[化妝] 超級大愛化妝底霜 ♥ YSL Teint Parfait Complexion Enhancer Oil-free

敗咗呢個都好一段日子,亦都用咗好一段日子,只能夠講我越用越愛! 我一直以為我已經同大家分享咗呢個產品既成功之處,但係原來又只係我幻想當中!原來我係未分享呀! 哈哈!!我諗我要做一d貼紙貼係每一個未分享既產品上面,等我唔洗成日都咁有幻想力(個諗法都唔錯呀!!)。 哈哈!! 今日要分享呢枝YSL Teint Parfait Complexion Enhancer Oil-free真係我私心強推既一個產品,睇下個樣先:

(English:  I got this for so long and I have been using this for so long!  All I can say is that I have been loving it more and more!  I thought I have shared its success with you, however, I only found that I was actually dreaming!  Actually I haven’t shared any view on this product *laughs*! I think I might make some stickers and stick them on the waiting-to-be shared products, so that I don’t confuse myself (love the idea eh?).  *Laughs*  Today I am going to talk about this YSL Teint Parfait Complexion Enhancer Oil-free, it’s one of the most amazing products on my list!! Let’s take a look at the product:)

YSL Teint Parfait Complexion Enhancer Oil-free No.4

價錢(Price):HK$300/ 30ml

Product Information:

“Inside this silky-sheer highlighter is every woman’s dream—the promise
of a gorgeous, glowing complexion. Its versatility is unmatched—and may
be worn as a foundation base to perfect skin tone, as a highlighter to
add luminosity, or alone to give the complexion a polished, even look.
Upon application, skin’s natural radiance is awakened and any
imperfections are optically smoothed away. The result: beautiful skin
that glows from within. For all skin types.”



使用次數(No. of Usage):50 times

用後感:我一向都唔係太鍾意用有色既base,原因係我係tanned skin, 好多時用完有色既base,我都會變得過白,反而效果好唔自然。呢枝YSL枝出嚟係beige嘅色,但係搽上面係唔會白咗, 只係幫手均勻少少自己本身既膚色,搽完之後變得好氣色咗, 但係超自然!! 市面上亦都有好多類似顏色既base,但係唯一我覺得係質感唔同,通常一有顏色既base會比較難推,但係我覺得呢個係好好好推,一d都無捽面既問題,用少少已經推得好開,呢個亦都係點解佢一枝野我可以用咁耐既原因! 仲要,佢都有少少香味丫!估下係咩味?唔係香水個d味,係好清新既西瓜味!!用既時候覺得refreshing得黎,又唔會過份濃烈!!正!!當然啦,搽base既基本係搽完塊面好滑!!呢個真係唔洗多講,搽完好滑得黎,佢又無油份,所以好清爽。 不過唔洗擔心,唔乾呀!! 感覺係保濕既!!!我覺得佢真係好啱好多膚質,唔會為皮膚帶黎負擔得黎又為皮膚好好咁打好基礎, 幫個妝更加貼服持久!一百個愛呀!! 超正!!如果你係揾緊一隻好好用既base,我強烈建議你去YSL counter試呢個,你應該都同我一樣一同愛上!! 哈,如果你係暗瘡肌,我都好推呢隻俾你呀, 無油份麻!!

(English:  Product Review:  I am not really fond of any base that has color in it.  The reason being is that I have tanned skin and many times, I would have PURE WHITE skin after using “colored” base, I don’t like the unnatural look! This YSL base is beige in color, but it won’t leave you with absolutely white skin, it actually just helps to enhance your skin color a bit!  After application, I feel that my skin color is toned and I feel a bit more alive, it’s super natural as well!!  There are many similar bases in the market with similar color, however, the winning point of this product is the texture!  Those other ones are usually not that blendable but this one is amazingly blendable, it won’t get stuck on skin!  Ha, only a tiny bit goes a long way (that’s why mine lasts forever)!!  Also, it has a scent!  Can you make a guess?  Nah, it doesn’t smell like perfume, it smells like watermelon!!! Surprised?  It’s really refreshing to use and it’s light!  Brilliant!!  Of course, being a base, the core job is to create a smooth surface for foundation.  I don’t have to talk too much about this, skin is super smooth after application and the best part is that it’s oil free, so it feels really light on skin!  Don’t worry, it’s not drying, on the other hand, I feel it’s quite hydrating!  I think it’s suitable for many skin types, it won’t create burden on skin and does the job of prepping the foundation, it enhances the makeup and make it more long-lasting!!  Super in love!!!  Amazing!!  If you are looking for a great makeup base, I strongly recommend you to go try it at the YSL counter, you would feel in love with it too (just like I do)!!  Hahaha…if you have oily/ acne prone skin types, I would recommend this to you too, since it’s oil-free!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.yslbeautyus.com)

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