[化妝] YSL限量10色眼影組

真係好多品牌都出限量版! 我而家既心態係隨緣啦,買到就買,但係唔追喇,因為我覺得好辛苦,唔係日日都好得閒睇有咩新野出,見到就見啦~~ 哈哈~~ 我之前夜媽媽睇到YSL出限量版眼影,第二日行過Lane Crawford記得而佢又仲有得賣,試下試下又覺得好好喎,所以敗左一盒,好想快d同你地分享下~~

(English:  Many brands have been releasing limited edition products!  I have to say right now, I am going with flow, if I can get my hands on them, I can, but I am not desperately going to line up for something.  I just feel that it’s quite stressful because it’s not like I have a lot of time to investigate what’s going on in the market everyday, so going with the flow is the best approach~~  *Laughs*  Some nights ago, I read that YSL was releasing limited eyeshadow palettes and when I was in Lane Crawford the other day, it was still available, after some testing at the counter, I was really impressed and got one.  Let me share my thoughts with you fairly quickly, just in case you are waiting for my thoughts~~)

YSL Couture Variation 10-color Eye Palette

Color: 1 – NU



佢分別有兩盒,另一盒係比較黑,我覺得比較rock d~ 其實兩盒d色我都OK,不過我諗諗下,我應該呢盒會用得著多d,所以買呢盒~~哈哈~~

(English:  There are two palettes to choose from, the other one is more on the darker side, and I feel that that one has a more of a rock touch to it.  To be really fair, I am fine with the colors in both palettes, but after some consideration, I decided to pick this one instead because I could see myself using this one a wee bit more~~)


Close up

用後感:不得了! 之前YSL既顏色我都有,但係我覺得質素黎講係OK,但係唔係令我神暈癲倒。 但係呢盒d眼影就唔同,係好超級滑同埋超級別上色啦! 真係同舊個d有明顯分別!! 質素好好!! 上面試色圖係無打底同埋畫一下出黎既效果。顏色黎講,我覺得好靚好實用,係平日一定可以用得到既顏色。 呢個palette入面有幾隻色係唔閃既,分別係左1,左8同左10,其他全都有少少閃,但係係閃底唔係閃粉咁誇張,基本上用落眼係見到少少閃,有多d立體感,但係唔係一粒粒閃粉咁狂野!我覺得佢唔太飛粉,好好blend! 持唔持久? 我從來用眼影都會打底,會更加持久。 如果你打底既話,唔需要太擔心會唔會甩,因為打底會幫你痴實d眼影。 So far,我超級滿意呢盒眼影,太正喇,我覺得各方面都做得非常好。 如果你對呢盒眼影有興趣,絕對買得過!! 超推呀!! (我而家諗緊會唔會買埋佢另外個盒秋冬用~~ 哈哈~~~係,我滿意成咁,不過又喺隨緣啦)

(English:  Product Review: OMG!!!  I got some YSL eyeshadows before, I thought they were alright but weren’t that impressive.  However, this palette is totally different, the colors are very smooth to touch and super pigmented – I can definitely tell the difference between the quality of this eyeshadow palette and their previous ones!!  Brilliant quality!!!  The above swatches are the results from no primer and with 1 stroke.  For colors, I adore the colors, they are pretty and practical and I somehow call these staple colors for everyday look!  There are a few matte shades in this palette and they are 1st left, 8th left and 10th left colors.  The others are with shimmery base (shimmery not glitter).  They are quite natural looking on the eyelids, adding more dimension to the eyes but they are not over-the-top wild.  I don’t feel that there is any flyaway issues and the colors are gorgeous to blend!  Is it long-lasting?  I have been using eyeshadow primers since God Knows When!  The eyeshadow primer enhance the longevity of the eyeshadows because they help to “glue” your shadows to your eyelids.  So when you use one, you don’t really need to worry about whether they are long-lasting or not.  So far, I am really impressed with this palette because it does offer outstanding performance from different aspects.  If you are interested in this eyeshadow palette and need a final push, here you go, “PUUSSSHHHH!!!!”  Please go get it, it’s totally worth the pennies.  I highly recommend it as an eyeshadow lovers. (Well I am very tempted now to get the other one for the autumn and winter use ~~ *laughs*~~~ Yes, I am that happy with the quality, but again I am going with the flow)

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