[碎念] 我最愛看的YouTubers

其實係YouTube我好少subscribe人, subscribe咗又未必一定個個video都會睇。 但係我發現其實有兩個YouTubers, 無論佢地出咩video我都會好有心機咁睇sa佢。 不如今日我介紹下佢地兩個丫!

(English:  Actually I seldom subscribe to people when I am on YouTube, and even I subscribe someone, I don’t necessarily follow every one of their videos.  Well, there are 2 exceptions!!  Whenever they release a video, I make sure I watch it!!  *laughs*  Let me introduce them to you.)

記唔記得我先前介紹左個日本妹YouTuber(回顧按此)?  我見佢好耐無出video, 我就上網search下佢啦(人家掛住佢麻~嘻嘻)。  原來佢有個新channel呀! 好彩我揾下佢jer!! 哈哈!! 我覺得佢d功力真係好好,個人都幾搞笑, 我真係幾鍾意佢。

(English:  Recall I mentioned a Japanese YouTuber awhile back (refresh memory)?  I hadn’t seen her for long (yea kinda miss her) and I went online searching for her.  Ah…she has a new channel now – no wonder!!  Lucky that I did the search, otherwise I would have missed out some goodies!!  She has really good makeup skills and she has a fun personality!!  I really like her!!)

我揀左佢兩個video放係度, 你地可以睇下佢有幾勁喇!

(English:  Let me post 2 of her videos here, so you could have a feeling of how good her makeup skill is!)

係咪好正呢? 如果你鍾意化妝, 睇佢都好有新鮮感! 如果你想睇sa佢d video, 就可以去佢Sasakiasahi’s YouTube Channel啦!

(English:  Good eh?  If you love makeup, she is quite inspiring!  If you want to watch all her previous video, please go to Sasakiasahi’s YouTube Channel!!

另外一個我成日追嘅YouTuber就比較多講drugstore嘅化妝品。 佢都有化妝tutorial, 不過唔夠亞日本妹有驚喜啦。 反而我覺得佢review d化妝品個陣好中肯, 佢喺Wet n Wild嘅ambassador,但係佢覺得某d產品唔係太好, 佢都會照講。

(English:  The other fav YouTuber talks more about drugstore makeup.  She has tutorial too but not as surprising as the Japanese girl’s.  The thing I like about this YouTuber is she gives honest comments on products, like she is the ambassador of Wet n Wild, but she still mentions that some of their products are disappointing.)

我就係欣賞佢呢點! 睇review為咩jer, 都係想要中肯評價等自己有個參考麻。 就係因為咁, 我就開始追佢嘅video喇!佢之前出左好詳細嘅2011大愛同埋雷品, 等我放係度俾大家望下丫!

(English:  I really admire her attitude.  We all watch/ read reviews because we want to have an honest reference.  Well, because of this, I started following her.  She released some very detailed videos on 2011 Loves and 2011 Fails.  Let me post them and share with you:)

佢有超多video呀, 如果你想睇翻, 就去佢個emilynoel83’s YouTube Channel啦!

(English:  She has tons of videos.  If you would want to watch them all, please go to emilynoel83 YouTube Channel!!)

P.S. 唔知我幾時又可以咁成功呢? 哈哈!! 我會繼續努力!!

(English:  P.S.  Not sure when I could be that successful!!! *laughs*  I will continue my journey!! *winks*)

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