[保養] 超大張好方便既落妝Wipe

我一路都係度揾睇下有冇d好好用既落妝wipe, 你地睇我咁耐都知我同落妝wipe無咩緣份,我一直都揾唔到一d我覺得比較值得推介既! 哈! 好彩我無放棄丫, 終於俾我揾到一款:

(English:  You all know I have been on the search for a good makeup remover wipe, however, I didn’t seem to have any luck when it comes to wipes.  But, luckily, I didn’t give up and I found this:)

Comodynes Convenient Cosmetics

Make-up Remover – Sensitive & Dry Skin 

Face & Eyes

價錢(Price):HK$39/ pack @Sasa (20 towelettes in a pack)

Product Information:









每日取出COMODYNES CONVENIENT COSMETICS 潔面,卸妝,護理纖維巾,塗抹於面部,加以輕輕按摩,即可卸除面上的污垢及化妝殘漬,只需1分鐘內肌膚即時回復潔淨,柔軟幼滑及滋潤保濕。”

(English: “Sensitive&Dry Skin Towelettes :

Oats: natural ingredient with soothing, moisturizing and toning properties that are beneficial for skin. Even extremely sensitives skin feels soft and soothed after skin care.

1.Mild surfactants: well-tolerated by skin and eyes: act by eliminating impurities and make-up residue.

2.Vegetable glycerides: has a conditioning effect, restoring skin’s natural hydrolipid film and maintaining a normal pH.

3.Glucose-derivatives: with emolient, hydrating and moisturizing properties; soothes and clears skin, leaving it soft and smooth.”


佢比起我用過其他既wipe大張,佢係20cm x 20cm呀, 所以你諗下有幾大張!

(English:  When compared to the ones I used before, this one is definitely big in size.  It’s 20cm x 20cm, so you can imagine…!!)


After Rubbing For 1 Min:

After Some More Rubbing

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:我超鍾意佢係超大張, 好似用緊毛巾咁, 同埋佢咁大張, 我就每次都只係用一張就夠喇,唔洗要用幾張咁浪費! 另外, 我都好鍾意佢比我之前用過既wipe濕潤, 咁樣比較容易卸妝亦都無咁傷害皮膚。 至於清潔力, 你睇相都見啦, 好容易就卸到化妝品, 係眼線筆要耐少少時間! 我用過幾次就覺得雖然佢話眼妝都落得, 但係眼線mascara呢d真係比較難落, 同我唔想rub我眼部位置,所以我個結論係, 落面野嘴野全部冇問題, 但係眼妝如果你有搽eyeliner/ mascara, 我都係建議用eye makeup remover! 落完妝, 我見皮膚係好濕潤。 佢話唔需要再洗面, 但係我自己就照洗(安心d), 洗完面我覺得皮膚幾滑, 唔錯!!  哈哈!! 掂呀!! 我用黃色呢隻係俾Dry同Sensitive Skin既人用;另外有隻係白色, 係俾Normal Skin; 仲有一隻綠色係俾oily skin既人用!  我一路想揾一隻wipe係因為我諗如果去旅行, 真係好方便, 用完就唔要!!  哈哈, 同埋有時好夜返屋企唔想有太多step既時候用佢又慳翻d瞓覺時間!! 如果你想揾一隻好用既落妝wipe,我好推呢隻呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  I really love how big it is, I feel like using a towel instead of a wipe.  Also, because it’s big, I only need to use one every time!  Also, it feels more moist than the ones I used previously.  I like the moisture because it means it would help remove the makeup easier and less rubbing needed during the process.  As you can tell from the above pictures, its cleansing power is good, in the sense that it removes all makeup (apart from the eyeliner) very quickly.  I have been using this for a few times.  Even though it says to be able to remove eye makeup, I still think that it has some trouble in removing eyeliner and mascara.  Maybe it’s because I am not comfortable with rubbing against my eye areas too much as well.  Anyway, my conclusion is that, it removes everything brilliantly, except eyeliner and mascara.  So if you wear the two products, it’s better to use an eye makeup remover instead for the particular area.  After removing the makeup with this wipe, skin is quite hydrated/ moisturized.  Though it says that no further face cleansing is required, I cannot skip my face cleansing step because I always feel better after using a face cleanser!!  Skin is definitely soft and smooth after!  Nice.  The one I am using is yellow and it’s for dry and sensitive skin types; they have another one in white for normal skin type; and a green one for oily skin type.  I have been on the search for a good makeup removing wipe is because I feel it’s more convenient when I go on trips, because it goes to the bin after I use it; also, it can save me time after a long day (if I don’t feel like a full-on routine).  So if you are looking for a very good makeup removing wipe, I surely recommend this one!!)


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