Zoeva Palettes – Naturally Yours, Cocoa Blend and Rose Golden

網上每期都興一d唔同既產品,早前好多人都講Zoeva既眼影,我無記錯既話,Zoeva係一個德國品牌,而佢既眼影係意大利製造。 網上既狂熱的確係轉得好快,因為而家又少咗人講Zoeva既眼影! 哈哈,我之前都入手咗3盒,我又黎分享一下~~

(English:  There are different trending products online, many bloggers/ YouTubers have raved about the Zoeva eyeshadow palettes before.  If I remember correctly, Zoeva is a German brand and their eyeshadows are made in Italy.  Well, all I can say is that the trending items do change fairly quickly because now we don’t seem to hear anyone talking about these palettes anymore!  *Laughs* I got 3 palettes and I guess it’s my turn to share my thoughts now~~)


Zoeva Naturally Yours Palette £18.00
Buy Online from HERE



Zoeva Cocoa Blend Palette £18.00
Buy Online from HERE



Zoeva Rose Golden Palette £18.00
Buy Online from HERE


3個眼影組既粉質都差唔多,摸落唔算特別滑,顏色大概兩至三下出到上面圖中既顏色,我覺得OK,都出色。 每個眼影組都有閃底用matte顏色,可以自己配搭。 Naturally Yours我覺得係好正常,好大路,好自然風既眼色,屬於大地色系,應該係好多香港人日日都會用到既顏色。 出黎效果都好自然,唯一係個黑色唔係真係好黑,兩下都遮唔哂膚色,比起我之前講Chanel個眼影黑色出色,但係對我黎講,黑色真係出黎要好黑先叫做得好(唔要咁黑既話,我會用深灰啦係咪),所以呢個我有少少保留,其他顏色都OK既。 所以睇下個黑色對你黎講有幾緊要喇。 另外到Cocoa Blend,呢個我覺得好喎,我覺得顏色配搭有d特別,唔悶,但係又唔係誇張到一望到唔知點用,佢個palette令我諗起brick colour,有帶橙tone既啡,亦有個閃底紅紅地既顏色,個金色亦都好靚! 我自己好enjoy呢個palette,化大地色化到好鬼悶個陣就拎佢出黎玩下。 正! 我覺得如果會玩呢d色既可以諗下,而價錢亦都算係好親民。 呢款係我三款裡面最鍾意既一個組合。 好喇,到Rose Golden,唔知點解一見到Rose Gold隻字就即刻要加入購物車! 佢屬於比較淺色既一個眼影組, 大部份顏色都可以就咁做1 colour look。 我覺得適合無咩心機搭黎搭去既人,當然,佢有個matte深啡,都可以做到smokey,但係我覺得變化唔係好多。如果你 鍾意用唔同既淺色去畫眼影既話,我覺得OK,但係如果你想要多少少變化既話,我覺得Cocoa Blend豐富d!

(English:  The quality for the 3 palettes is very similar.  It’s not extremely smooth to touch, and on average, 2-3 strokes will get you the intensity shown on the pictures.  I think it’s OK, I would still regard these as pigmented.  Each one comes with both shimmery and matte shades, so you can happily mix and match.  Naturally Yours Palette offers some very day-to-day, practical and natural colours.  It somehow belongs to the “natural” family and I think most HK people can use this every single day.  The finish definitely look very “natural ” on the eyes.  The only down side is the black colour.  Two strokes and it still doesn’t cover my skin colour.  Yes it’s a bit more pigmented than the Chanel black colour I talked about a couple weeks ago, but to me, this is still not good enough.  When I see black eyeshadow, I expect it to come out intensively black (if I don’t want that intensity, I would use a grey instead, wouldn’t I?).  So that lets me down a bit – while others are performing fine.  Moving onto Cocoa Blend Palette, I love this!  The colours are different, less boring and not too over the top to the point that I don’t know how to wear them.  The palette reminds me of brick colours since it comes with some browns with orange undertone and that very gorgeous shimmery reddish colour.  The gold one is really nice too!  I really enjoy this palette and I tend to reach for this when I get really bored with the earth tone looks.  Nice one!  If you want to switch things up a bit, this might be a wonderful choice (and the price is affordable as well).  This one has to be my favourites within the 3.  Right, let’s talk about Rose Golden Palette.  Whenever I see the words “Rose Gold”, I tend to just put them into my shopping cart magically.  This is more of a lighter colour palette, many shades are great to be use as 1 colour look.  I think it’s suitable for those who don’t want to bother with what goes with what.  Of course, it comes with a matte brown, you can use that to smoke things up, but I don’t think the variety is there.  If you are into lighter colours, yes you will love it.  But if you are looking for something a wee bit more playful, I think Cocoa Blend would be a better choice.)


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