[保養] Base Formula的綠泥

上年夏天8月份左右分享過一個video係夏日保養抗痘收毛孔清潔保濕產品, 當中有提到Base Formula既綠泥可以做深層清潔面膜! 未睇/miss咗/唔記得,大家都可以再按下面既video望下:

(English:  Last Summer around August, I had done a video recommending products to minimize pores, fight acne and deep cleanse your skin, in there, Base Formula Ultra Fine Green Clay did make an entry!  If you haven’t watched it/ miss it or want to refresh your memory, please feel free to check out the following video:)


(English:  For the things that I have talked about in the video, I am not going to repeat myself today, instead, let’s do a deep dive on this green clay:)


Base Formula Ultra Fine French Green Clay

價錢(Price):HK$45.5/ 50g

Buy from: www.baseformula.hk

而家仲見佢有優惠:Clay Facial Masque Kit 8折
個set入面有500ml Aloe Vera & Seaweed Gel, Ultra Fine French Green Clay (50g) 同一枝200ml既Hydrolat,你可以揀要咩味,有d味貴d有d味平d。你去呢條link就望見喇: LINK(Checkout個陣就會有8折俾你)

(English:  Now they have a flash sale: 20% off Clay Facial Masque Kit
The kit comes with 500ml Aloe Vera & Seaweed Gel, Ultra Fine French Green Clay (50g) and a Hydrolat – you can choose your favourite flavour, some are with higher price and some are with lower price.  Check out this link and you will see the combination: LINK (when you go through the Checkout, the 20% off discount will be given to you)


其實French Green Clay用黎用咩? 就係用黎深層清潔皮膚,帶走毒素,同淨化皮膚! 所以如果你係問題皮膚,例如有暗瘡,咁你就啱用。 你可以日日用係有暗瘡既位置,等可以快d同佢地Bye Bye!而無問題既皮膚都可以用,一個星期用一至兩次做深層清潔,咁就可以確保皮膚係健健康康,之後仲可以做個保濕面膜等皮膚好好吸收水份添!

(English:  Actually what’s the function of the French Green Clay?  It’s used for deep cleansing, removing the toxins and purifying your skin!  Therefore, if you have problems on your skin, say acne; it’s suitable for you!  You can use it on your acne area and soon you will be able to say Bye Bye to your pimple!  Of course, if you don’t have issues with your skin, you can use this as a deep cleansing mask 1-2 times a week and this would ensure your skin is clean and healthy, you can definitely follow with a hydrating mask right after this deep cleansing mask so that skin can absorb the moisture better!)

French Green Clay加水或者加Hydrolat都用得,或者你想要d唔同效果,我都試過加唔同既野,哈哈!! 可以加落yoghurt到令到佢清潔力加強啦,又或者加佢落脫脂奶入面令美白效果加強。 雖然好似有少少麻煩要溝黎溝去,但係我就覺得變化都幾多,都唔算好麻煩,同埋可以因應皮膚去溝d出唔同效果既mask! 都好玩!! So far用左咁耐,我覺得佢既深層清潔力好好,價錢又咁平,變化又多,大家可以趁佢而家有promotion試下:LINK

(English:  There are different methods to use French Green Clay, the most common one is to add water or hydrolat.  Or if you want something different, listen me out, I have tried mixing it into different things!!  Say mix it with yoghurt to increase its cleansing power, or mix it into skimmed milk to enhance the whitening/ brightening function!!  It might seem like a chao having to mix with different things, but I feel that it’s more targeted and it’s quite fun!  You can always depend on your skin conditions to mix with different things and create your own mask!  Nice!!  So far I have been using this for quite awhile and I like its cleansing power, plus the price is so friendly, I have no reason not to recommend to you!  Yea you should try this out while the promotion lasts: LINK!)



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