A Very Different 2020

A Very Different 2020

– Merry Christmas –

First off, Merry Christmas everyone! Surprise, surprise! I don’t usually write anything around Christmas and New Year time on my blog, because usually I got really wiped out after Vlogmas on YouTube and I usually recap my year over on YouTube. But hey, since this year is very different than all previous years, so I thought, “why not do something different?” It’s not very usual for me to be able to sit still on the 25th in front of my computer and wanting to write *laughs*.

– A Very Different 2020 –

I think we can all agree by now we have a pretty shitty 2020. Covid caught us by surprise and it surely has been lasting what seems like eternity. This year, whenever I look at people, I see that uncertainty and worry beyond the smiles, I see that air of frustration surrounding the body, I also see that life has been sucked out from some. Mentally, it’s tiring. Physically, it’s draining.

It’s a year of “no plan” can be formulated due to the ever-changing circumstances, it’s also a year of what feels like, “there is no tomorrow”, because we just don’t know what the next day would bring. Many have said to me that they feel like 2020 has been such a “blank out” year because we all feel like we have done nothing and we have achieved nothing. And me personally, I keep saying to people that it’s a “stop/start” year for me, one minute everything comes to a stop, and then after awhile, we can press start and go again. Then, not far down the road, we will have to press stop again. The loop goes on and on.

“Normally”, by the end of each year, we pat ourselves on the back, count our achievements, set goals for next year and be hopeful of what goodness will come next. Well, I am going to skip all that, because honestly, apart from the word “SURVIVED“, nothing else seems to come into mind. If you are reading now, and you are feeling a bit deflated because a year has passed and you can’t seem to find the goodness in all these. Guess what, baby, you SURVIVED!!! And, that’s the biggest achievement of all, if I say so myself! Now we should all congratulate ourselves surviving 2020, surviving the depressing atmosphere, and surviving whatever else life throws at us apart from the crazy virus! We SURVIVED and sometimes it’s all that matters.

– 2021 –

As for 2021, I sat down yesterday and set some goals for myself, for a moment, I couldn’t get out of the mockery — “what’s the point in planning, when I just simply don’t know?” True to a point but instead of throwing in the towel and say, “no, I am not going to write any and disappoint myself further”, I did write some goals. Those things that I could achieve if I work hard for them; those things that are less dependant on other people and the general circumstance; those things that are challenging but even a further lockdown wouldn’t make any impact on the rate of success if I am willing to put the effort in.

I guess this is my rebellious way to say, “I am not giving up! And I am NOT letting you defeat me!” One thing I believe in is that, yes life does throw shit at all of us from time to time, sometimes more horrendous than others; but if we keep standing up, showing up, and facing the challenges head on, things will get better. Maybe not immediately, but it will eventually. Our lives are still limited by the existence of Covid, but I am hopeful that we can all still find a way to achieve some of the things we want to achieve despite the limitation.

– Happy New Year –

I probably won’t jump on here until next year, so I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all a Happy New Year too. Don’t stop because you feel life is not on your side, keep moving! It doesn’t matter if your pace is fast or slow, the point is keep moving into the right direction, eventually you will get there. I am usually running 1000 miles an hour work-wise, but this year I have been asked (by Covid) to slow down a lot. I was frustrated but I wasn’t stopping. That’s the spirit, babies!! Let us all keep moving steadily to the places we all want to be! Stay safe, be hopeful and keep moving! Happy New Year and May All Your Wishes Come True in 2021!!

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