天氣乾, 敷一敷, 皮膚好心情

天氣話變就變, 除左無啦啦打風個幾日之外, 其他日子我已經感覺到秋天悄悄到訪, 皮膚又開始發出”乾乾地”既警號.  如果而家轉季唔好好照顧, 一到再乾d既天氣, 皮膚一定會抗議!  既然知道, 就由敷mask開始啦.  年頭大購物當中, 我敗左Bioderma水活深層保濕面膜, 敗呢個mask既其中一個原因係好多sis都話好好用, 有d仲話好用過我既大愛Avene Soothing Moisture Mask (回顧按此).  我好奇心推使下就敗左佢黎試試 (好奇心太強唔知係好定唔好).

(English:  Weather is unpredictable!  Apart from the couple days with typhoon hitting us, I feel that Autumn has arrived and my skin keeps giving me the “dryness” warnings.  I know if I don’t take good care of it now, it will surely be on strike when the weather is even drier.  Well, at least I know, so I start with applying more hydrating mask.  In the beginning of the year, I hauled Bioderma Hydrabio Mask.  One of the reasons of getting this was because there were so many rave comments and some sisters even say that it’s better than my beloved Avene Soothing Moisture Mask (refresh memory).  I was curious … I was so curious that I had to get it (not sure if my curiosity is Angel or Evil *laughs*).)

Bioderma Hydrabio Mask 水活深層保濕面膜

價錢 (Price): HK$168/ 75ml (@ Aroma Natural, Beverly Island – Causeway Way)我唔係係counter敗呢枝野, 原因係counter既價錢真係太太太恐怖.  我記得如果係counter買呢枝野要成HK$4xx/ 75ml.  4百幾蚊買枝mask唔係問題, 但係要睇下咩brand同埋有無其他地方會平好多lor (其實我係品牌歧視…唔好打我…哈哈).

(English:  I didn’t get this at the official counter because the price was horrible!  I recalled that this thing costs HK$4xx/ 75ml at counter.  A mask costing HK$4xx is not a problem, but it really depends on the brand name and if there are other places which sell it cheaper (hmmm…actually I think I have discrimination against different brands… don’t blame me…*laughs*)

Product Information:





(English: • A BIODERMA innovation, the patented Aquagenium® biological complex re-trains the skin to generate in depth the hydration essential to its natural balance and to lock it in on its surface.

• Hydrabio Mask provides deep-down, long-lasting moisture during periods of extreme dehydration. The skin thus regains its comfort, softness, suppleness and radiance.

• A galenic innovation, the Hydrabio Mask smooth and wrapping texture leaves a pleasant feeling of softness and protection.

• The Hydrabio Mask formula is hypoallergenic and non-comedogenic.”


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 13 times

用後感:  佢既texture係比較稀身少少既lotion狀, 超級易推得開, 每次亦都唔洗用好多.  佢都建議頭一個星期日日用, 之後就一個星期用一兩次就得喇.  我都有跟呢個方法呢, 嘻嘻!!  我覺得佢保濕效果真係好唔錯, 因為佢無咩味, 所以呢d好容易皮膚敏感既時期用就好放心喇.  每次敷完佢都會覺得皮膚水份好左同埋摸落好滑, 又唔會覺得heavy.  效果都維持到三四日.  有時好乾個陣, 我會連用兩三日, 之後又會覺得皮膚開心翻.  雖然日日用, 但係因為佢個texture好light既關係, 我無試過出粒粒.  正!!  我覺得如果百令蚊就絕對試得過, 但係如果係HK$4xx呢, 咁就真係未必值喇.

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its texture is of a light lotion form, super easy to blend and I don’t have to use much every time.  It suggests to use it daily for the first week and then once/ twice every week.  I did follow this instruction as well – why not?  Its hydrating function is good.  Since it doesn’t contain any scent, I don’t have to worry about it causing me allergies.  Skin is definitely hydrated and smooth after using this every single time.  Because it’s so light, it doesn’t create burden on skin as well.  The best part is its effect lasts for around 3-4 days.  Sometimes, when I feel that my skin is drier than usual, I use it consistently for 2-3 days, after that my skin would be happier!!  Again because its texture is so light, even I use it (sometimes) everyday, I haven’t experienced any break-out – NICE!  Hmmm…taking the price into consideration – if it’s like HK$1xx for this mask, I would definitely recommend you to have a go, however, if it’s HK$4xx, then I probably would give you a not-approving stare!!)

Vs Avene Soothing Moisture Mask: 我覺得Avene比Bioderma潤, 如果你係乾/ 超級乾人, Avene應該適合你一d; 但係如果你係正常皮膚/ 容易多油皮膚既人, 我就覺得Bioderma應該比較適合你, 因為佢個質地好輕身, 可以減少太潤令你出豆豆既情況.

(English:  Vs Avene Soothing Moisture Mask: I think Avene is richer than Bioderma.  If you have dry/ super dry skin, Avene is better for you; if you have normal/ combination/ oily skin types, Bioderma is better for you because it’s light in texture and it minimizes the chance of acne due to too much richness.) 
(the above product information is extracted from http://www.bioderma.com.hk & http://www.bioderma.com)

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