Write My Book | My Life Before 40


After reading the title, you must be thinking “awwww… so many YouTubers/ Bloggers are having their book deals and now Hakme wants to have her own as well.”  Well, Yes and No in a way and I want to run my thoughts with you here.

When I was a kid, I was inspired to be many different things (like most kids), I wanted to be a Fashion Designer, a Writer, a Cartoonist…etc. The list went on and on.  One thing I was sure was that I didn’t want to be a singer, I did sing during my shower time but I knew I was (still am) completely rubbish at singing or anything related to playing instruments. When I grew up, I found that I couldn’t be a Fashion Designer because the needle work was completely boring in my eyes; also I couldn’t be a Writer because I didn’t have vivid imagination, and the same went to a Cartoonist.

Then with a heavy heart, I went to university to study English Literature.  I found that I love reading and writing, but I especially love fact-writing.  I enjoy reading stories, drama, motivational subjects, what not, but my genuine interest lies in autobiography.  I love how people tell their own stories and I love that I can learn something from these real people.  Of course in my 20s, I didn’t have anything to write about because I always refer my 20s as my “self-discovery” period, I was trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do with life.  I didn’t think it was legit for me to tell my story.  Now I am in my 30s and I have a bit more life experience, I think “maybe now is the right time”.  I guess that’s why I keep having the same thought in my head constantly for the past couple months.

I know many YouTubers/ Bloggers have got their book deals and they tell a bit of their stories throwing in the mix of beauty, fashion, lifestyle and advice.  Great for them!!  I am genuinely happy for them because I know how much hard work they have put into their careers and they do deserve to have amazing opportunities.  For me, I am just not interested in writing more about beauty, fashion and lifestyle, because you can definitely come here or check out my YouTube channel for those particular subjects.  I am way more interested in telling my story, and you are right, because I am older, I do get the advantage of being on earth a wee bit longer to have more juicy life stories to tell.  So no, I don’t want to be writing what I have already been writing all these years!  Do I want a book deal?  Yes!  Why not?  It’s simply because I know I will have a deadline to work to, I will get to work with the industry professionals and some date the book will be born.  It’s a very clear picture.  I am that kind of person, if I have a deadline, I will act on the task; if not, I probably will keep delaying it and it will become one of those thoughts buried deep inside my brain.  BUT, I am also aware that I am extremely difficult to work with when it comes to things that I have my own vision on.  Plus, I don’t think the industry professionals will find my life story very appealing or very interesting.

So the next question is: do I write it anyway?  Hmmmm…

Yes.  I think I should act on it because it’s calling me from within.  Do you ever have one of those moments whereby some thoughts/ ideas sneak into your head and no matter how hard you shake it, they won’t go away until you address them.  Yes, I am having one of those moments, so much so that I have to start writing about it here.  Honestly, I don’t know how I would be able to find time for this new “project”, but I guess my approach has always been “if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”  I believe if it means to me enough or if it could help others with my life experiences in any sort of way, then I will be able to find the time to make it happen.

There you go: I will kick start writing “My Life Before 40” and see how I feel or if it feels right. I don’t have a date, I don’t even know if it’s going to be published.   But I will try, as I always do in life.  I have to laugh now because people usually keep their books a secret until they are released, here I am doing things on the reverse and being so unconventional in the sense that I kinda “announce” it before any word is written.  Hey ho, I always keep my promise to you guys, so I am hoping by announcing it, I would feel the urge to really act on it.

Hey one more thing before I go, if you have something in mind that is screaming at you loud and hard, but you find that you can’t see how it’s even physically possible.  You have me as your buddy on this journey.  Let’s do it and then I am sure the future will unfold itself to suit.  Rather than sitting there analysing how and when, I am sure NOW is the best answer and the “how” will follow.  Good luck with lots of love from your buddy (me!).

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