NEW! Benefit Cosmetics The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer

Benefit Cosmetics 2020年新品第一擊就是非常適合秋冬的面部妝前底霜 – 毛孔細緻保濕霜! 它是The POREfessional的最新成員,而它2020年的新任務是幫大家踢走可惡的粗大毛孔之餘更為肌膚注入大量水份!

Benefit Cosmetics’ first hit in 2020 is a makeup primer that’s great for Autumn and Winter – The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer! It’s the newest member within The POREfessional family, its main mission in 2020 is to kick out all the pores on your skin as well as to maintain a high level of hydration for your skin, making sure you will start makeup with the glowing and radiant skin.

The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer


Launch Date: 01.01.2020


The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer features the same pore-minimising formula of The POREfessional face primer, which helps to minimize the look of both pores and fine lines. It is also enhanced with Hyaluronic Acid and Shea Butter, which are generally acknowledged as the good ingredients to attract moisture and help your skin to maintain hydration. The oil-free formula helps makeup stay put and moisturizes and refreshes skin with 12-hour hydration, giving your skin the same silky feel as well as keeping it plump. If you are looking for a pore-less skin with dewy and bouncy finish or you are just suffering from the dry and confused winter skin, The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer is definitely the must-have primer for you!

The POREfessional Family

藍色: 乾肌想有保濕效果
綠色: 油肌/混合肌想有啞緻效果

is consisted of 3 members right now:
Blue: Dry skin type wishing to have hydrating effect
Pink: Any skin type wishing to have brightening effect
Green: Oily/ Combination skin type wishing to have matte effect

有興趣的話,記緊一月一日毛孔細緻保濕霜在各大Benefit Cosmetics店有售啊!

If you are interested, remember The POREfessional: Hydrate Primer is launching across all Benefit Cosmetics retails on 1st January, 2020!

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