[美髮] 用一枝髮叉三十秒做出髮髻

之前我講過話我好鍾意Alexandre de Paris枝髮叉, 我仲話要另外寫一篇文章同大家分享下佢有多麼的好用既!!唔記得邊枝? 再望一望個樣先:

(English: I have been really obsessed with one of the hair pins from Alexandre
de Paris and I love it so much that I have to do a dedicated post today telling
you all how convenient it is to use!! 
Not sure which one I am talking about? 
Let’s refresh the memory with some pics:)


Alexandre de Paris Hair Pin


我今日想同大家分享三十秒用呢枝髮叉做出一個髮髻來! 係呀, 用一枝叉, 唔洗用超多夾夾, 睇片丫:

(English:  I want to share with you
today, how to create a nice looking hair bun in 30 secs!!  Yea just using this hair pin and nothing else
(oh with my hair of course), let’s look at the video:)

係咪超爆簡單? 又靚又整齊! 自己可以隨喜好調下髮髻既高低! 如果你係朝早洗頭, 返到公司頭髮都8成乾喇, 你可以用呢個叉學條片咁整個髮髻, 放工去威個陣放翻d頭髮落黎, 就有一頭好似set咗頭既wavy hair!! 哈哈!! 係咪懶人超啱?  同埋佢真係夾得好實, 唔會行行下甩, 亦都唔會好似bobby pins咁扯到頭髮有d痛, 佢真係超級舒服!! 掂掂掂!!! 如果你同我一樣, 唔鍾意set頭, 但係想久唔時有wavy
hair同埋你本身都成日紮髻(係屋企係公司), 我真係超級推薦你買呢枝叉!!
你會愛上佢!  雖然佢貴婦價錢啦, 不過我就成日用, 所以好快回本! 嘻嘻~~~ 希望你鍾意今日既分享啦!!

(English:  Super simple right?  Hair is nice and tidy now!!  You can also adjust the height of your bun as
well.  Oh, if you wash your hair in the
morning, when you arrive at work, your hair should be around 80% dry, you can
then use this hair pin to create a bun, then you carry on with your work.  When it’s about time to leave work and have a
night out, remove the hair pin and let your hair down.  Guess what, you will have amazing wavy
hair!!  Furthermore, it holds the hair
really well and is really comfortable (unlike bobby pins that they grab your
hair too much and hurt your scalp). 
Brilliant creation!!!!  If you
love to have wavy hair from time to time and hate curling hair on your own/ you
love your hair in buns (at work or at home), I really recommend this to
you!!!  You will definitely fall in love
with it!!!  Even though its price is
luxurious, I use it most of the time and I feel that I am getting a lot of use
out of this, so it’s worth my money for sure!!! *Grins*  Hope you like my sharing today!!!)

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