又係麻麻地既產品 – 沖涼野

呢期寫唔好用既野真係寫開有條癮!  難得你地係Facebook又話我聽你地好鍾意睇, 咁就真係要寫多d (當然我唔希望我成日買d廢野啦20070317113618.gif!).  好, 今日講咩呢?  就講下:

(English:  I think I have developed a passion for writing useless products these days.  What adds on the passion is that you sweeties keep telling me on Facebook that you enjoy reading these crappy products.  Well, then I guess I should really start writing more of similar pieces (of course, I hope I don’t buy crappy products each time20070317113618.gif!)  Great, what’s the product that I am going to talk about today?  Let’s see:)

Biore Body Foam – Refresh (淨嫩淋浴乳)

價錢 (Price): around HK$34.9 

Product Information:

‧ 活力清爽型,洗後肌膚舒爽清透。
‧ 富士蘋果香,清甜微酸的蘋果香,讓你沐浴後充滿輕盈活力的感覺。”

(English:  It contains ingredients from Japanese grapefruit, spring water and milk.  It helps relaxing the mind and the body while cleansing.)

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1 month

用後感: 初初用覺得佢真係好香, 加水就整到超級多既泡泡, 同埋覺得沖完之後個身係好乾淨得黎皮膚好滑.  但係過左兩個星期, 我對佢既感覺開始變喇.  因為我覺得皮膚開始越黎越乾.  我無特別轉用其他身體野, 所以我好肯定係呢枝野.  平時夏天我d皮膚唔會話好乾 ga ma!  我諗諗下應該係佢用左好多化學成份黎整特多泡泡 (d泡泡真係好誇), 所以越用皮膚會覺得越乾, 有時仲乾到見到白紋. 唔掂.  我而家用佢用到7788, 諗住快d用完佢就轉其他野用.  我自己就唔會再買喇.  如果你地想買佢, 我既advice係, “諗清楚先”.

(English:  After-use Comment:  At first, I was amazed by the beautiful scent and the generous amount of foam it generates (I am not kidding when I say “generous”).  Also, I found that my skin felt so smooth and clean after using it.  However, after 2 weeks, my view on this product has changed dramatically because I notice my skin is getting drier and drier.  I haven’t really used other body care products, therefore, I am sure my dry skin is caused by this particular product.  You know, usually my skin is not that dry when it comes to Summer with high humidity.  I have been thinking, “why?”  Now I realize that it should be because of all the chemicals they use to generate the crazy abundant foam (again not kidding), therefore, the chemicals eventually dries out the skin.  Sometimes, it gets so dry that I see while lines appearing!  Not good!  The lucky thing is there is not much left in the bottle, I could hurry up finish using it and change to something else.  Definitely, I am not going to repurchase it again.  And, if you are thinking about buying this product, my suggestion is “think twice”!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.kao.com/tw/biore/bio_bodyfoam_apple_00.html)

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