YSL 10-Color Eye Palette in No. 4 Underground

#PRGIFT 我唔知大家同唔同我一樣,唔同季節鍾意既色tone係會有唔同。 我夏天比較鍾意warm tone眼影,而秋冬就比較鍾意cool tone眼影。 我都唔呢得係咪仲好熱,但係我個心已經轉咗季喇。今日我地望下YSL呢盒10色眼影丫!

(English: #PRGIFT. I am not sure if you are the same as me.  I tend to like different colour scheme in different seasons.  In summer, I am more of a warm tone girl but in Autumn and Winter, I am definitely a cool tone girl.  I don’t even care if it’s super hot outside, but my heart is somewhat in Autumn already.  Let’s check this YSL 10-colour eyeshadow palette out.


YSL 10-Colour Eye Palette in No. 4 Underground HK$780






我覺得個名改得好完美,完全係Underground應該有既顏色。 全個palette都好cool,顏色做得好一致。 左一係cream狀眼皮打底等之後搽既眼影出色d,右一係cream狀黑色,可以用黎做眼線或者打底做smokey eye。 其他全部都係粉狀。粉質好滑好上色亦都好易blend開。 我覺得最正係是但兩個一深一淺配搭都已經好靚好有feel,當然啦再要勁d既時候可以做smokey eye呀! 同埋呢,佢個紫cool tone上眼好型唔leung丫!!正,如果你想揾全cool tone眼影,可以考慮下呢盒。 如果你唔想要全cool tone,想要一半半既話,都可以望下我之前呢個blog post,都應該啱心水!

(English:  I think the name is just perfect – yep, it’s every colour that I would relate to the word “Underground”.  I love how super cool tone this is and it definitely shows thought and consistency.  The one on the far left is a cream white colour – this is for priming the eye lids to make the colours stay better and show up better.  The one on the far right is creamy black which can be used as eyeliner or as a base for strong smokey eye look.  All the other ones are powder.  The powder is finely milled, pigmented and easy to blend.  The most amazing thing is that randomly mixing any one of the light colours with dark colours would easily give you a cool look.  Of course, if you want a bit more rock n’ roll, you could already create strong smokey eyes with this.  Plus, I love how cool the purple is, it looks rather edgy on the eyes (which I love).  Brilliant!  If you are looking for a palette in purely cool tone, you may consider this one.  If you are looking for something more in between, like half warm and half cool, check my previous blog post out, it might give you some more ideas!)

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