[保養] 日本Whipped Cream洗面泡泡

好幾多星期前,我收到一間公司寄俾我既日本洗面泡泡! 隻產品當時未有得賣,所以我就趁機試咗幾個星期,諗住到佢係市面有得賣既時候,我就可以分享下我對佢既感覺喇! 嘩,唔經唔覺都用左成個月,等我立刻分享下個感覺先!

(English:  A few weeks ago, I received a foam cleanser from a company!  At that time, it wasn’t available in the market yet, so I took the opportunity to give it a try for a few weeks, thinking that when it’s available in the market, I could share my comments with you immediately!  Yay, I have been using it for a month now and time to review!!)

Precious Life Oh Mine Facial White Foam

價錢(Price):HK$240/ 170g (available online)
Product Information:
  • “Kucha海泥(深層潔淨)
  • 珍珠精華(美白、幫助修復)
  • 沖繩水雲精華、木槿精華(保濕水潤)
  • 沖繩水雲精華、木槿精華及令潔面後水潤癿天然美容成分,彈力潔面泡泡有效美白及
  • 日本樂天市場銷售NO.1
  • 蘊含豐富礦物質及天然微量元素
  • 由教授採用高科技專利研製之護膚產品
  • 採用超幼滑癿濃密泡泡,超微細粒子只有毛孔1/16,能深入滲透毛孔及澈底清潔污垢,
  • 美容業界新星-Kucha海泥,連墨汁液都可變透明清澈,含有豐富海洋礦物質及肌膚所需
  • 加入了珍貴成份珍珠精華,蘊含豐富癿貝殼硬蛋白,能幫助修復、再生受損肌膚,也有
  • 再配合沖繩水雲精華、木槿精華研製,潔面後肌膚加陪水潤美白。”

    (English: Contains Kucha and it moisturizes, whitens while cleansing skin.)



使用次數(No. of Usage):30 times
用後感:呢枝產品一枝出黎就係泡泡喇!!即刻捽上面就得,唔洗再溝水慢慢起泡,真係夜返屋企趕住落妝瞓覺既人既一大喜訊(懶人都啱丫)!!佢既泡泡係好豐富好有彈力得黎,我覺得佢好似whipped cream呀! 按落面個陣唔會話按按下d泡泡爆哂無左野,反而係似按d whipped cream落面(唔肥膩)個感覺,好實在!! 用少少已經夠按塊面!! 按完過水,感覺真係超級良好,哈哈,乾淨唔洗講,仲要係有光澤,夠保濕,塊面個反應好似敷咗個paper mask咁!! 掂呀!!超愛!!你地都知我屋企有好多洗面產品,但係講方便,乾淨,效果,呢枝我覺得各方面都做得好好,所以都係我用得最多既一枝!!仲要有時真係好tired,落妝洗面既時間真係越少越好!! 呢枝產品已經成為我既每晚好物喇!!用完之後,真係回購度極高(當然我都要清下貨下!!)!!如果你要揾洗面野而你又鍾意泡泡產品,我超推呢枝丫!!!

(English:  Product Review:  When you squeeze it, it comes out as a foam format!  I can use it directly on my face, and I don’t need to do the normal process of adding water and generating foam in the palms of my hands! It’s perfect because it can save time, and when I arrive home late at night and I try to minimize the time of face cleansing routine (more time to sleep), I love it even more (perfect for lazy people too!!)!!!  The foam is very rich, bouncy and it feels like whipped cream!!  When I massage it on my face, the bubble don’t burst and leave nothing behind.  Rather, the feeling is more like massaging whipped cream on face (minus the greasiness), very solid!!  Use a little bit and it goes a long way!  After rinsing, the feeling is absolutely amazing *laughs*!!  Skin feels clean, radiant, hydrated and the result is very similar to after applying a sheet mask!!  Great!!  Super in love!!  You all know that I have quite a few foam cleanser at home, this one is the one that I reach for the most because it performs well on cleansing, it’s convenient to ..etc.  This is especially good for late nights when I am really tired and I just want to get my face cleansing done ASAP!!  After using up this one, I would definitely repurchase (well yea have to clear some stock as well)!!  If you are looking for a facial cleanser and you love foam products, I highly recommend this one!!!)

Precious Life唔只得呢個產品, 仲有另外一d, 我都好有興趣! 尤其係佢有隻潔面泥, 我下次都試下! 哈哈!! 你地可以Like佢地Facebook, 咁就可以睇下佢地有咩正野出 –> Precious Life Facebook Page

(English:  There are more than one product in Precious Life range, I am quite interested as well, especially they have a cleansing clay, I should give it a try next time!!  *Laughs*  You can also like their Facebook page and stay tuned with their products –>
Precious Life Facebook Page)

(the above product information is extracted from http://jabez-intl.com)
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