[碎碎念] Blogging Inspiration & Challenges

前幾日收都一位網友既message, 佢同我分享話佢想開一個Makeup Blog, 佢問咗我幾個問題, 我答緊佢個陣諗我應該都同大家分享一下, 如果你想了解我寫blog既心路歷程或者你自己都想開始blogger既生活, 我希望呢篇文章會幫到你丫! 我用問答既型式去寫呢篇文章, 等你地容易睇(有d問題係個位網友問, 有d係我自己加既):

(English:  A few days ago, I received a message from an online buddy.  She mentioned that she wanted to start a makeup blog and she asked me a few questions.  While I was answering her, I thought I wanted to share my thoughts with all of you too!  If you want understand more about my blogging self or you want to start up a life as a blogger, I hope you might find this piece useful.  I use the Q&A format to write about this so it’s easier to read (some questions are from the online buddy and the others are my own):)

Q1. 點解你會開始寫blog?
A1. 我一向都好鍾意美容化妝時裝。 係我未開始寫blog既時候, 成日同班girlfriends分享有咩好用唔好用(女人唔講呢d有咩講)。 其實未寫呢個blog前, 我都有寫英文blog, 不過我當時唔係太serious, 所以寫寫下無寫。 之後係2009年, 我生活上有好多唔如意, 我當時唔想太focus on生活上既不如意, 所以我正式開始呢個blog, 我想分享一d正面既野同埋我所愛既野, 唔想成日諗住一d唔開心既野,想自己positive d!。 就係咁呢個blog就成立到而家喇!! 我亦都好多謝呢個blog, 因為呢個blog, 我識到大家同埋有今時今日既我!!

(English: Q1. Why did you start blogging?
A1. I have been heavily into skincare, cosmetics and fashion.  Prior to my blogging time, I have always shared my comments on beauty products with my girlfriends.  Indeed, before I started this blog, I had an English blog.  Since I wasn’t too serious at the time, I didn’t keep it going.  Then in 2009, I was having a rough time and at that moment, I didn’t want to focus too much on my negative life, so I started a blog, thinking to share what I love and something positive.  I wanted to forget the negative bits and stay positive!!  Yep, that’s how this blog came about and lasts till now.  I really have to thank the blog itself, because of this, I get to know all of you and be the me that I am today!!)

Q2. 你覺得寫blog既最大挑戰係咩?
A2. 其實有好多, 不過我覺得最大既係負面評價。 我好多時都話唔鍾意睇可以唔睇, 我無逼大家。 但係有好多人都係好負面, 佢地會留一d好負面評價俾blogger/ youtuber, 多數都係一d帶有攻擊性既語調, 例如:你好醜樣, 咁都做beauty blogger, 你英文唔好, 你化妝skill唔得等等, 應有盡有! 哈哈!! 不過, 我覺得所有blogger/ youtuber都係啦,要有心理準備會有呢個情況出現。 當然一見到會唔開心啦, 但係要記得自己本身寫blog就係鍾意分享鍾意你分享緊既野, 生得靚唔靚無關係(靚當然好, 唔係都唔需要介意), 根本個d人就見唔到自己努力個面, 所以無需要勞氣呀! 如果你因為呢d小小事會摺埋個blog/ youtube, 即係話你本身唔可以為你鍾意既野犧牲, 如果係咁, 即係個樣野你都唔多鍾意先可以咁易放棄啦! 我三年令都收過唔少呢d負面評價, 但係一d都無損我喜愛分享既心情, 因為我明白我唔可以取悅所有人, 亦無需要取悅所有人呀!! 記得自己要調節好心情呀!!

(English:  Q2. What’s the biggest challenges when you blog?
A2. Actually there are too many, but I would pick negative comments as the biggest challenges.  Like I always say, if I don’t like something, I wouldn’t even look at that thing and I haven’t forced anyone to read my blog.  However, many people are negative in nature and they would leave some really negative comments to bloggers/ youtubers, many are even destructive comments like “you are so ugly and you don’t deserve a name of beauty blogger”, “your English sucks”, “your makeup skills is really bad”….etc anything you can think of really.  But what I suggest is that as bloggers/ youtubers, we should all be psychologically prepared!  Of course, when you first see it, you would be really upset, but remember that your passion is to share and the thing that you are sharing.  Whether you are pretty or not, it doesn’t really matter (it would be nice to be pretty, ,if you are not, no worries).  Those negative people don’t understand/ appreciate how hard you work, so you really don’t need to be pissed about their meaningless words.  If you cannot see through the negative comments and close down your blog/ youtube channel, then are you saying that your passion doesn’t worth more than the negative words?  How big is your passion when you can shut it down the minute when you see the road is rough?  I have been blogging for over 3 years and I have been getting quite a few negative comments here and there, however, they don’t affect me (not anymore) because I understand I cannot please the world and I am not intending to!  Be sure to regulate your emotions when this happens!!)

