My Weekday Skincare Routine

我成日都轉用唔同既護膚品, 諗住轉下唔同既combination會唔會好d.  咁我就諗不如我久唔時就整個video俾大家睇下我既skincare routine啦, 咁樣你地咪知我每期用緊d咩, 點解要轉lor!  唔知呢, 我有個感覺你地會覺得我係用好多野上面既人, 但唔係ga (澄清先)!  我覺得唔洗搽好多野ga, 最緊要做到自己想要既效果就得喇.  同埋我成日都覺得唔係搽得多就係好, 唔吸收出粒粒仲衰.

(English:  I change my skincare items quite quickly, the reason is that I am always tempted to try different combinations to see which works the best.  Then I thought, “why don’t I do skincare routine videos from time to time so you can get a glimpse of what I have been using and why the change.”  Well, I kinda guess that your impression on me is that I would use a lot of products on my face.  Nah (let me clarify!! *laughs*).  I am not. I don’t believe in applying tons of products, the most important thing is about “getting the results that you desire”.  I don’t think applying tons of skincare products = having good results.  On the contrary, it would create burden to skin and give rise to acne!)

係呀係呀, 呢個係weekday既skincare routine!  我係weekend個skincare routine好唔同, 真係會做多好多功夫.

(Yes yes yes!!  This skincare routine is only for Weekday, I have a different skincare routine for weekends – hmmm yes, I do apply more stuff!)

如果你地鍾意睇呢類型既片就話我知啦, 等我可以keep住update大家. 

(English:  If you find this type of “skincare routine videos” interesting, please let me know so that I can keep on updating in future!)

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