[穿搭] 三件Zara好物搭出兩個早春新裝

早前又係Zara辦貨(其實係我生日個日呀!), 本身無諗住買野, 但係一入去見到有幾樣野我都覺得幾鍾意, 所以我就敗咗喇。 我之前都post咗上Facebook, 不過我就無寫太多details(等出文麻)。 平時應該出敗家文/video, 但係我今年想試下唔出呢類文章(如果係fashion野既話),我想著上身俾大家睇下! 雖然我無model既身材, 但係我都想著佢地上身,因為我覺得有好多衫都係著上身先知佢地好唔好睇! 好喇, 開始:

(English: I shopped at Zara again a couple weeks ago (on my birthday actually!), I didn’t think I would get anything but when I got in, I saw a few things that I liked, so I hauled them.  I posted a pic on my Facebook previous but hadn’t given a lot of details (yea have to produce a blog post for that).  Normally, I should do a haul post or video, however, this year for fashion related items, I would like to do a lookbook style, because most of the time, I feel that the clothes look different when they are on a body!  Even though I don’t have a model’s body, I really want to try them out for you, otherwise I feel that you can’t really tell if they look good or not.  Right, let’s start:)

Early Spring Lookbook #1
Causal Day Out/ Shopping Look

Earrings: HK$350 (@Boutique in Lofaret, Causeway Bay)

Scarf: X’mas gift

Top: around HK$79 (@Taobao)

Pants: HK$299 (@Zara – was on sale, original was HK$399)

Flats: HK$350 (@Zara)

我係香港好少買到褲, 所以買到呢條Zara軍裝褲超開心! 我鍾意佢既details, 尤其係腳眼位修入去同拉鍊既設計, 我覺得硬朗中帶點sexy! 佢既布料都好舒服, 春夏著又型又唔會熱死!提一提, 呢條褲係鬆身設計, 所以買呢條褲個陣可以先試細平時一個碼先! 我都係買比平時細一個碼呀(好自豪)!

(English:  I seldom haul any pants in HK, so when I was about to get this Zara military style one, I was dead happy!  I love its details, especially the parts for the ankle – zipped up with the elastic band design.  Certainly, it shows some sexiness against the tough military style.  The fabric is really light and comfy too, it look good without making you feel ridiculously hot during Spring / Summer.  One note, this pair of pants is of loose fitting, therefore, you might want to choose a size small than your usual size!  I got mine one size smaller (so proud lol)!!!)

你地都知唔係我唔愛高跟鞋, 但係我本身都高, 我要睇下同咩人出去先決定著唔著(有d朋友同我講話我著高跟鞋同佢地出去就無friend做, 哈哈!!),所以唔會成日著到高跟鞋, 加上呢期潮流既高跟鞋都太高, 同我無緣! 平底鞋我多數一見鍾意都會買, 因為我成日會著, 所以一定會著到抵翻哂!

(English:  You know that it’s not that I don’t love high heels, but I am quite tall myself and my chances of wearing high heels depend on whom I go out with (some friends forbid me to wear any high heels when I go out with them *laughs*), so I don’t always wear high heels, plus the high heels these days are ridiculously high, so not my cup of tea (they look great but maybe not as practical for daily use)!!  For flats, I get more uses out of them, so usually when I see a pair that I like, I would get them!!)

呢對平底鞋都係Zara既作品! 前面睇平平無奇好斯文, 但係後面睇好有驚喜! 有窩釘呀! 好有型! 原本我唔見呢對鞋, 但係我去俾錢個陣見個女仔拎住, 我即刻再去揾, 哈哈!! 俾我見到又有我碼, 即買。 呢對我買左俾平時大一個碼, 雖然鬆少少, 但係平時個碼著落好窄, 如果你買個陣都試真d先!

(English:  This pair is from Zara!  From the front, nothing really too special and it’s almost lady-like because there is a tiny bow on the front.  Oh when you look at the back of the flats – studs!!!!!!  At first, I didn’t see this pair in the store and I was lining up for payment, then I saw a girl holding this pair of flats and I ditched the queue and went hunting for the flats *laughs*!  Yep I saw them, confirmed that I loved them and they got my size, so no reason not to bring them home!  Right, for this pair, I got mine one size bigger than usual.  Even though they feel a bit loose on the feet, the usual size is rather tight.  So, when it’s your turn to buy, make sure you try them out seriously!!)

Early Spring Lookbook #2
Military Elegance

Earrings: HK$350 (@Boutique in Lofaret, Causeway Bay)

Top: around HK$79 (@Taobao)
Jeans Jacket: HK$199 (@H&M)

Pants: HK$299 (@Zara – was on sale, original was HK$399)

Heels: HK$299 (@Zara – was on sale, original was HK$559)

其實一條褲當然可以有唔同造型啦! 最簡單就係換過對鞋! 由causal變高貴, 可以將平底鞋換高跟鞋! 成個感覺會唔同咗!

(English:  One pair of pants can definitely create more than one look/ one style!  The simplest thing would be changing the shoes!  From causal to elegant, all you have to do is to change the pair of flats into a pair of heels.  The whole feeling created would be so different!)

呢對Zara豹紋高跟鞋本身我一出個陣睇中咗, 但係HK$559我就無買, 因為我唔知自己多唔多機會著。 哈哈哈!! 好彩無買, 因為過咗幾個月再去睇竟然減到變HK$299, HK$299就唔洗諗, 仲要有我碼, 即刻俾錢! 買完之後我真係越望越鍾意, 靚得黎個跟唔太高, 應該都係實用產品之一!!  對鞋好女人, 但係當然可以自己將其他服飾調校, 等自己個look唔會overly成熟! 配軍裝褲係其中一個健康得黎sexy既搭法!

(English:  I fell in love with this pair of leopard heels from Zara the day when it was released, however, the price tag was HK$559.  Since I wasn’t sure how much use I would get out of it, I didn’t get it!  And lucky that I didn’t in the first place, because after a few months, I went back and it was on sale and was reduced to HK$299!  I didn’t have to think about it at all when it was on HK$299!!  My size was available for me as well.  Therefore, everything was pointing towards the payment queue.  The more I think about it, the more I love it!  It has its wild side and its heel is not that high, therefore it should be one of the “mostly used” items.  This pair of shoes can be quite mature looking, however, you can adjust the rest of your outfit to tune of maturity down.  Matching it with military pants would be one of the healthy and sexy method!)

當日個面我都清清地唔洗咁多顏色, 話哂係早春, 我都係nude look上陣! 特別要提下個咀, 我就係用咗我近期最愛Tom Ford Beauty Ultra Shine Lip Gloss 02 Rose Crush喇!! 好nude好靚!!

(English:  I didn’t have too much makeup on the day for the shoot.  Early spring right?  So I went for nude.  I have to mention my lips though!!!  I used my beloved Tom Ford Beauty Ultra Shine Lip Gloss 02 Rose Crush!  I absolutely love how it looks on the lips!!!)

Photographed by MJ Photography

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