bubble Cleansing Pack

價錢(Price):HK$120/ 50g

佢係Too Cool For School既清潔mask, 但係佢同其他品牌有d唔同, 佢唔係泥做! 搽上面之後, 佢就會開始嘔泡喇,呢個就係佢既清潔功效特別之處!

(English:  This is a cleansing mask from Too Cool For School and it’s very different from other brands’ cleansing masks because the texture is not muddy at all!!  When applied on skin, it starts to react and generates foam and this is why it’s special!)



使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感:我買個陣係覺得佢個清潔concept幾得意, 同一般用泥去吸取面上面既污糟野好唔同。 同埋我鍾意叫佢做嘔泡面膜, 我覺得我幫佢改呢個名好cute! 但係呢, 得意還得意, 得唔得又係另一回事! 我覺得佢幾溫和, 無咩好特別既氣味, 但係我覺得佢清潔力唔係好夠強。 用完個下係會覺得少少乾淨咗, 少少滑咗同埋明亮咗。 但係同其他泥既清潔面膜相比, 我覺得佢做唔到深層既效果。 例如, 我用完其他泥既清潔面膜, 黑頭會浮面同埋塊面真係好白正, 但係用呢隻嘔泡面膜就無咁既效果喇。 所以睇下你想要咩效果, 如果你話貪得意夠平有少少清潔功效(本身你皮膚好好唔洗好深層), 咁我覺得可以買枝玩下。 但係如果你想要係幫你皮膚做到比較深入效果既話, 咁呢枝一定唔係你既菜喇!! 雖然我好鍾意呢個品牌, 但係我個人係唔會再回購呢隻產品(我都係貪新鮮)。 另外一個唔會回購既原因係個包裝, 我用咗三次, 個泵就泵唔出野啦(唔知係咪我咁黑丫!!), 我而家用係要開咗個蓋倒出黎用呀!! 好麻煩, 我用咁耐野好少有壞泵既情況出現, 但係我真係接受唔到啦, 所以我用完佢之後以後唔會同佢再見喇。

(English:  Product Review: I was really attracted to its cleansing concept and it sounds so different from the regular muddy cleansing mask which relies on the drying process to suck away the dirt in the pores.  It’s definitely fun.  But fun doesn’t necessarily mean effective!  I feel that it’s very gentle on skin and it doesn’t contain any funky scent.  However, I don’t think its cleansing power is strong enough.  Right, after using it, skin does feel a bit cleaner, a bit smoother and a bit brighter.  Sadly, when compared to other muddy cleansing masks, its effect is not as “deep”.  For example, after using the muddy ones, my black heads would float to the surface of skin and skin looks really really bright.  You won’t find these results from this bubble mask.  So it really depends on what you are looking for.  If you enjoy the concept, how cheap it is and its mild cleansing result (maybe you have really good skin and you don’t need things to go too deep), then you may want to get one for fun/ trial.  On the other hand, if you are looking for something which works on a more fundamental level, this is definitely not for you.  Even though I am in love with the brand, this bubble mask won’t be on my repurchasing list.  Another reason for not purchasing this mask in the future is because of its packaging.  After using it from 3 times, the pump failed me (bad luck or what!!!!) and now I have to literally open the cap and pour the product on my hand before use.  So annoying!!  I have been using products all my time and this seldom happens to me, but I can’t accept faulty packaging, that’s why I have to part my ways with the product after I use it up and probably say, “happily NEVER after”!)


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