[保養] 溫和緊緻面膜

都係之前video講過,但係又未寫blog。 我諗我真係要研究下點樣先可以安排到兩邊個時差唔好咁耐! 但係大家都知,我個人好隨心,想寫先寫,想做先做,所以多謝大家忍耐我咁飄忽!! 哈哈!!! 不過我又成日諗,如果video已經講過,咁其實係咪都要寫blog呢? 我怕大家睇到又覺得好似好重覆咁(我個人真係多野諗),大家都可以俾d意見我丫~~~ 唔講咁多題外話先,等我記錄埋我對呢個面膜既感覺!

(English:  Yep, I talked about this in one of the previous video as well, but I haven’t talked about it here just yet!  I think I really need to investigate how to sync the two sides better so that it won’t reflect a large time gap!  With that being said, as you all know, I mostly follow my heart when it comes to videoing and blogging, so I have been quite unpredictable (even I can’t predict myself sometimes) in what content I choose to write about or shoot for the day.  I thank you for putting up with me for so long *grins*!!  That’s one question that bugs me though, since I talk about some of the products on my YouTube channel, if I write about those products again on my blog, do you feel that it’s quite repetitive (yea, I do think about these things)?  Please share your thoughts with me ~~  Well so much for my mumbling for now, let me share with you my views on this particular face mask!)

Seaflora Iridaea Light Facial Masque

價錢(Price):HK$400/ 60ml


Buy from: http://www.foliabeauty.com.hk/

Product Information:






    取一圓硬幣大小的量於掌心,用手指將面膜輕輕塗滿全臉。 停留5-10分鐘。
    用溫熱的濕毛巾輕輕擦拭清潔面部。 若想去除臉上多餘的油份,請等10-15分鐘待面膜乾燥后,再用溫熱的濕毛巾輕輕擦拭清潔。

(English:  “A gentle clay based masque that leaves skin firm, calm and nourished. Redness and irritation is reduced and skin is left vibrant.

Recommended for all skin types especially, dry/sensitive.

Key Active Ingredients

    Certified Organic Iridaea to firm, tone and boost skin with antioxidants.
    Certified Organic Aloe Vera leaf juice to calm irritation and hydrate skin.
    Rosehip oil to assist in cellular regeneration.
    Blueberry extract to further provide skin with antioxidants.


    Apply a quarter-size amount into palm of hands, use finger tips to apply over entire face. Leave on for 5-10 minutes.
    Remove with warm towel.  For oil absorbing results allow masque to dry on skin, for 10-15 minutes and remove with warm towel.”


使用次數(No. of Usage):7 times

用後感: 呢隻保濕面膜同我地平時見到既保濕面膜唔一樣,呢隻個樣似泥,同埋佢係會乾透。 我自己敷個陣就好少等到佢乾透先去過水,我通常都係坐10分鐘就去過水! 佢隻味同佢既其他產品一樣都係好raw,同埋會見到入面有一粒粒海藻,如果你愛天然野既話,你應該會幾鍾意! 我覺得佢個保濕效果係唔錯,但係我覺得保濕唔係佢最強既地方,反而我覺得佢緊緻做得好好。 敷完之後塊面個shape出翻哂黎! 所以我之前將佢放咗落去急救video個度,因為我自己都係急救用。 例如有特別日子,或者個樣好殘好鬆,咁我就會用喇。 同埋敷完佢之後皮膚摸落都好滑同柔軟,感覺都真係好唔錯!! 哈哈!!! 如果你想搵隻面膜係可以幫你皮膚回復緊緻既話,我會推呢個mask俾你~

(English:  Product Review: This hydrating mask is different than the ones we have seen in the market, this is more of a clay texture and it will dry out.  I don’t wait till the mask becomes totally dry before rinsing out.  I usually apply the mask and wait for 10 mins, then I will go and rinse my face!  The scent of this mask is the same as other Seaflora products (smells raw!!) and you can see the tiny bits of seaweed inside the mask.  If you are a fan of organic/ natural stuff, you will like what you see!  I feel that the hydrating side of it is nice but I don’t think it’s their strongest trait.  Personally, I find that its tightening function gives more prominent results.  After applying the mask, I see that my face is more tightened than before!  That’s why I have put this into the “after- party emergency video”!!  I use this as an emergency mask, especially before the big days, or when my face looks basically like dead!  Also I feel that after using the mask, skin has become smooth and soft to touch, quite nice!!  If you are looking for something to firm your face, I surely would recommend this to you~~)




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