
尋日講左Ocean Potion隻蘆薈gel, 今日講埋佢個sunblock先.  佢有 SPF15, SPF30, SPF50 & SPF70揀, 可以睇翻自己既需要去揀翻適合既度數.

(English:  I talked about Ocean Potion 100% Pure Aloe Gel yesterday, today I am going to talk about its sunblock.  The board spectrum series offers SPF15, SPF30, SPF50 and SPF70 to choose from, you can choose one according to your specific needs.)

 Ocean Potion Board Spectrum Sunblock SPF30 Anti-aging

價錢 (Price): HK$74.5/ 89ml

Product Information:

“1. 適合各種肌膚使用
2. 清新橙香,不油不膩
3. 高效防水及防汗
4. 絕不含防腐劑Paraben
5. 蘊含Seaplant萃取精華及維他命A、C、E、D, 有效防止肌膚細胞受損”

(English:  Specially formulated for fair skin, Ocean Potion® Broad Spectrum, Anti-Aging Lotion SPF 30 provides higher sun protection against UVA I, II and UVB sunrays.  This clean, dry formula glides on easily for quick absorption, while enlisting Seaplant extracts and Anti-Oxidant Vitamins A, C, and E that aid in the reduction of cell damaging free radicals for younger looking skin.  Solaplex enhances the stability of Parsol® 1789 (Avobenzone) which makes Ocean Potion sunscreens more reliable and longer lasting.)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 3 times

用後感: 我通常都係去做一d戶外活動/玩水先至會用呢枝產品.  初初”枝”出黎見到個texture覺得佢會好厚, 但係搽落皮膚個度就好易吸收.  隔一陣就吸sa入皮膚度, 一d lup既感覺都無, 皮膚摸落仲好滑 – 正!  同埋佢防汗防水, 唔怕自己出汗又要補搽.  我用左佢幾次, 次次翻黎都無咩黑左, 同埋皮膚都無覺得好乾 (游水另計, 因為泳池d chlorine會令皮膚乾).  通常去曬完會覺得皮膚特別乾, 但係搽左呢隻野就無左呢個問題, 咁證明左佢既滋潤function都唔錯.  幾好幾好.  So far, 我對呢個產品既評價都唔錯, 我諗如果遲d陽光再猛烈d既時候, 真係唔洗等做戶外活動先搽, 直頭連出去行街都要搽 (諗起就熱), 好好保護皮膚唔好曬傷.

(English:  After-use Comment:  I usually use this when I am doing outdoor activities or go swimming. At first when I look at the texture, I thought it would be quite thick.  Well, when I applied it on my skin, it’s really easy to absorb.  After a few secs, it gets totally absorbed into skin, there is no greasiness on the skin surface and the skin feels really soft and smooth to touch – brilliant!  Also, it’s water-/ sweat-resistant, I don’t have to keep worrying about retouching.  I used it for a few times and I didn’t notice any darkening of skin when I got home.  Furthermore, my skin didn’t feel too dry (apart from swimming since chlorine leads to drying of skin).  Usually when you are under the sun for a good while, dyring out of skin is noticable.  However, after I started using this product, my skin hasn’t dried out as much.  That means its moisturizing function is quite effective – good!  So far, I quite like this product, I am thinking when the summer finally hits us, I think I will have to apply this product even when I am out shopping, just to give my skin a good protection from sun damage!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://opotion.com)

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