[化妝] YSL Pure Chromatics Wet and Dry Eyeshadows No. 8 and 9

嘩! 我d眼影多到我有時都唔記得自己有d咩! 我坐坐下突然記起我係咪有d眼影未試色同分享! 哈哈! 係啦, 原來係我之前敗既YSL眼影! 如果唔係突然記起, 我諗我又以為我分享咗添! 自從我係個blog右手邊加咗categories之後, 我覺得好方便, 可以click入每個brand到就可以睇翻我分享咗某個品牌既產品未, 不枉我用兩日時間去加個categories。 唔講咁多, 睇睇d試色圖同我既分享啦。

(English:  Wow!!  I have so many eyeshadows that sometime I can’t remember what I have got!  Suddenly I remembered that I got something I hadn’t shared with you all – right right, it’s the YSL eyeshadows!!  If my memory doesn’t have these fragments from time to time, I would probably think that I have already shared my comments and swatches with you all!  Since I added the categories on the right hand side of the blog, I experienced the convenience of back-tracking what I did share and what not according to different brands, it did worth my two days’ effort to add those categories in.  OK, let me shut up and get back to the eyeshadows.)

YSL Pure Chromatics Wet & Dry Eyeshdows
Color: No. 8

我好鍾意YSL既包裝, 真係好華麗!

(English:  I really love YSL’s packaging, very grand!!)


呢個No. 8係比較大路既大地色系! 我真係好迷呢d顏色! 雖然我屋企有無限咁多呢類顏色, 但係我都係忍唔住要敗(成日都會覺得每個品牌都有少少唔同麻)!

(English:  This No. 8 is very earth tone!  I really love these kinds of colors.  Even though I got tons of similar colors at home, I still tend to keep hauling (always think that different brands would offer something different!).)

佢呢隻眼影話可以濕搽同乾搽, 我地先睇下濕搽同乾搽嘅分別:

(English:  The eyeshadows can be applied either wet or dry.  Take a look at the difference:)

濕搽/ Apply with a Wet Brush:

乾搽/ Apply with a Dry Brush:

用後感: 你見啦濕搽個顏色飽和度真係高好多! 乾搽會有好自然既效果, 但係我覺得太自然喇, 自然到有d浪費咗個顏色。 如果買呢個眼影, 我真係超級唔建議乾搽! 一定要濕搽先夠出色夠靚! 其實講真, 我覺得佢呢個palette以四個色黎講真係好貴(貴過香香), 我唔可以講話值唔值(見人見智啦)。 我自己就好鍾意佢個包裝, 顏色,濕搽之後個飽和效果同埋持久度, 所以我都會投資! 如果你都係眼影控, 我相信你都會鍾意同埋想去收藏。佢每季都會出唔同既顏色, 有d我真係覺得好靚, 如果顏色我覺得用得著, 我都會再敗(我係眼影控女人)。 但係如果你唔係特別鍾意收藏眼影而只不過想買一d平實既色調, 咁我覺得你唔需要投資YSL呢盒眼影喇。

(English:  Product Review:  As you can see applying it wet looks so much nicer and way more pigmented than applying it dry!  Applying it dry offers a natural look, but probably way too natural – so natural that I have a feeling that it’s wasting the beautiful colors.  If you are going to get this eyeshadow palette, I really don’t recommend applying it dry!  Please apply it wet to increase the pigmentation!  Honestly, for a 4-colored palette like this, it’s really expensive (more expensive than Chanel’s).  Is it worth the price?  I can’t answer for you all because it really depends how much you love eyeshadows/ collecting eyeshadows.  I really love its packing, color, the effect after applying it wet and how long lasting it is, so I wouldn’t hesitate to invest in palettes like these.  If you are an eyeshadow junkie, I believe you would like these and would probably want to collect these.  There are new colors coming out every season and some of them are absolutely stunning!  If I see the colors I love, I definitely would purchase them!  If you are not an eyeshadow junkie and you probably just want eyeshadows for an everyday use, then I don’t think you would want to invest in these!)

Effect on Eyes:

YSL Pure Chromatics Wet & Dry Eyeshdows
Color: No. 9 


呢個我無記錯,佢個concept係黎自鐵礦! 所以個感覺有d廢鐵feel, 好啱我啦!! 

(English:  If my memory serves me right, its concept comes from mines!  So it does give a little bit of  rusty feeling – suits my style really well indeed!!)

講咗話乾搽效果唔突出, 所以我只係濕搽俾大家睇算喇。

(English:  As said before, applying it dry is not going to do its justice, so I only apply it wet!)

濕搽/ Apply with a Wet Brush:

四個色都係好實用既顏色!! 你都知我架啦, 我都係買呢d顏色多!! 不過我諗我未來會改改, 我想買一鮮艷少少既顏色去變化一下(藉口去敗家!!), 咁我拍片教tutorial會多d變化丫!! 呵呵!!

(English:  4 very usable colors!  You know me, I usually fall for colors like these.  However, I am thinking that I should make a change and get some more colorful eyeshadows (excuse to haul!!!), then when I come to do makeup tutorial, there would be more variations. *Grins*)

Effect on Eyes:

但係我見佢地又出咗一個No. 12既palete, d顏色係黑黑地…好燒!! 其實講個秘密俾你地聽丫, 我黑色眼影真係唔怕多呀, 因為我真係用得完(係咪好勁?)!! 等我揾日去望下, 如果敗既話再同大家分享分享!

(English:  Ahhhhhh….they have a new palette No. 12 for the holidays and the colors are very dark….very tempting indeed!!  Actually I should tell you a secret – I wouldn’t have too many black eyeshadows because I really can finish them up (brilliant eh?)!  I shall go take a look sometime and if I get it, I will definitely remember to share the swatches with you!!)

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