
有次無聊我上YouTube諗住search下d化妝品既野, 點知search search下見到呢個日本妹.  睇左兩個佢既video之後就超級愛上佢.  點解?  我覺得佢唔做作, 睇佢既video睇到佢個人幾癲幾搞笑, 同埋佢既化妝技術真係一流, 夠大膽, 夠creative, 同埋夠功夫.  正!!  我覺得有時揀YouTuber同揀friend一樣, 真係人夾人.  佢就成為我既大愛喇, 唔知你又覺得佢點呢?  當然啦, 佢d化妝就唔係隻隻都出得香港既街啦.  下面呢幾個係我比較鍾意既look (我未煲sa佢d videos…), 如果你未睇過佢既片, 望下丫, 可以佢都會成為你既最愛之一.

(English:  Couple weeks ago I went on YouTube to search some information regarding cosmetics.  Oh I came across the following Japanese lady’s videos and after watching two of them, I instantly fall in love with her.  Why?  I feel that she is not pretentious, I can feel that she has a funny personality.  Also, her makeup is really good, very daring, creative with very good skills.  Brilliant!  Sometimes I feel like choosing a YouTuber is similar to choosing a friend – a person doesn’t suit everyone.  Anyway, she has become my top favorite!  Not sure if you’d like her too.  Of course, not every of her makeup is like an everyday thing.  I quite like the following looks (haven’t watched all of her videos yet – working on it).  If you haven’t come across her, please do, maybe you’ll fall in love with her too.)

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