[化妝] 平價防曬打底乳液

我覺得我近期分享比較多貴價既產品,所以我早兩個星期去咗Sasa同Watsons買咗一d開架品牌既產品,諗住試完又可以同大家分享一下。 如果你有睇我Facebook都知我敗咗d咩產品,今次敗既主要係幾個我大愛既開架品牌,有Media,Canmake同埋Kate。 我今次無出敗家文喇,因為我太心急,想試完直接同大家分享下。  無論你係咪學生哥,我相信女人唔會抗拒平靚正既產品。 今日等我講下呢枝超掂防曬打底乳液 丫!

(English:  I feel like I have been talking about more expensive products lately, so I deliberately went to Sasa and Watsons to get some drugstore products, hoping to share my comments on some of the more reasonably-priced choices.  If you have been following me on my Facebook, you would have an idea of what I have got.  I mainly got some products from a few beloved drugstore brands (personal favourites) like Media, Canmake and Kate.  I haven’t written a haul post or done a haul video about these because I just wanted to dive into the products and give you my thoughts.  No matter if you are a student or a housewife or even a professional, I don’t think any woman can resist quality stuff with a super friendly price eh?  Let’s see what I have got to say today!!)

Kanebo Media Sun Protect Makeup Base (Milk) A 

SPF50+ PA+++



價錢(Price):HK$60/ 30ml (@Sasa)

Product Information:


(English:  It hydrates skin and prevents skin from UV ray damage.  It helps avoid dark spots and it can be used as a makeup base.  It also helps your makeup to last longer.)


Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感: Media呢隻防曬乳液最好既地方係可以用佢做防曬之餘,亦都可以用佢做妝前打底(即係base)。 用一枝就搞掂兩個functin,唔洗搽好多樣野上面,夏天真係啱哂啦! 佢個質感好討好。 唧出黎係奶狀,所以好易就推得好開,同埋好易吸收,一d都唔會覺得好厚!! 正!! 同埋吸完個感覺係保濕得黎都算爽身,但係就唔係乾身變左粉狀! 我自己覺得啱啱好,唔會過笠又唔會過乾!! 掂!! 同埋最正點係佢有50度防曬得黎又唔會有泛白情況,即係話如果唔化妝既日子就咁用佢做防曬都得,唔會變左日本藝妓。 如果用佢打底之後再用foundation,亦都唔會tune到我個foundation淺咗色!! 正丫!!! 最重要係50度都唔笠呀!!! 勁!!!  因為佢個texture好正,所以我呢期日日都用佢做base,皮膚又唔覺得負責大左!! 哈哈!! 超滿意!! 我自己本身都好愛用Biore既防曬(佢未黎香港我都用啦), 不過有好多人未必鍾意佢個dry finish。 如果你嫌Biore個隻太乾,你可以去試下Media呢隻,我覺得你會鍾意!! 當然喇,呢枝產品個主要功效係高防曬同打底,所以佢無其他base個d遮毛孔,改善膚色既功效架,如果你要一枝base去改善呢d問題既話,呢枝Media既base唔啱你喇。  但係如果你好似我咁要求簡單,只係想要一枝base有埋高防曬既功能,朝早唔洗左搽右搽野呢,我超推呢枝你試!! 仲要見到個價錢個陣真係笑咗出黎, 我自己就叫呢做平靚正喇!!推推推!!!

(English:  Product Review: The best thing about this Media base is that it can be used as sunscreen as well as makeup base.  I only need this product for the two functions and I could skip a few things, which is brilliant for summer time.  I really love its texture because it’s in a milk format and it’s super easy to blend and easy to absorb.  Skin won’t feel heavy after application, so it’s a thumbs-up!!  Plus the finish is quite hydrating but not drying (not like dry to powder).  I feel that the texture is just right, not too rich and not too dry!  Nice!!  Another great thing about this base is that it doesn’t give you a white finish on skin, which means that for those no makeup day, I could use this as a sunscreen without looking like a Geisha.  And when I use this as a base and I apply foundation after, it doesn’t tune my foundation into a lighter color.  Wonderful!!  The most amazing thing is that it has 50SPF but it doesn’t create burden to skin at all!!  So now I use this almost everyday as the base for my makeup!!  I am super happy with the product *winks*!!  I personally love Biore sunscreen as well (even before they arrive in HK), however, not everyone likes its dry finish.  If you are one of those people, then you would want to give Media a go and I think you will like it.  Again, the main characteristic of this base is that it offers high sunscreen and it can be used as makeup base, so it doesn’t have any function like “covering pores”, “tuning up skin tones” etc.  If you want those functions, then this is not for you.  But if you are like me, having simple request like “I want a makeup base with high SPF so that I could skip a few products”, then I would highly recommend you check this out!!  Its price tag is super friendly too, all the more reason to love it!!  Highly recommended!!!)

OK! 其實買埋買埋我仲有三枝Media既base未分享,原因係我試黎試去都唔confirm究竟我係鍾意定唔鍾意佢地,等我試多陣再分享!不過上面個枝我一試就好sure我係好愛!! 嘻嘻!!

(English:  OK!  Indeed I still have 3 other Media bases that I haven’t talked about.  The main reason is that I still haven’t made up my mind on whether I like them or not, so I will need a bit more time to figure out.  However, for the above one, I am very certain that I am a fan *grins*!!)



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