[Reporter] Valentino 2013 Fall/ Winter Collection

我地啱啱踏入夏天,時裝介已經走入秋冬! 好開心,今次又俾Valentino邀請去佢地既秋冬2013 Press Release! 我今次唔講咁多,等大家用眼球去欣賞佢地既新作!

(English:  Summer has just arrived for us and apparently the fashion business has entered into Fall and Winter 2013.  I am very excited to be invited by Valentino again to attend their FW 2013 Press Release!  I don’t have to explain too much because I got some treat for your eye balls as follows!) 

Valentino FW 2013

 Valentino的紅色實在太有名氣! 秋冬出咗一個系列叫Rouge(法文紅色既意思)! 我個人好愛紅色,所以呢一個系列真係深得我心!

(English:  The red from Valentino is breath-taking!  For FW, they have released a collection called Rouge (red in French).  I personally love the color red and I must say this collection does get my attention!)

我覺得呢對T Bar鞋好有熟女既感覺!

(English:  T Bar Heels – very lady like and elegant, right?)


(English:  The clutch itself looks very simple, however, it’s quite deceiving!  The most interesting thing with this clutch is that you could get your initial printed on the strap on the front.  Imagine someone gives me a Valentino clutch with my initial as a touch of personalization, I think I will be so TOUCHED!)


呢對Bling Bling鞋大家見到係用三隻色既Bling Bling做成嗎? 好有層次感! 高貴又搶眼! 我幾時都話紅色既high heels係最sexy同迷人!

(English:  There are 3 kinds of red on this pair of bling bling heels.  It’s like an ombre effect.  It certainly looks classy and captures attention.  As I say all the time, red heels are the most sexy and charming item!)


另外一款好lady like既high heels!! 佢都有其他顏色,但係我覺得白色同紅色最靚!

(English:  Another style of lady like heels!  They have other colors but I love the white and red sitting together!)

當我見到呢兩個小包包既時候,真係超開心!! 好靚呀,仲可以側背丫!!

(English:  I got so excited to see these two bags.  Ohhhh soooooo pretty!!)

我對dream heels!! 本來我應該會買黑色,但係我見到呢隻紅色,我好心動!!

(English:  My dream heels!  Originally, I wanted to get a pair of them in black but now that I see it comes in this fabulous red, I might go for red!!)


另外呢對個heels無咁高,但係個heels就做得好靚! 呢d就係大品牌既魔力,每一個detail都做得好仔細!

(English:  This is the heels of another pair, the heels are not as high as the ones in the previous picture. But guess what?  There is so much details on the heels.  This is the charm of big brands, every detail shows the thought of the creative process!)


(English:  How could we miss the dear leopard print in FW 2013?)




我諗我成個collection黎講,我最愛呢個窩釘clutch,入型入格!! 太靚喇!! 我對所有有窩釘既東東都情有獨中! 好襯我!! 如果再襯埋對Rouge Collection既dream heels真係一絕!

(English:  I personally love this clutch the most from the whole collection because it looks so edgy!!!  It’s amazing!!  I love everything with studs because it just suits my style!!  Can you imagine pairing this up with my dream heels from the Rouge Collection? OMG!)

呢條裙我見個model著住,真係好靚! Lace得黎又好高貴!!

(English:  Love how the model illustrate this dress.   Love the lace and definitely love the elegance!!)

呢條反而我覺得好特別! 個sleeves既設計好有線條感,加上佢修身有袋既設計,我覺得有份causal但係型格既感覺!!

(English:  I am amazed with the design of this dress.  The sleeves are so sleek, it’s not overly sexy and it has pockets, it gives a sense of causal yet edgy feeling!!)


點呀? 眼球欣賞完畢! 你地又最鍾意邊個設計?

(English:  So, which item is your favourite?)

 Photographs are taken by MJPhotographyHK



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