
我的美麗日記既面膜我諗大家都用得多 (我由佢未黎香港已經用喇), 今次佢地出埋潔面護膚系列 – 甜蜜午茶篇.  雖然出既產品唔算好多, 但係勝左夠basic, 係d大家都會日日用既產品.  而我當然第一時間碌左去萬寧8下, 睇左一陣, 我對呢兩樣產品特別有興趣:

(English:  I am sure many of us have tried My Beauty Diary Facial Masks (I started using them when they didn’t start penetrate into HK), this time, they have released some new products – finally some cleansing type items and the series is called “Sweet Afternoon Tea”.  Even though they haven’t released a whole bunch of products, they are very basic in nature and we need these products everyday.  Of course, being a skincare freak, I went to Mannings at once to check out some of their items and I was very interesting in these particular two items:)

水蜜桃蘇打水眼唇卸妝 + 蘆薈胺基酸潔顏乳
My Beauty Diary Peach Soda Eye & Lip Makeup Remover + Aloe Amino Acid Cleanser

價錢 (Price)
– 水蜜桃蘇打水眼唇卸妝 (Makeup Remover): HK$69/ 130ml
– 蘆薈胺基酸潔顏乳 (Cleanser): HK$69/ 90ml

卸妝野我就未開, 因為我想用埋我而家用緊既野先試, 我一試完會再同大家share.  而洗面我就開左喇, 仲用左幾日添.

(English:  I haven’t really opened up the makeup remover yet, as I wish to finish what I have been using now first.  Anyway, I will share my comments once I start my trial.  For the cleanser, I opened it up almost immediately and gave it a go:)

Product Information:

It contains ice cream like texture and it generates rich foam, which effectively removes dirt on face and retains moisture in the skin at the same time.

適合: 中性及乾性肌膚

Suitable for: Normal to dry skin types)


一打開就見到係綠色, 感覺好蘆薈同埋好清新.  仲有隻小spatula係入面, 等你可以用佢黎了d cleanser, 比用手衛生好多.  個design唔錯.

(English:  When I first opened up the jar, I saw the green color and thought that it matches its aloe vera name really well.  Also, it smells really nice and fresh!  There is a little spatula inside the jar for scooping out the cleanser for usage, it’s much more hygienic than using fingers.  I think the design is quite thoughtful and nice!)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): around 1 week (7 times)

用後感:  打開個下見到個texture覺得佢好似雪糕 (唔怪得叫甜蜜午茶篇啦!).  再聞下, 佢係有陣清新既氣味.  加少少水就起到好豐富既泡泡, 按摩個陣聞到佢既氣味, 感覺都幾relaxing.  過完水之後, 感覺好乾淨但係又唔會覺得好乾, 都幾suitable for呢d咁潮濕悶熱既天氣用.  當然啦, 我都係recommend洗完面之後跟手搽翻d skincare, 唔係既話皮膚會開始覺得乾呀.  So far, 我覺得隻cleanser比我既感覺唔錯, 價錢又唔係貴, 氣味, texture都好適合而家既天氣用.  玩得過20070218185356.gif!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  When I first saw the texture, I thought it looked very much like ice cream (no wonder it’s called “Sweet Afternoon Tea” series!).  Then, I tried sniffing it and found out that its scent is very fresh and clean.  It generates rich foam with just a little bit of water.  And the amazing part is when I massage it on my face, I could smell the scent and it’s very relaxing.  After I rinse it off, I feel my face is clean but not dry.  It’s quite suitable for this kind of humid and boring weather.  Of course, I still recommend using your skincare products after cleansing your face, otherwise skin will start to dry out.  So far, I quite like this cleanser, it has a friendly price tag and I find the scent and the texture suitable for summer time.  Worth a try 20070218185356.gif!!)

好啦, 今日講住咁多先, 用左個makeup remover又再同大家分享呢個brand既野啦.

(English:  I will stop here today.  Let me try that makeup remover later and share my comments on one more item from this series.)

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