如果你記得, 我之前咪講過話我好鍾意Smashbox Photo Op Under-Eye Brightener呢枝野既. 我個陣係係Smashbox staff sale既時候買ga, 好抵. 估唔到用咁好既價錢買到好野~~ 哈哈. 黎黎黎, 睇下點解我咁鍾意枝野啦!!
(English: If you remember, I mentioned I really liked Smashbox Photo Op Under-Eye Brightener before in one of my videos. I got this when I was at the Smashbox staff sale, it was super reasonably priced and I was surprised that it works really GREAT!! Haha. Come on, let’s see why I love this so much:)
題外話: 其實而家香港係咪無sa Smashbox counter喇? 好似唔多覺眼既 (不過我淨係行香港島). 我試過佢地少部份化妝品, 覺得佢地d品質唔錯, 如果香港無得賣就真係好可惜喇. 我仲想再試佢地既其他野添. 嘻嘻…好變態, 買極都仲想買, 好似有敗家強逼症咁 (笑).
(English: Off topic: Are Smashbox products still available in Hong Kong? I haven’t seen their counters much recently. Well, I tried a few of their makeup items before and had to admit that I quite like their stuff. It would be too bad if they retreat from Hong Kong. Ah…I still want to try their other stuff. Hahaha…I know I know, no matter how much I haul, it’s still not enough, right? Well it seems like I have compulsive behaviour on hauling *laughs*).