What’s In My “To Test Makeup Bag” + Wish List from Farfetch

臨行法國前打多篇bonus文章同大家傾下計先。 大家都知我其實好少係街化妝補妝,所以我唔會點帶化妝品出街。 不過我都有個秘密makeup bag放係屋企,今日同大家公開下呢個秘密啦~ 大家都知我有好多野要試或者想試,所以我會安排次序,比較心急想試完同大家分享既,我就會放落黎呢個To Test Makeup Bag入面提醒自己要快d試同大家分享。同埋我就可以定期review下入面既item,試完分享完,我就會拎佢地出黎讓位俾第二位喇。 我諗大家對我下期會試會分享既野有d興趣,所以今日開迷俾大家望下~

(English:  Before I head off to France, I want to write about this as a bonus piece to spend more time with you.  Many of you must have known by now that I don’t apply/ reapply makeup when I am out, so I don’t really bring any makeup out with me apart from lip balm and lipstick.  However, I do have a secret makeup bag at home, and I want to reveal the secrets to you today~  Yes you know that I do have quite a lot of things that I want to/ need to test out, and it would only make sense for me to prioritise them.  If I feel really excited about something, I would put this into this “To Test Makeup Bag” to remind myself that I need to use them first.  This way, I can review periodically the items inside, take out those which are reviewed and replace with the next batch of exciting products.  I, somewhat, think you might be interested to have a sneak peak of what’s inside so that you will have an idea of which review would be up and coming~)

My To Test Makeup Bag


1. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Fresh Hair Mist [我之前好愛佢Chance個枝Hair Mist,今次新出另一隻味,所以試下]

2. Chanel UV Essential SPF50+ [又係新品,同埋黎緊春夏,所以要高度數防曬]

3. Hourglass Veil Fluid Makeup Oil Free in No. 1.5 Nude [有睇我之前敗家片唔洗我多講啦]

4. Kiko Lip Base Primer [意大利平價品牌啱啱黎咗香港,所以我又入手]

5. Kiko Dark Circle Concealer in 05 Sand [我都話我呢期好熱愛試遮瑕膏丫] 

(English: 1. Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Fresh Hair Mist [I really loved the Chance and here comes the new release of another scent, of course I am excited]

2. Chanel UV Essential SPF50+ [Again new release, it’s approaching Spring and Summer, so it’s time to give the sunscreens some good testing]

3. Hourglass Veil Fluid Makeup Oil Free in No. 1.5 Nude [If you have watched my haul video, it’s self-explanatory]

4. Kiko Lip Base Primer [Italian brand with drugstore pricing just landed in HK, yea, of course I get my hands on it]

5. Kiko Dark Circle Concealer in 05 Sand [Didn’t I tell you I am obsessed with testing out concealers already?]

More Items:

6. Rimmel Extreme Black Wonderful Mascara with Argan Oil [睇到Argan Oil個字即刻想試]

7. Tom Ford High Definition Eyeliner in 05 Slate [呢隻顏色係灰色,所以除咗持唔持久之外,我仲想知上咗眼個效果]

8. Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo in 212 [好似好潤既唇膏,好想可以快d同大家分享]

9. Marc Jacobs New Nudes Lipstick in 150 Eat Cake [朋友係外地幫我買,一直未試,呢個色我覺得好春天,係時候要拎出黎]

(English: 6. Rimmel Extreme Black Wonderful Mascara with Argan Oil [I was drawn to the words “Argan Oil” lol]

7. Tom Ford High Definition Eyeliner in 05 Slate [this is a grey color, so apart from whether it’s long-lasting or not, I want to see how it would look on the eyes]

8. Chanel Rouge Coco Stylo in 212 [seems to be very moisturising, can’t wait to share my thoughts with you]

9. Marc Jacobs New Nudes Lipstick in 150 Eat Cake [my friend got this this while she traveled, since the color reminds me of Spring, it’s time to give this a go]

好,分享完我既秘密,慾望係無止鏡,所以我又講下Wish List。 我之前搵Chloe Susanna Boots,Lane Crawford話斷哂碼,我就唔憤氣上網揾,比我見到Farfetch.com有,仲要Lane Crawford賣HK$11,4xx,Farfetch只要HK$7,600,比埋USD10運費,DHL兩日收到(對鞋同大家法國Vlog見),慳咗唔少錢。 正因為慳咗唔少我又繼續𥄫佢個site,發現佢地啱啱同英國Space NK Apothecary合作開咗beauty部分。 我睇完一大餐有以下發現。

(English:  Right, after sharing my secrets, now it’s time to share a new wish list (wants are really unlimited).  I was looking for Chloe Susanna Boots before, Lane Crawford told me that all sizes were out of stock.  That forced me to go online and I found them on Farfetched.com.  Lane Crawford was selling them at HK$11,4xx and they are only HK$7,600 on Farfetch. I paid USD10 for shipping and I got them within a couple days by DHL (you will see them on my feet in the Paris Vlog).  I was really happy for the savings that I “made” and I continued to browse their website.  I found that they just started the beauty department collaborating with UK Space NK Apothecary.  After so much browsing, here are what I find.)

Anne Semonin Eye Express Ice Cubes (link)

叫Ice Cubes喎,好似好強既眼部產品。睇佢description好似好全效,所以好鬼想試。

(English:  They are called Ice Cubes (how cute), it seems quite nice.  Judging from its description, it seems to be a complete solution for eyes, and now I really want to give them a go.)

Sarah Chapman Skinesis Stem Cell Collagen Activator (link)

我之前用過佢既Hydrating Booster都覺得好好用,下次想試下呢d細細枝既Collagen Activator。 我都係對細細枝既產品情有獨中。

(English:  I used their Hydrating Booster before and I really liked it, so next time I fancy trying these mini bottles of Collagen Activator.  I simply can’t say No to anything that’s packaged in the mini bottles.)

Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Night Oil (link)


(English:  Many YouTubers from the UK had such good reviews on this bottle of facial oil, I guess I should give this a go and see if it’s really That Good?!)

This Works In Transit Camera Close-Up (link)

呢枝應該係化妝底霜,話保濕明亮。 我就反而係因為佢個名先有興趣,感覺上轉機搽佢,搽完佢就見得人。 哈哈。

(English:  This should be a makeup base, it’s said to hydrate and brighten skin.  To be honest, I am simply drawn to the name, not the function, it gives me a feeling that if I apply this during transit, my skin would turn from “not so good condition” to “I have naturally good skin condition”.

呢堆我入咗手再同大家分享啦。 ,大家有興趣就去Farfetch Beauty部望下(link)。不過我收筆前想同大家講,Farfetch既Hourglass係平過香港counter好多呀。 雖然唔係full line,但係出名既產品都有賣,大家有興趣自己去link望下啦。

(English:  I probably will share after getting my hands on these items.  If you are interested, head over to Farfetch Beauty Department to take a look (link).  Before I go, I have another point to make.  Hourglass is available on Farfetch as well and the prices are more friendly than those of Hong Kong.  Though they don’t have the full line of products available, at least those “hot items” are included.  If you are interested, go to this link to check it out yourself.)

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