Color 大眼仔 ♥ Delight Max 2 Gray

好耐無講過大眼仔, 原因係我返工係唔會點帶contact lens, 成日望住電腦對眼已經好乾, 再帶埋就會成日都眼紅紅咁.  為左保護對眼,所以我翻工都係帶眼鏡多d.  但係去街就唔同喇, 可以玩下.  呢期我又玩唔同既大眼仔同埋唔同既顏色, 等我逐一同大家分享下”帶後感”.

(English:  It’s been awhile since I talked about circle lens, the main reason is that I don’t wear any contact lens when I work.  Spending all that time looking at the monitor is tiring for the eyes enough and I don’t want to add on extra burden to them.  Therefore, when I work, I usually have my glasses on.  However, when I go out and have fun, it’s time for a change to add some color onto the eye balls.  These days, I have been a bit obsessive with circle lens again and let me share my comments with you after trying each one of them out:)

之前係Facebook問過有無sis有好介紹, 其中一個sis話Delight Max 2好好帶.  聽完之後我就上網search下, 見佢地係由一間Netherlands公司製造, 即時對佢地好有信心.  你地都應該知我對灰色大眼仔情有獨鍾, 所以試左灰色先 (我仲有綠色, 金啡, 藍色同埋黑色 – 呢d全部遲少少我再影相同大家分享).

(English:  I asked on Facebook before to see if there was any brand any sister would recommend.  One sister told me that Delight Max 2 offers quality lens.  I went online afterwards and found out that they were manufactured by a reputable company in The Netherlands, my confidence towards them was boosted up almost immediately.  As you might have noticed, I love gray circle lens, and this time I decided to try them first as well (I also have green ones, hazel ones, blue ones and black ones…I will share with you on the effects after I try them out!)

而家又係比較時間, 睇下我隻原裝眼先:

(English:  It’s comparison time again, let’s be reminded of my “bare” eyes:)

無咩神!  鬼咩, 呢期太多野做, 做到皮膚又唔好, 人又殘 … (未癲都算係咁20070218185351.gif…)

(English:  Not energetic.  No choice, I was working too much.  My skin and my mind are still on protest20070218185351.gif!)

After Delight Max 2 – Gray (灰色)

Yellow Lighting

Day Light

感覺唔同sa!  對眼即刻有翻神同埋好sharp.  望落唔係好灰, 有時睇落係有d灰藍色.  我鍾意個仲好mysterious既感覺, that’s why我既首選多數都係灰色.  感覺好特別.

(English:  It looks so different after having the circle lens on!  It looks sharper and more energetic!  Even though it says to be a gray color, it looks a bit blue at times.  I love it, it makes my eyes look so mysterious – that’s why I always go for gray first!)

帶後感:  佢既直徑係14.2mm, 唔係話大得好誇個d (我唔太like個d, 14.5mm係我既極限,太大個d我覺得太假), 我覺得for對眼唔係特別大既Asians黎講呢個size好好, 呢個size令對眼大左同圓左少少, 但係唔會話過左火.  唔錯.  至於個色, 我覺得呢個灰色好靚, 尤其係當d燈光黃黃地既時候, 望落真係好mysterious同好sharp.  同埋我覺得個color既紋都好自然, 加埋個black ring唔太粗 – 正呀!!  我有幾日帶左佢超過8個鐘頭, 感覺對眼仲好濕潤, 唔會話乾到想裂開.  呢點值得讚!  仲有當我返到屋企除底對con, 我對眼都無超勁紅根 (我對眼係好易有紅根).  唔錯唔錯.  So far, 我對呢隻color大眼仔評價好高.  帶左佢對眼都好舒服, 個色又靚又sharp, 想唔鍾意都唔得啦!!  如果你想搵d舒服既大眼仔,快d試下呢隻睇下suit唔suit你丫!

(English:  After-use Comment:  The diameter for the circle lens is 14.2mm, it’s not too big (my maximum acceptance of diameter would be 14.5mm, I would consider anything bigger than that as over the top!), I think this is a perfect size for Asians who don’t have big eyes.  This size would make eyes look a bit bigger and rounder, without that over the top effect.  Nice!  Color-wise, I love this gray color, especially when the light turns a bit yellowish and dim, because it makes the eyes look very mysterious and sharp.  Also, I love the fact that the pattern on the circles look quite natural and the black ring isn’t too thick – everything is just right!  For a few days, I wore them for more than 8 hours, and my eyes still felt hydrated!  I really need to give a thumbs-up on this!  What’s more, when I arrived home and took off the circle lens, there wasn’t too much bloodshot on my eyes.  Good stuff!!  So far, I am in love with Delight Max 2 circle lens, they are really comfortable on the eyes yet they enhance the sharpness and the shape of the eyes!  How can I not fall in love with them?  If you are looking for some comfortable circle lens, I recommend you to try them out and see if they fit you!)

P.S.  我超心急試埋個金啡色, 應該都會好靚.  我會再同大家分享!  大家又要等等我20070218174542.gif

(English: P.S.  Now I can’t wait to try out the hazel ones, I think they would be beautiful!  I will share once I try them out!  Hahaha, you all have to wait for my rather slow action again20070218174542.gif….)

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