
兩個月前睇MORE, 其中有一篇文章講台灣野野蜂蜜同honey vinegar, 話飲左會有detox同埋少少減肥既作用.  我睇見detox呢個字就好心動 (反而我對減唔減肥就無咩感覺), 所以即刻去間店度訂左.  等左兩個月喇, 終於都叫我去拎:

(English:  I read MORE a couple months ago and there was a piece on Taiwanese Honey and Honey Vinegar.  It says that they help detoxing the body and probably offer some slimming effect.  I love the idea of detoxing (well, I am totally neutral on whether they help slimming or not), therefore, I hurried there to order mine.  I waited for 2 whole months and finally I brought them home:)

野蜂蜜 (Honey) + Honey Vinegar

價錢 (Price): HK$300/ set


兩隻都係茶色, 感覺好天然.  我自己訂左兩set.  我諗一set好難見到好唔好, 同埋飲唔夠耐又好難同大家share, 所以一次過訂兩set飲到咁上下再同大家講下好唔好.  

(English:  Both color are quite brown, I feel that they are really natural (haha).  I ordered 2 sets because I thought I couldn’t really see the effects after drinking 1 set and I feel that if I don’t drink them long enough, I couldn’t really share my comments with you all!  So, I ordered 2 sets and I will share my comments after drinking them for awhile.)

如果大家有興趣, 可以去間店個website度8下啦 –> Bitchy Store.

(English:  If you are interested, you can take a look at the store’s website –>  Bitchy Store.

另外拎完野之後行行下又買左甲油, 呢期買d色有d唔同, 淺色為住:

(English:  After I got reunited with my honey stuff, I walked around and got some more nail polishes.  This time, I opted for some lighter colors for a change:)

O.P.I Nail Lacquer

價錢 (Price): HK$132 each (@ Mannings – but they were on promotion – buy 2 get 1 free)

黑色個枝係裂紋甲油, 我諗同shocking pink一齊搽會幾型下.  試左效果再同大家分享丫.

(English:  The black one is the cracking one.  I think it would go really well with shocking pink!  I will share my comments after trying it out – can’t wait!!)

Eveline Color Show Nail Polishes

價錢 (Price): HK$30 for 2

夠平, 所以買黎玩下睇下好唔好用.  唔好用都唔會心痛! 哈哈!

(English:  I got them because they are really reasonable!  If they are not good, I wouldn’t have a heart attack!  Haha.)

睇黎我今個week係中左甲油降, 係咁買甲油.  不過你地睇開我個blog都好了解我, 應該都睇得出我買野係一期期唔同!  Anyway, 又多d野同大家share喇 (笑).

(English:  Looks like I am under a nail-polish-haul spell!  Well, if you have been following my blog, you’d have noticed my practice already.  Usually I haul a type of stuff for a certain period of time.  Anyway, more stuff waiting to be reviewed and shared with you all *laughs*.)

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