[化妝] MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection | Matte Lipstick – Enchanted One

之前同大家分享過MAC今個夏季既collection,其中有一枝產品我係video度讚不絕口,亦都叫大家如果鍾意就快d去買! 因為我怕大家睇唔清楚,所以今日為咗呢枝產品開個blog post再分享下同燒下大家!! 哈哈~~ 嗱,就係下面呢枝喇~~

(English:  I had talked about MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection in a video before.  Well, I had raved about one of the products and urged all of you to buy if you are interested!  Since I am afraid that you can’t really see it that well in the video, I have decided to dedicate a blog post for sum up my comments and to once again tempt you!!  *Laughs*  Alright, here it comes~~~)

MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection

Matte Lipstick 

Color: Enchanted One

價錢(Price):HK$160/ 3g



簡單用後感: 佢係matte既系列,所以出黎個效果係好霧面,一d閃都無! 顏色黎講我覺得一流,因為係一個好自然既nude,佢呢隻nude帶茶色,無粉紅tone,我覺得係真真正正唔病既nude色(亦都唔會過啡~~~)! 搽咗個效果係自然,好高雅既nude感,但係就一d都唔會病! 同埋我覺得個顏色真係好好好易carry! 好掂! 質感黎講佢屬於偏乾身(matte finish麻),用咗一陣會覺得乾乾哋,但係無咩唔舒服,我自己覺得乾既時候會係面補少少潤嘴膏,咁感覺又會好d! 不過,我真係太愛佢個色,所以佢乾乾地我都接受得到!但係如果你話你唔忍受得比較乾身lipstick既話呢,咁我覺得呢枝未必啱你喇~~~~如果你想睇下上嘴效果,你可以睇翻下面呢個video啦:

(English:  Quick Product Review:  It’s from its matte series, so expect the finish to be matte and nothing shimmery!  The color is so perfect, perfectly nude!  This nude carries a bit of a tea tone, and nothing pink, which is just right – nothing sickly and nothing too brown!  The color on the lips screams natural and elegance!   It’s a no-effort color!  Brilliant!!  Texture-wise, it’s on the dry side (well it’s matte finish…so…), after awhile, you will feel it’s a bit dried out on the lips, but nothing too uncomfortable.  I usually just add a bit of lip balm on top of the lipstick when I feel my lips are a bit dry.  Well, I have to say because I love the color so much, I can endure the dryness.  But if you have absolutely no tolerance towards dry lipsticks, then this is not for you~~~~  If you want to see how it looks on lips, please check out the following video as I am wearing that:)

[敗家 + 試色] MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection Summer 2014



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