[敗家] Base Formula 新品

有d品牌我成日會𥄫下佢有無新品! Base Formula既gel同花水係我既大愛,之前見到佢出左新野,好心痕又想試下!! 同埋佢價錢好親民,所以買哂佢幾樣新品都唔太傷!! 哈哈!! 睇下有邊幾樣先丫:

(English: For some of my favourite brands, I do pay a lot of attention to see if they have new stuff from time to time!  All of you should know by now that I love Base Formula gel and hydrolats, and guess what!  Finally they have some new products!!  Oh yea I was so tempted that I had to bring them home.  The good thing is that the prices are so friendly and it doesn’t hurt my purse too much *grins*)


(English:  This time, I got all 4 new items, let’s look at each one:)

Base Formula Hydrating Eye Gel

價錢(Price):HK$90/ 30ml

Buy from: Link

好明顯係保濕eye gel啦! 超平!! HK$90仲要30ml,你話價錢係咪嚇死我~~

(English:  Obviously it’s a hydrating eye gel!  The price is super reasonable!  HK$90 for 30ml!!!  OMG~~~)

Base Formula Age-Defence Eye Gel

價錢(Price):HK$120/ 30ml

Buy from: Link

呢個係抗老既,所以價錢貴少少,但係都係好平呀!! 不過平係一件事,有無用又係另一件事! 影完俾大家睇之後,我會開始測試下,睇下work唔work先~~ 不過眼既野要試耐少少,所以應該一兩個月後先分享!!

(English:  This is for anti-aging, so the price is slightly higher, but it’s still on the low side!  Well, having a friendly price tag is one thing, whether it works or not is another, so after writing this blog post, I will start using them and see if there is any results.  Since it takes way longer to test eye products, so I will probably share my thoughts in 1-2 months!)

Base Formula Cooling Gel

價錢(Price):HK$120/ 120ml

Buy from: Link

 呢個叫cooling gel!! 好得意呀!!! 不過呢個唔係用落面,呢個係用係身或者頸背呢d地方!! 同埋心口!!! 有時熱起上黎可以降溫!!! 呢個係我咁多樣產品當中覺得最興奮既一樣!! 我成日潮熱(哈哈),所以好想試下會唔會用左佢會舒服d!! 我會即刻玩~~~初步聞落佢有好強既薄荷味~~~ 希望搽咗會好涼~~~

(English:  This is called cooling gel!!!  It’s a fun concept!!!  This is not suggested to use on face, it should be used on body, back of your neck or chest area instead!  The concept is to reduce the heat that you feel on your body!  Honestly, I think this is the most exciting item out of the bunch from my perspective!!  Yea, it’s just because I get so hot and bothered so easily *laughs*, so I really want to see if it could cool me down a bit!  I will try this immediately after this blog post and see!  Initially when I sniff it, it has a very strong menthol scent, hopefully it would give me a cool(er) summer~~~)

Base Formula Pore Refining Gel

價錢(Price):HK$130/ 60ml

Buy from: Link

大家應該見到呢個會放光,因為又係話可以收毛孔丫!! 未玩,所以未知真係得唔得,但係我完全明白大家好想收毛孔,所以我一見即買,試完再同大家分享啦~~

(English:  I know you all must be really interested in this item because it says pore refining!  I haven’t played with it yet, so I am not sure if it works or not!!  I totally understand that big pore is one of the most annoying thing, so when I see this, I get it to review for you all~~)

得喇! 我識做喇,你地會等我review麻~ 我會快d試快d分享喇~~

(English:  Right OKOK!!!  I know I know, you will wait for my review~~~  I will give them all a try asap and let you know my thoughts on separate occasions~~~)



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