
呢期油多左指甲 (多d顏色開心d ma!).  有一日突然想轉色, 竟然發現屋企既洗甲水差d無sa, 所以即刻碌落萬寧是但買枝頂住先.  點知一是但就出事 (鬼咩…我去個間萬寧太細, 無咩choice!):

(English:  I have been painting my nails a lot lately (more colorful nails bring better moods!).  One day, I suddenly wanted to change my nail color, only to find that my nail polish remover was almost finished.  Therefore, I hurried to my closest Mannings to grab one of the nail polish removers they have.  Well my in-a-hurry behavior led to a bad experience (hmmm…the Mannings I went to was just too small, there weren’t many choices!):)

Revlon Extra Moisturizing Nail Enamel Remover

價錢 (Price): Can’t remember exactly.  Seems like HK$18/ 100ml
Closer Look:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 7-8 times

用後感: 我覺得真係唔係幾好用.  一打開就聞到超大陣味, 已經感覺麻麻地.  落甲油個陣我覺得佢落得唔係好乾淨.  你地知我成日都油紅色甲油.  用完佢落d甲油, 會發現d手指甲同埋d手指會有少少粉紅色.  要落多幾次先落得清.  好麻煩.  好難挨先挨到用左4/5枝, 希望快d用sa佢就掉左佢.  唔掂!  一定唔會再買翻呀!
(English:  After-use Comment:  I really dislike this product.  When I open it, I smell a very strong unappealing scent.  When I use it to remove my nail polish, I find that it doesn’t remove thoroughly.  You all know that I have a thing for red nail polishes, when I use it to clean the red color, there is still a certain pigmentation leaving behind making my nails and fingers pink-looking.  Well, I have to use it a few times to remove the polishes.  What a pain!  Finally, I used 4/5 of the bottle and not far before I could say goodbye!  It’s definitely not recommended and I, for sure, won’t purchase it again no matter how much of a hurry I am in.)

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