E.L.F. Brushes – Essentials? Studio? Mineral?

我諗你地都記得我之前敗落好多E.L.F.既野啦.  我成日都想share下我對佢地既comments, 但係次次都會有第二d野想講先. 卒之整到而家我真係要”的”起心肝開始review下佢地先, 唔係我年尾又敗個陣 (等佢有多d新野先), 真係連講左同未講都分唔清.

(English:  I guess all you could recall that I did some major haul on E.L.F. stuff before.  I have been wanting to share my comments on their products, but everytime something else jumps the line.  Well, I guess I really need to get serious in reviewing their stuff now, otherwise, when I haul more stuff at the end of the year, I am afraid I won’t remember which ones need to be reviewed!)

今次講下佢地d掃.  佢地d掃分開三條line, 分別係Essentials, Studio同埋Mineral.  當然我無敗sa三條line既full set啦 (我癲, 但係又未去到個種境界), 我分別擁有三條line既某一d掃.  所以我唔可以逐枝比較, 但係我用左佢地都好一段時間, 亦都發現佢地有d特質, 就等我係度同你地分享, 等你地如果自己叫friend係美國買/ 團購咁都有個reference.

(English:  I’ll be talking about their brushes this time.  There are 3 lines: Essentials, Studio and Mineral.  Of couse, I don’t have the full set for each of the line (well not that crazy yet!!).  I only have some of the brushes in each line, so I cannot compare each one.  I’d give you a general review the differences between the 3 lines and hopefully you’d get some ideas when you come to haul them.)


價錢:  佢係三條line之中最平既. 大部份都係US$1.

(English:  Price:  The cheapest among the 3 lines.  Most of the brushes are US$1.)

品質:  差.  白色既部份會”luck”色, 同埋銀色既部份做得唔算好實正.  細掃既毛質比大掃好.

(English:  Quality:  Bad!  The white paint of the handle comes off and the brushes are not that solid.  I feel like the silver part sometimes moves!  The bristles of the small brushes are better than the big ones.)

用後感:  我覺得呢條line要買就買細掃, eyeshadow個d全部都唔錯, 唔會吉肉同”luck”毛.  但係千其唔好expect佢會last forever, 唔會lor, 預左用用下幾個月後要換 (咁平我又覺得無咩所謂).  大既Essentials掃我就唔recommend喇.  因為上面真係幾鞋下 (平都咁話), 同埋有少少吉肉, 所以感覺唔良好.  要玩就玩細掃.

(English:  Comments:  I think if you have to go for this line, go for the smaller brushes like eyeshadow brushes and such.  They are not prickly and the bristles stay well on the brushes.  Of course, don’t expect them to last forever, coz they won’t!  You need to get them changed after a few months.  I wouldn’t recommend the Essentials bigger brushes to you all though.  They feel really rough on skin and they are quite prickly!  Not recommended!!  If you wanna buy, go for the small ones!)


價錢:  佢係三條line之中既中價掃.  大部份既都係around US$3.

(English:  Price:  In the middle range among the 3 lines.  They are all around US$3.)

品質:  唔錯.  成枝黑色感覺好Professional.  毛質柔軟同埋枝掃做得幾實正.

(English:  Nice.  The black color makes them look really professional.  The bristles are soft and the whole brushes feel quite solid.)

用後感:  我幾鍾意呢條line, 真係好抵玩.  細掃同大掃上面感覺唔吉肉, 同埋d毛都幾soft下.  抓粉力都相當唔錯, 又唔會點”luck”毛.  難怪上網好多人都讚呢條line.  我最鍾意個枝kabuki brush都係under呢條line.  推!!

(English:  Comments:  Nice brushes!!  Reasonably-priced and with nice quality.  The bristles of both small and big brushes are soft and gentle.  They grab the powder really well and they don’t come off easily!  No wonder people are praising this line so much online.  Remember the Kabuki Brush that I absoluately love, it’s in this line as well.  Recommended!!)


價錢:  佢係三條line當中最新既line, 亦都係最貴既line.  大部份既掃要around US$5 (就算US$5都絕對唔係貴).

(English:  The most expensive among the 3 lines.  Most of the products are US$5 – still very reasonable!)

品質:  唔錯, 佢係用木色為住, 比我感覺好raw!  d毛好柔軟同埋枝掃做得好實正.  幾好!

(English:  Good!  Their handles are in wooden color and it reminds me of the nature.  The bristles are really soft and the brushes are really well-built!  GOOD!)

用後感: 呢條係新line, 所以我上次買左一set黎試.  我敗呢set係5 Piece Bamboo Brush Set.  我越用越鍾意wor.  Studio已經好唔錯, 呢隻d毛仲要比Studio軟, 上面好舒服.  感覺好好.  同埋我洗過佢幾次都無咩”luck”毛, 唔錯唔錯!  一定會回購 (如果我個friend有時間幫我買).  我下次會試佢隻blush brush, 因為我覺得Sigma個枝用耐左吉面, 同埋洗多幾次之後, d毛有d化開.  所以我應該會買過枝喇.

(English:  Comments:  It’s E.L.F. newest collection.  I ordered a set last time and my set is called “5 Piece Bamboo Brush Set”.  The more I use them, the more I love them!  Studio offers nice quality and Mineral is even better!  The bristles feel so soft on skin!  I also washed them a few times, and they still look new and the bristles didn’t come off at all.  Very nice!  Definitely on my repurchasing list (if my friend has the time to get them for me).  I probably order their blush brush next time.  Why?  Coz my Sigma one is falling apart.  It starts to feel rough on skin and the bristles are all over the place, so I have to get a new one.)

So far, 我最like係Mineral同埋Studio.  如果要好平既eyeshadow brush, Essentials都可以.  希望呢篇review幫到你地啦.

(English:  So far, I really like the brushes from Mineral and Studio lines!  If you are after some really cheap eyeshadow brush, then you can opt for Essentials!  Hope this piece of review is helpful!  See you!!)

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