[保養] 春夏都不忘保濕保濕

係,春夏話咁快又到!  除咗衫要換季之外,護膚品都要! 不過我好希望大家係換季當中要有個平衡,千萬唔好淨係掛住美白而唔記得保濕,如果唔係你會有更多皮膚問題! 一定要美白之餘都要keep住保濕!! 保濕面膜我真係有好多同用好多(係,係,係,我係mask怪),今日想分享一下呢個面膜! 我覺得佢個效果texture都拍得住Eve Lom既Moisture Mask(呢個我遲少少再同大家分享),但係價錢就抵玩好多啦!

(English:  Yes, Spring and Summer have arrived!!  Apart from changing your wardrobe, skincare products need to be freshen up a bit as well!  I do hope that you strike a balance when changing your skincare, please DON’T switch everything to whitening and forget about hydrating, because I can guarantee you, you will end up with more skin problems!!  So please strike a balance between hydrating products and whitening products!  As you know, I have tons of hydrating masks and I have used so many (oh yea, I always call myself a mask freak).  Today I want to share my thoughts on this particular hydration mask, I feel that its results and texture is quite comparable to the Eve Lom Moisture Mask (I will share my thoughts on this later), but the price is just a whole lot friendlier than the Eve Lom one!)


Wellmaxx Hyaluron Perfect Hydration Mask

價錢(Price):HK$399/ 150ml

Buy from 黑咪小店/ email hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

Made in Germany

Product Information:

“This multi-functional face, neck and decollete mask helps to retain the skin’s elasticity and reduce lines and wrinkles.  It is invigorating, moisturizes intensively, prevents skin from drying out and almost immediately gives skin a more even, smoother and firmer look.  Apply a generous amount to thoroughly cleansed skin and allow it to take effect for 15 to 20 mins.  Remove any remains with water and then with skin toner.)



Before Blending



After Wash-off

 使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times


用後感:佢係厚身gel狀,用既時候就厚厚地搽上面,坐15至20分鐘之後就過水! 但係我覺得唔好過水,最好用濕既面巾抹,咁會易抹走好多,同埋可以一次過抹走d死皮! 如果你有用Eve Lom,Emma Hardie,個d面巾就啱,如果無,你都可以用毛巾! 抹完效果超好! 要提一提,如果你皮膚好乾既話,你用呢個mask有機會會有少少吉吉地,原因係你唔夠水,一用強烈保濕都會有呢個情況,唔紅唔痕就唔洗理佢,一陣就會無事(同埋第二次用就唔會有咁既清況)! 佢俾我既感覺同Eve Lom Moisture Mask個texture似得黎連效果都差唔多。 敷完之後會見到明顯係好白淨,同埋毛孔會變得好細,塊面個texture都會變得好細緻! 有叮一聲個效果! 摸落塊面覺得好保濕之餘又非常有彈性! 效果真係好掂!! 一個星期用兩次,唔洗用得太多。 每次效果都可以last幾日。 好多時買tube mask都要幾百蚊得個50ml,呢個唔洗四百蚊有150ml,好抵用,亦都可以豪用唔會點肉痛! 再者,佢保濕效果好好, 唔同膚質都適合用,如果你好怕cream狀既mask會過heavy,呢個texture就啱哂喇!!

(English:  Product Review: It’s a thick gel texture, just use a thick layer on face and sit for 15-20 mins, then rinse with water!  However, I feel the most effective way is not rinse with water, it’s to use a wet towel to wipe your face, then you can wipe off the dead skin on the surface as well!  If you have the cloth that comes with Eve Lom or Emma Hardie, those are perfect!  If not, then you can just use a face towel!  The results are amazing after wiping your face with a cloth!  A reminder as well, if your skin is super dry, you might have tingling feeling for the first time usage, because your skin is reacting to the hydrating ingredients, if your skin doesn’t feel itchy or red, you just leave it and you won’t feel the tingling feeling after a little while (and you certainly won’t feel it the second time around).  I feel that this mask is very similar to the Eve Lom one, not only on the texture but on the results as well!  After usage, skin is obviously brightened and pores become less visible, the skin texture would become fine and smooth.  Truly amazing!  When you touch your skin, skin not only feel hydrated, but it also feels bouncy!!  I just love how it turns out!!!  I recommend using this twice a week because the results do last for a few days!!  Well, most tube masks are quite pricey now, you pay like HK$4xx for only 50ml!  This one costs less than HK$400 but you are getting 150ml, very friendly eh?  Plus its hydrating function is really good and it’s suitable for most skin types!  If you are worried that cream mask would be too heavy for you, this one is just right!!)



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