[試色] YSL唇膏+台灣敗回來的Givenchy

我去台灣之前敗左YSL,而去到台灣個陣敗左d咩你地睇video都睇咗喇。 係我出發去泰國之前我都未有時間出埋d試色圖, 等我而家拿拿聲出埋先。

(English:  Before I went to Taiwan, I went to YSL and hauled a few things; and now you have probably seen what I have got from Taiwan as well in one of my videos.  I didn’t have much time before I went to Thailand to blog about the swatches, let me do them now before it’s too late again.)

我去泰國雖然唔係好多時間(做野麻), 但係我都發揮咗女人嘅小宇宙, 就係用最少嘅時間買到我最想買嘅品牌(哈哈)! 其實我感覺上好似唔係買左好多野, 但係我尋日係屋企拍片個陣, 我發覺我講到口都乾(笑)。 仲有係我去泰國之前去咗Chanel, 又係超級大敗家(化妝品護膚品)。 我諗我應該出左Chanel條片先。 唔洗擔心, 我拍好sa喇, 今日再edit埋, 今個星期我會出sa兩條片佢喇,唔係又過期。 當中我會再插d係台灣泰國比較特別嘅事啦。

(English:  Although I didn’t have too much personal time in Thailand (went there for work), I was able to get what I wanted to get *laughs*!!  I didn’t feel like I had hauled a lot of stuff in Thailand but when I was shooting the video at home yesterday, my mouth went dry talking *laughs*.  Yea and before I went to Thailand, I did drop by Chanel as well, it somehow turned into a massive haul (skincare and makeup products this time).  I think I am going to upload the Chanel haul video first.  No worries, I have shot both videos already and I just have to edit them, then they would be good to go.  So I guess I will be posting them this week!  Meanwhile, I would blog about the interesting bits in Taiwan and Thailand!!)

好, 唔講其他野住, 睇下YSL同埋Givenchy d試色圖先。 嘻嘻, 又係燒你地嘅時候喇!

(English:  Well come back on track, let’s take a look at the following swatches of YSL and Givenchy.  Time to tempt you!!)

YSL Sheer Candy Glossy Balm Crystal Color
(Color: #5 Mure Exquise)


YSL Sheer Candy Glossy Balm Crystal Color
(Color: #2 Papaye Gelee)


上面呢兩枝算係有色潤咀膏, 因為係Candy Sheer系列, d色唔會好明顯。 你見上咗咀都係好令有少少色咁。 我覺得春夏除咗可以搽d好sharp嘅色之外, 另一個選擇就係呢d似有還無嘅色調喇。 感覺好light!

(English: The above two are more of a lip balm with color kinda texture because they are from the Candy Sheer series, therefore, the colors won’t be as pigmented.  You can see that when it’s applied on lips, there is a lot of shine with just a tiny hint of colors.  I feel that it’s another very good choice beside putting on very sharp lip color in the summer time, I love this light finish!)

YSL Silky Sensual Radiant Lipstick
(Color: #14 Orange Frisson)


呢枝就真係唇膏喇, d色超級出同豐富, 仲有少少令添。 我揀咗呢隻色, 感覺好襯summer!! 哈哈!! 上咗咀再影俾大家睇丫(我多數都會post係FacebookTwitterWeibo, 因為有時一張半張相又好難寫個post,哈哈)。

(English:  This one is a real lipstick!  The color is pigmented and rich, it has a tiny sheen to it as well.  I picked this color because it reminded me of summer!! *laughs*  I’d probably try it on my lips and shoot a photo later for your view (mostly it will be posted on Facebook/ Twitter/ Weibo as I find it difficult to issue a blog post with just one or two pics sometimes!)

雖然香港都有Givenchy, 但係好多野都賣sa(無癮)。 咁我係台灣見到我想買嘅野都有貨, 我就唔理咁多敗咗喇。

(English:  Even though there are Givenchy counters in Hong Kong, many of the new products are sold out (disappointing!).  Well when I saw the products in Taiwan, how could I resist?)

Givenchy Colors, Light & Design for Eyes 
(Color: #76 Siena Sihhouette)



(English: In love with earth tone colors these days!!)

Givenchy Unique Blush – Breezy Cheeks 

(Color: #2 Bucolic Poppy)

呢個有兩色可以揀, 我呢個係比較深色個隻。 超靚呀!! 望又靚, 搽上面又靚。 仲要好上色!! 哈哈!!

(English:  These are two colors to choose from and mine is of a deeper color.  Super pretty.  OMG, not only it looks pretty but I love how it finishes on skin as well.  Super pigmented – nice stuff *winks*!!)

Givenchy Satin Lipstick Irresistible Color
(Color: #55 Bucolic Rose)


係咪全部都好靚, 咁好難怪我今年春天被燒至重傷。 真喺好多都好靚同埋有水準丫! 哈哈!  有無被我燒到好心痕?

(English:  All of them are very pretty!!  Not a surprise that I would spend so much on this 2012 Spring collection – truly amazing colors with excellent quality!!  *laughs*  So, have I successfully tempted you?)

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