Thoughts on These 8 Mascaras

A good mascara is hard to come by, what do I think of these eight
Maybelline The Burgundy Bar

之前喺英國入手咗Maybelline呢盒The Burgundy Bar眼影,顏色好似幾靚下,我都唔知香港有無得賣。之前佢d Nude palettes我都講過我覺得質量好一般,唔知呢盒會唔會好d呢? (English: I got this Maybelline The Burgundy Bar from the U.K., the colours seem to be attractive! I am not sure if it’s available in Hong Kong yet… anyway, I…
View PostThe 3 Disappointing Mascaras

之前試咗好多唔同既睫毛液,其實我覺得睫毛液真係好難買到啱心水,市面上有好多,但係真係有效果既又好少。 今次分享下我之前用過既三枝亦都講下我唔會回購既原因。 (English: I had been trying different mascaras and I think it’s really difficult to find the right ones. Yes, there are so many choices in the market but not many do offer what…
View PostMaybelline The Rock Nudes

我之前都review過Maybelline其他Nude Palette,我覺得我係不斷地買佢地既palette睇下有無進步,但係又不斷地失望。 哈哈哈~~ 我之前已經係blog度分享過佢之前兩個palette,miss咗你可以望翻呢條link。 今日就講下佢palette中既第三位成員。 (English: I have talked about the previous Maybelline Nude Palettes. I kinda feel like I kept buying Maybelline palettes to see if they have made any improvement and repeatedly I…
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