愛上Benefit Wax眉

好耐都唔得閑去整下條眉, 前幾日趁有d時間, 就去左Benefit度整下條眉. 我之前係Benefit買過野, 入左VIP, 送左一張wax眉既coupon比我.  我未試過wax, 所以都幾興奮下.  唔知會唔會痛過 “mung”眉呢20070217221113.gif?

(English:  It’s been a long while since I went and got my eyebrows done.  I had a bit of time a few days ago and went to Benefit’s.  I hauled some stuff at Benefit’s  before and joined their VIP which gives you an eyebrow waxing for free.  I hadn’t tried waxing my eyebrows and thought it would be quite an interesting experience.  Not sure if it would hurt more than pluking the eyebrows20070217221113.gif?)

我個日無帶相機呀 (人地唔知我寫blog, 我怕我無啦啦好興奮咁影相會嚇親人地麻).  我淨係用左iPhone影左我無修葺既眉 (請大家見諒張相唔係好靚):

(English:  I didn’t bring a camera with me that day (they have no idea I am a blogger, I am afraid I would give someone a heart attack if I start shooting photos happily!).  So I used my iPhone to take the following pictures – well…my eyebrow looked so “original”!!)

好raw呀!!  你見我條眉就想像到我呢期做野做到死死下.  
(English:  It does give a raw feeling, doesn’t it?  Now you can imagine how busy I am these days!)
去到個眉師就幫我落左少少近眉位既眼妝.  之後佢就幫我搽少少wax (熱熱地) 係雜毛既地方. 然後就好快手幫我滅左張wax紙.  我感覺到佢少少咁整, 一邊都整左4-5次 (我無聊仲諗唔知會唔會整整下半條眉無左呢20070217222148.gif?).  整完一邊就整第二邊喇, 都好快手.  整好左兩邊, 佢再幫我望下, 同埋 “mung”左兩三條比較唔整齊既眉毛.
(English:  First, the eyebrow stylist removed some of my eye makeup which was close to my eyebrow areas.  Then he started applied some hot wax to the needed areas and peel off the wax paper quickly.  I could feel that he kept doing that for 4-5 times on 1 side (and I was thinking what if half of my eyebrow was gone20070217222148.gif?)  Once he finished one side, he moved onto the other side.  When both eyebrows are done, he took a closer look and pluked away 3-4 eyebrows which were quite wild.)
(English:  Now, done!)

好整齊又好乾淨.  好滿意.
(English:  Looks very tidy and clean!  Very happy with it!!)
如果你問我”mung”眉痛d定係wax眉痛d,其實兩樣都痛.  不過”mung”眉就係一點一點咁痛, wax眉就係一個範圍咁痛.  我覺得wax眉係好痛快個隻痛, 而”mung”眉就係比人慢慢折磨個隻痛.  我個人就鍾意痛痛快快喇.  同埋時間想我都覺得wax眉快d, 對我呢d無耐性既人黎講真係好good!
(English:  Now comes the question: which hurts more – pluking eyebrows or waxing eyebrows?  I feel that pluking eyebrows is like pinching a needle into your skin, it hurts like spot by spot.  For waxing, it’s more like the whole patch is painful, but the pain won’t last for too long.  To best describe, the pain from waxing is like someone slaps on your face,  but for the pain from pluking, it’s like someone tortures you slowly.  Well, I personally would prefer waxing to pluking!  And for waxing, it’s quicker – suitable for impatient people like me!)
不過我覺得今次經驗有樣野美中不足既係, 我整完之後, 眉位都比較紅, 但係個眉師無同我補少少妝, 所以我係紅住條眉走ga (我行左幾步就自己補翻d粉).  我諗可能我係用coupon既關係佢先係咁gwa!  因為我打去book既時候, 個女仔係話會幫個客人補翻少少妝.  Anyway, 除左呢樣之外, 我覺得成個experience都好唔錯.  我會諗下join唔join佢地個package.
(English:  Hmmm…there is something not so perfect about this experience though.  You could imagine I had “red” eyebrow when it was done, however, the stylist didn’t retouch my makeup!  I literally walked out with two red patches (hmmm haha I retouched my makeup when I was a few steps away!).  I think it might be because I was using a coupon since when I called the counter to make the booking, the lady said the stylist would retouch the makeup for the client when it’s done.  Well…anyway…not too much of a deal, just that if the retouching makeup part were included, it could have been a real perfect experience!  *Laughs*…I am now considering if I would join their package.)
(English:  Let me write out the package details in case you are interested:)
– 1次: HK$150
– 買5次送1次, 即係HK$750有6次 (i.e. 125@)
– 買10字送3次, 即係HK$1500有13次 (i.e. 115@)
(English:  Brow arch waxing:
– HK$150 for 1 time
– Buy 5 Times & Get 1 Time Free (that means HK$750 for 6 times and it’s HK$125@)
– Buy 10 Times & Get 3 Times Free (that means HK$1500 for 13 time and it’s 115@)
另外佢有wax眉 + wax upper lips既service, 1次要HK$200!
(English:  Oh, they have a service for waxing brow arch and upper lips, the price is HK$200@.)
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