[G代購] Gmarket店舖商品推介 Store & Product Recommendation

好喇,我個人真係超心急,話做就做! 自己學識咗Gmarket,亦都好想sis自己學識,所以出咗個初級教學。 之後又諗諗下有sis可能無credit card啦,又可能怕煩唔想睇韓文啦,又可能想share運費啦,咁我又出左代購資料。 尋日收到有位sis話佢無咩心水, 想睇下我有咩推介, 我諗諗下都係喎,因為未買過真係唔知買咩好。 不過我唔係買咗好多次,產品都係試用當中,所以我唔敢話我係expert,但係我想開呢個post分享下我會留意d咩,買d咩,同埋我做哂research,所以都可以講下人地係Gmarket會買d咩,等大家有個參考。 呢個post我會不斷更新, 如果我用左,我會link翻個review,或者有其他心水我都會加落黎,等大家可以集中d去睇Gmarket既推介!

(English:  Right, I am a really hot temper person and when I say I am going to do something, I have to do it!  I have successfully mastered Gmarket and I was hoping that my experience would benefit you as well, so I released a beginner’s tutorial. Then I thought maybe some people won’t have credit or don’t want to read Korean or want to share shipping charges, so I release a group buy detail (for local people).  Yesterday I heard a sis mentioning that she didn’t have any idea of what to get and she would like my recommendation, then I thought, “yea, if you haven’t bought anything on there before, you might have no idea.  I am definitely no expert since I have only purchased a couple times, but I really want to share with you some of my findings, like what I would buy and what others would buy after doing extensive research online, so you could have a reference too.  I will keep updating this post and I will put the review link back in when I have tried my products as well.  If you have any recommendation, please let me know and I could add those information here as well!)

你自己買,揾我買都無問題呀,有好野大家一齊分享。 如果你有推介又可以話我知,等我都加埋落黎! 嗱,如果有d店舖條產品link淨係賣一樣野,我會計埋我代購個價錢俾大家,咁你地就唔洗擔心睇唔明啦! 但係如果有d店舖條產品link賣成幾十樣產品,咁你想揾我買,就要乖乖地自己入去望下,cap個圖我睇,我再報價啦。

(English:  You can definitely make your own purchase or ask me for help (if you live here locally).  If the store link is selling only 1 product, then I will put down the price of my group buy so that you could take a look and you don’t have to worry about the Korean.  However, if the store link is selling 10s and 10s of products, then please go into the link and take a look yourself, pick what interests you and print screen the picture to me and I could tell you the price of the group order.)


Gmarket店舖商品推介/ Store & Product Recommendation

護膚品化妝品篇 / All About Skincare & Makeup

Sulwhasoo/ Whoo/ The History of Fo Samples: Store/ Product Link


(English: **I haven’t purchased from this store but I am know many of you are interested in buying samples, so I put the link here and according to Gmarket, this is a popular store for HK people.)

Dermal Mask (100 pieces): Store/ Product Link

代購價錢:HK$266.3/ 100 pcs 

**呢個mask好抵用,之前亦都好多人買黎用。 一百張,可以揀十款,十張一款。 我呢個都好心動,遲d會買黎試,除開真係超平。

(English: **These masks are crazily cheap and many have talked about them before.  100 pieces as a set and 10 pieces for each flavor, you can choose 10 different flavors.  I will definitely get my hands on these later since they are so cheap!!)

It’s Skin: Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**呢個我啱啱落個轉order都有買佢既野。 佢最出名係PRESTIGE Cream Descargot /Snail Cream同埋同一系列既Snail Mask,我啱啱落order就係買佢呢兩樣產品。 我個人覺得價錢偏貴,但係我見個個上Gmaket既人都會買,同埋好評如潮!!  唔知係咪生意太好,呢間店既出貨係比較慢,所以要有心理準備!

(English: **I just placed an order from this store and its most famous items should be  PRESTIGE Cream Descargot /Snail Cream and the Snail Mask from the same series.  I just placed an order for these two items (not yet receive).  I think the price is on the high side but I see everyone who buy from Gmarket would buy these too and there are so many rave comments about these, so I am interested.  Not sure if the business is really good, the store is quite slow on delivery, so be prepared!!)

Etude House: Store/ Product Link

Holika Holika: Store/ Product Link

Missha: Store/ Product Link

Banila Co.: Store/ Product Link

**呢個品牌我都好有興趣,聽聞最出名係佢個Primer同埋佢個Clean It Zero(落妝產品)。

(English: **Very interested in this brand as well and the star items from this brand should be its Primer and Clean It Zero (makeup remover).)

Peripera: Store/ Product Link


(English: **Many Taiwanese got products from this brand when they go to Korea, love the packaging and their lip products should be good!)

The SAEM: Store/ Product Link

Innisfree: Store/ Product Link

FoodAholic 3D Face Mask (50 pieces): Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**呢個我之前有買,可以睇翻我條link。 佢個重量唔係網寫個重量,因為我之前買過,所以知佢係重過網頁個estimated,所以我計代購費個陣計咗佢個真正重量! 我覺得呢隻超低用,同買我用過其中一款,唔錯呀!! 平平地經常敷唔肉痛! 雖然我未試完,但係就佢價錢同qualtiy,我都好推介!