Q3. 你寫blog既inspiration係邊度黎?
A3.  無一定, 有時坐坐下會有野想寫。 有時係睇人地既blog/ youtube覺得某樣野好得意, 自己又想整/寫。 有時係身邊發生既野! 我覺得唔一定要逼自己有d好勁既inspiration, 隨心就得喇。 個blog係自己己, 想分享咩就分享咩, 唔需要有太多限制!

(English:  Q3. Where do you get your blogging inspiration?
A3. There is no just one single place for me to get my inspiration.  Sometimes I get inspiration when I am sitting there doing nothing/ something; sometimes I get it when reading other blogs/ youtube; sometimes it’s the things that happen around me which gives me inspiration, so really – hard to say!  I feel that we don’t have to force ourselves to have the ultimate inspirations, just follow your heart would be good enough!  The blog belongs to you and you can share just about everything that you find interesting!  No need to have rules!!)

Q4. 你覺得開始一個blog最大既投資係咩?
A4. 時間! 有人話你要個layout好靚, 要相機好靚…我覺得反而個d野係外在投資。 當然你有資金去搞靚個layout, 買靚相機係一件好事, 但係我覺得你要最願意投資你既時間先。 無時間, 就唔會有blog post呀!

(English: Q4. What is the biggest investing when it comes to blogging?
A4. Time!!  Some say you need to have a fab layout, some say you need to have a really good camera…I feel those are outside factors.  Of course, if you have the budget to invest in the layout or the camera, that would be really nice.  However, I think the fundamental is time, because if you are not willing to invest your time, there would be no blog post!)

Q5. 你一個星期投資幾多時間寫blog拍片?
A5. 無一定! 要睇blog post個長短, 洗唔洗影好多相等等, 或者個期想出d咩video…我可以話一般我一星期會出三至四篇文章, 有時一個week會出一個YouTube video。因為我又寫中文又寫英文同埋要影相整相, 所以一篇普通review大概要寫兩三個鐘(最少), 有d比較豐富既可能寫一日。 所以commitment同passion真係好緊要。 有時我為咗要達到我一個星期三至四篇文章呢個target, 我真係weekend都係度寫係度拍, 無去玩架! 所以我覺得commitment同passion都好緊要!!

(English: Q5. How much time do you invest on blogging/ video shooting per week?
A5. There is no definite answer to this.  It really depends on the length of the blog posts, whether there are many photos to be taken and edited, what kind of video I want to release that week…etc.  All I can tell you is that I usually release 3-4 blog posts a week, sometimes there would be 1 video per week as well.  Since I am writing in both Chinese and English, and I am doing my own photo shooting and editing, a regular review piece would take me around 2-3 hours (minimum).  Sometimes if the blog post contains some rich information, then it might take me a day.  So, commitment and passion are very important!!  Sometimes, in order to achieve my goal of having 3-4 blog posts a week, I would stay home and sacrifice going out!!! So, now you know that commitment and passion are very crucial!!)

哈!! 今日講住咁多先丫!! 如果你地有咩想知得深入d, 可以問我!  今日呢個post比較focus係blogger既內心調整多d, 如果你地有興趣自己開始寫blog, 希望你地都做好以上既心理準備丫!! 咁樣, 你應該可以保持好心情去同你既讀者分享!! Happy blogging!!!

(English: *Laughs*  Let me stop here today!  If you want to know anything on a deeper level, you are welcome to ask me!  This blog post is more about the mindset of a blogger.  If you are looking to start your own blog, please get yourself psychologically prepared.  This way, I am sure you can maintain a healthy mind and emotional state to share with your readers!  Happy blogging!!)

(photo from http://www.canstockphoto.com)

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