Maybelline The Rock Nudes

我之前都review過Maybelline其他Nude Palette,我覺得我係不斷地買佢地既palette睇下有無進步,但係又不斷地失望。 哈哈哈~~ 我之前已經係blog度分享過佢之前兩個palette,miss咗你可以望翻呢條link。 今日就講下佢palette中既第三位成員。

(English:  I have talked about the previous Maybelline Nude Palettes.  I kinda feel like I kept buying Maybelline palettes to see if they have made any improvement and repeatedly I got myself disappointed.  *Laughs*  I did review the previous two palettes in the blog somewhere, if you missed it, you are welcome to check out this link.   Today, I am moving onto its 3rd palette in the nude family.)


Maybelline The Rock Nudes HK$139

Maybelline The Rock Nudes

Maybelline The Rock Nudes


Maybelline The Rock Nudes

Maybelline The Rock Nudes

其實唔係樣樣野都加個nude字囉! 可能你覺得我好無聊,不過我覺得要rock就唔係nude,無得自然咁rock㗎喎。 係個名上面我已經覺得佢地搞呢個palette個陣好hea。今次呢盒粉質係比佢上兩盒好咗,粉質比較滑同上色。係有進步,我覺得粉質黎講係用得過。初初見到呢個rock palette令我諗起Urban Decay同Makeup Revolution既Smokey Palette,但係顏色方面我覺得Mayebelline呢盒唔算好正。 如果你真係鍾意rock友咁,我覺得呢個palette無咗深紫同深灰。 佢有兩個紫紫地既顏色係入面,但係唔夠深。 有個銀灰但係無咗深灰。組合有d唔連貫,我唔可以好快諗到咩色搭咩色(佢後面有教13個look既配搭。。。不過唔work for me)。 我有d感覺係: Oh Rock Palette呀,將d深色閃色放入去就係啦。 今次我覺得佢質量係OK,但係我唔係好inspired by呢個palette既顏色組合。

(English:  Actually I don’t like the fact that there is a nude word on the palette, maybe you think I am insane but does it even make sense to put “rock” and “nude” together?  Call me old school, anything rock and anything nude is such a bit difference.  The name does give me a very “whatever” feeling.  The eyeshadows in this palette is definitely better than the last two, more smooth to touch and more pigmented.  It’s an improvement!  Based on the powder alone, I would say it’s OK product.  When I first saw this, it reminds me of Urban Decay and Makeup Revolution Smokey Palettes but the colours in this Maybelline palette is not quite spot on.  If you really enjoy rock look (like me), the palette is missing dark purple and dark grey.  There are two purplish colours in the palette but they are not deep enough.  There is a silvery light grey but there is no dark grey.  The combination is not that consistent in my eyes and I can’t really quickly come up with a look just based on staring at the colours (right, there is sticker on the back telling you how to mix and match 13 different looks, whatever… not for me).  My feeling about this is, “Oh have to make a rock palette, let’s throw all the dark shades and glittery stuff in!”  This time, I think quality-wise is OK but I am not inspired at all by this colour combination.)

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