[職場] What to Wear for an Interview?

Outfit for Interviews/ Work

之前收到一個email話不如講下去interview著咩好。 我覺得都好有用,所以今日講一講呢個似特別又唔特別既topic!

(English:  I got an email a few days ago asking me to write something about “what to wear for an interview”.  Nice, I feel that it might be something useful, so today I am going to talk a bit about this special/ non-special topic!!)

見工係咪要著suit? 除非你係做特別行業有講明interview唔洗著suit啦, 否則其他既工作都係需要既! 我覺得著suit係一種對interview既重視同尊重, 亦都令自己感覺上同視覺上都專業d, 有咩唔好? 我都明白有d人同我一樣都唔鍾意著suit, 著咗好似唔係好係自己, 周身唔舒服! 不過我又掉轉頭諗, 都係一陣jer, 如果因為無著suit而俾人感覺我唔夠尊重個interview而扣分就真係超無謂!

(English:  Do I have to wear a suit for an interview?  Apart from some special businesses which declares that you don’t need to, otherwise, it’s a must!  I view wearing a suit is respect towards the interview, also it does make a person physically and psychologically more professional, so why not?  I totally understand that some people don’t like to wear suits, just like me, we feel uncomfortable in them and we feel that we are not quite us (if you know what I mean!!).  On the other hand, I would say, the uncomfort only lasts a short while, but if I got a lesser score by not wearing the suit, then god damn!!)

上面張相我用個program去整, 如果你無咩頭緒點著點襯, 其實張相入面既都差唔多喇。 如果你鍾意著裙, 可以買一套裙款既suit, 如果你鍾意著褲, 就買褲既套裝, 裙定褲真係無咩所謂架, 係suit就得喇(我細個人地話我知一定要係裙, 害我買咗套裙著過兩次, 仲要之後發現係褲都得!!! 激死!!)。

(English:  I used a program to create the photo above.  If you have no idea of how you should dress up in suit, you could pick something similar in the picture!  If you are a skirt lover, pick a suit with a skirt; but if you are trousers lover, then pick one with pants.  Skirts or pants don’t really matter, as long as it’s part of a suit (well, when I was young, someone told me that I had to wear a skirt, so I bought a suit with skirt, I only wore it twice!!!  After that, I discovered that wearing pants wasn’t a sin!!!! OMG!)

入面既襯衫, 我覺得個顏色可以sharp d, 個個都係白衫, 如果有少少color會醒神d, 如果你唔想就咁白衫, 可以揀下著粉色系列(粉紅,粉紫都好), 如果你想再sharp少少, 我覺得深紫色都係一個選擇!

(English:  For the top, I feel that the color can be a bit vibrant.  Everyone wears white but I feel that you would look sharper with a bit of color.  If you are not fond of white shirt/ top, you could pick something more pastel (light pink, light purple are good!).  But if you are a color lover, I think deep purple is a great choice as well!)

套衫係點你大概有個idea啦, 如果唔係好明, 可以email我再大家研究! 不過另外我有個好重要既tips要講!

(English:  Now you should have an idea of what the outfit looks like.  If you have any question, you are welcome to email me!  Ha – before I finish, I have an important tip to share!!)

Tips: 你個袋/file入面應該會裝咗你既reference letters, 學歷等等, 如果個interviewer問你, 你要俾佢哋keep record係咪? 整整齊齊丫唔該!! 我會建議你影印一份俾個interviewer(佢要你可以俾佢丫), 另外你都要帶正本, 正本個次序同影印本個次序要一樣, 方便人地對!! 呢個動作係話俾人知你好organized同埋你會為人地諗!! 唔好以為好小事, 如果你interview得好好, 但係你d咁重要既reference letters各樣就散到周圍都係, 要扣分又係好無謂啦!!

(English: Tips:  Inside your bag/ file, there are reference letters, academic certs and such, right?  If the interviewer asks you, you will have to give the stack of documents to him/ her for record purpose, right?  Ohhhhh please!!!!  Tidy please!!!!!  I would suggest you make a copy for the interviewer (if he/ she wants, you could give the copies to him/ her).  Apart from the copies, you have to bring the original copies with you so that the interviewer can cross check.  Please make sure the order of the original copy is exactly the same as the copies, so it’s easier for the interviewer to do the checking!  This shows that you are very organized, detail-minded and caring!!  Don’t think it doesn’t matter!!  Everything matters!!!)

Good Luck!!!

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