超級奢華眼膜 ♥ Chanel 超完美修護眼膜

呢個我都係敗左超級耐喇(其實我有咩唔係敗左超級耐先同大家分享?笑。)!咁耐先分享都係因為我想用真d先,你知啦,眼呢d野唔係用一兩日就會知道效果麻。我記得我本身係無諗住敗嘅, 但係我見serve我個BA真係好好人同埋佢好推介呢個eye mask,所以我就敗左喇(係,見到好嘅BA我又真係唔介意俾佢sell)。先睇下個eye mask咩樣丫!我唔係見過佢出好多廣告,所以大家都未必知佢有呢隻東東。

(English:  I got this one for a super long time as well (well seems that I got everything for a long time before I write the review *laughs*).  The reason why I hadn’t written anything is because I really want to take my time in testing these out.  For eye products, it’s hard to know the results with just 1 or 2 time usage.  I recalled that I didn’t really want to get this, but the BA who was serving me was very nice and highly recommended this eye mask, therefore I got it (I don’t mind being sold to when the BA is nice).  Now, let’s take a look at the eye mask, I haven’t seen any huge advertisement so far, maybe you don’t know what it looks like:)

Chanel Ultra Correction Total Eye Revitalizer

價錢 (Price): HK$990/ 10pcs + 1 eye serum (6 ml)
Product Information:
“緊緻活化眼眸、細紋淡化、密集全效修護超完美修護眼膜護理組合每組皆包括一支獨特滾珠式眼周精華液,與十片質感極為清新舒適的密集導入眼膜。連續使用10天,即可完美改善細紋、黑眼圈、浮腫等各種眼周肌膚問題,使明眸光采耀眼新生。 超完美修護眼膜護理組合內含有一瓶眼周精華液搭配十片的密集導入眼膜。第一次使用後,就能看到改善效果。





(English:  “To rejuvenate tired-looking eyes, this intensive synergistic treatment – a restructuring roll-on serum and smoothing patch – works together to bring rapid relief to the eye area. In just 10 days, skin appears firmer, wrinkles look diminished and the eyes look revived.”)


佢枝eye serum係有碌碌嘅設計,所以用起上嚟可以按摩埋眼部位置。  (English:  The eye serum has a rolling design, it can be used to massage the eye area during application.)
 佢個質感雖然好透薄, 但係好實在ga, 唔係話搽咗好似無搽咁。
(English:  The texture is quite light but feels very solid!)
至於個eye mask呢…
(English:  What about the eye mask?)

我拆開個陣好驚喜丫, 全張eye mask都寫sa Chanel呀! 好奢華呀!!
(English:  When I take it out, I am so surprised!  It’s full of the words “Chanel”.  Very luxurious!)
用法 (Method to Use):
1. 先搽上eye serum 為眼部做少少按摩。
(English: 1. First apply the eye serum on the areas and massage it a bit.)

2. 再貼上奢華嘅Chanel Eye Mask, 佢有少少黏貼成份。
(English: 2. Then stick the eye mask on.  It is of a sticker design.)

3. 貼好之後就極盡奢華咁等15分鐘。
(English:  Then wait for 15 mins – very luxuriously.)
 4. 15分鐘之後就撕走張eye mask就可以喇。
(English:  4.  Take off the eye mask after 15 mins and you’re done.)
使用次數 (No. of Usage): 8 times
用後感: 係咪好奢華呢? 真係見到張eye mask都開心。  我先講枝eye serum, 我真係幾鍾意呢枝產品, 我覺得佢個設計可以按摩埋個眼位好方便。 搽左佢之後覺得眼位有少少收緊嘅感覺, 同埋感覺滋潤。 感覺好好呀, 可惜無得就咁買佢嚟用。 如果佢獨立咁出呢隻eye serum我一定會敗, 因為我覺得佢有即時嘅效果。  再講隻eye mask(笑), 一打開個陣真係笑左出嚟, 心諗Chanel即係Chanel!  佢有少少黏貼成份, 所以如果有眼紋嘅sis貼個陣真係要小心d, 唔係有可能加深左d眼紋呀。 佢嘅剪裁都好fit個眼位, 貼住有少少涼涼地感覺幾舒服。  同埋因為佢貼得好穩陣, 仲可以帶埋眼鏡做其他野添, 夠sa方便, 唔洗呆等。  用完個吓嘅感覺係眼肚位白淨咗, 同埋feel到緊咗。 我用左差唔多8次, 感覺都好好, 但係我唔捨得敷得咁密 (始終佢太奢華喇麻!), 我覺得如果敷得密少少嘅話, 效果應該會更加好。 我見我每次敷完個效果都會keep到大概4,5日, 都算好long-lasting啦。 我覺有如果你有好深嘅眼紋嘅話, 貼張eye mask個陣真係要小心d, 如果唔係加深左仲死。 但係如果你話你想買比較好d嘅eye mask嚟緊緻抗紋又唔太介意價錢嘅話,咁Chanel呢set eye mask都係其中一個好嘅選擇 (我又放火。哈哈。)。

(English:  After-use Comment:  Very luxurious eh?  I feel so happy when I see the eye mask *laughs*.  First, let me talk about the eye serum, I really like this product.  It is of a rolling design, so it’s easy to massage the areas.  Also, after application, I feel that the areas are instantly tightened and moisturized.  Nice!  Too bad that they don’t sell this product alone, otherwise I would definitely get this (yea that goo!).  Then for the eye masks *smiles*, when I first opened it, I laughed and thought that “Chanel deserves to be Chanel”.  It’s of a sticker design, so if you have deep lines on your eye areas, be mindful, you don’t want to deepen those line when you are sticking on the eye masks.  The design fits the eye areas really well.  I feel the cooling effect when I have these masks on – quite relaxing.  Furthermore, they stick on really well and I could actually put my glasses back on and do other work – very convenient!  After applying the eye masks, I can see that my eye areas are brightened up, and they instantly feel more firmed up.  I have been using this for 8 times and I have to say it’s so far so good.  However, because it’s really luxurious, I can’t bring myself to use it very frequently.  I think if I use it very frequently, the results would be even better.  Each time after application, the results last for 4-5 days, quite long-lasting indeed.  Well, again if you have deep fine line around your eye areas, be careful!  But if you are looking for some good eye masks which offer anti-aging functions (and you don’t mind the price), this Chanel eye mask set is one of the good choices (am I burning you again?).)
(the above product description is extracted from http://www.chanel.com/)

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