(English: **I have got these before and you can check out the link above.  The estimated weight is wrong on the website because I know it’s heavier when I receive the products, so I calculated the group order price according to the real weight.  This is really good because it’s really cheap!!  I have used one and find it really nice!!  It’s of such reasonable price too and I can use this regularly without feeling like I have been splurging!!  Even though I have only tried one, based on its price and quality, I highly recommend this!!)

Modi Nail Polishes: Store/ Product Link

**呢個台灣boggers超推! 勝在夠平!

(English:  **Raved by the Taiwanese bloggers, very reasonable priced!!)

護髮產品篇 / All About Hair Care

呂Hair Care Product or Mise on Scene: Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**我之前買咗呂紫色啦! 用緊,都幾好用,但係我用左兩日未分享到住! 不過我買既原因都係因為好多sis話好好用,所以我買黎試下。 

(English: **I have got the Ryoe hair products and I have been using it for a few days, very nice but I can’t review based on a couple days’ experience.  However, many other people said that they are good products, so shouldn’t be bad eh?)

Fashion篇 / All About Fashion

Clothes: Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**我都買咗兩件衫,質量好好同埋係Made in Korea!! 車功各樣都唔錯! 版形free size都唔算細! 價錢好合理! 好買得過!!

(English: **I got two tops from this store, the quality is really good and they are made in Korea!!  The linings are really well done and for a free size, it’s not too small!!  The prices are really reasonable and I love this store!!)

Accessories: Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**呢間我買過喇!! 超滿意! 但係我要提一提,如果你手粗既人就未必啱帶,我本身手比較幼,我覺得佢d手鍊係唔太大條㗎! 但係就真係又平又靚啦!!

(English: **I made my purchase before and you could check out the link!!  Super happy with the products!!!  Mind you, if your wrist is not small at all, then the bracelets might not fit.  My wrist is quite small, so they fit me perfectly!!  Love this store!! Such great quality with reasonable price!!(

Clutches: Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**超多款揀,我都買咗個clutch,我睇中好多個丫!! 好多都超靚呀!!! 又唔係好貴!! 但係呢,呢間店送貨都係有d慢呀! 要有心理準備!! 

(English: **So many different styles to choose from!!  I ordered one and am eyeing on many!!  I love so many of them and they are not expensive!! However, this store is quite slow in delivery, so be prepared!!)


貴愛娘中藥M巾:Store/ Product Link

Previous Haul Sharing: Link


(English: **Sanitary pads with Chinese medicine.  Just too many people are raving about this!!)

中藥調理巾巾:Store/ Product Link 

Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**呢個我都唔知叫佢咩好。 我見台灣blogger買黎用我又覺得好得意。 簡單d講佢係一條中藥發熱巾巾,但係係無M個陣用,幫你circulation好d同埋幫你排走一d你唔想要既廢物!

(English:  **Not sure what I call it, I see many Taiwanese bloggers get this and I love the concept.  In simple terms, it’s a heating sanitary pad with Chinese medicine in it, it’s used when you are not having your period, it’s supposed to help you with your blood circulation and help you get rid of the things that you don’t want in your body!!)

O’ Sulloc Water+ 健康瘦身茶:
1. Store/ Product Link 10/box Previous Haul Sharing: Link
2. Store/ Product Link  40/ box

**呢個係韓國超hit,但係好多間都唔送Worldwide,我淨係揾到呢間。 送Worldwide呢隻係10枝包裝,有三隻口味(我揀左lemon),如果要瘦身就一日三枝沖水飲,如果只係想排下毒咁就一日一枝啦!

(English: **This is a hot item in Korean, but not many stores do worldwide delivery and I only found the above store.  The ones for Worldwide delivery has 10 packs in a box and it comes with 3 different flavours for you to choose.  If you want to slim up, take 3 a day; if you just want to maintain your health, then 1 a day.) 

韓國公仔麵/ Korean Instant Noodle: Store/ Product Link
Previous Haul Sharing: Link

**我見都有好多人買! 我都買咗同埋食咗! 我係公仔麵人(雖然唔健康,但係我真係好愛), 我覺得佢少少辣,但係唔係過份辣,我都買咗紅色同藍色,兩隻都好好味!! 佢d麵真係好食d同好趙d!! 我會再買呀!!

(English:  **Many people got this too!!  I got the and tried them!!!  I am super in love with instant noodles (I know it’s not good for healthy, but I am a fan).  It’s a bit spicy, not too spicy!  I got the blue one and the red one, both taste really nice!!  The noodles are more chewy and taste better!!  I will definitely repurchase!!)

好喇,講住咁多先,如果你想揾我代購就可以跟住下面條link既steps啦!! Happy Shopping at Gmarket!!!

(English:  Right, I’d stop here, if you want to join my group buy, check out the details as per the following link!  Happy Shopping at Gmarket!!!)

[G代購] 韓國網站Gmarket代購/團購詳情

June, 2013 [G代購] 第一回到貨分享
June, 2013 [G代購] July 6 to July 15th (deadline 7pm)



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