買到心頭好 ♥ Wet N Wild

如果講開化妝品, 美國真係好多野都又平又正.  其中有一個drugstore brand叫 Wet N Wild, 佢既eyeshadows真係超多好評.  睇完之後超級心動.  本身見到網店 drugstore.com 有得international shipping, 我以為咁就好方便我買佢d野啦.  點鬼知我click左HK$5xx既野, 佢要既international shipping係HK$4xx.  咁我不如係Yahoo搵seller買啦, 價錢差唔多我又唔洗等咁耐.  Yahoo唔算多人賣呢個品牌, 但係好彩 – 我想買既野都俾我買到.  呵呵~~

(English:  Talking about cosmetics, there are a lot of good stuff with super reasonable prices in the states.  One of them is a brand called Wet N Wild.  Their eyeshadows are really famous and have rave comments.  After I watched/ read about all that, I was really tempted (again!!)!!  I went to drugstore.com and they offer international shipping.  At first I thought it was brilliant since I could haul quite a few brands, however, after I clicked “check out”, I found that I had to pay HK$4xx shipping for a basket worth of HK$5xx of products.  Ha…then why don’t I get them at Yahoo instead?  The prices are about the same and I don’t have to wait for that long to get the products.  There aren’t many people selling Wet N Wild at Yahoo, but I managed to get what I wanted…hahahaha:)

Wet N Wild Color Icon Eyeshadow Collection (8-color)

價錢 (Price):HK$80@ (after discount: HK$75@)

Color: 738 Comfort Zone (on your left) & 737 Blue Had Me At Hello

佢呢個series有3隻色揀, 本身我係三隻色都要, 可惜737 Petal Pusher無貨.  唔緊要啦, 我等到8月就有喇, 到時再特別剛個隻色丫.  而家可以玩住呢兩隻色先.  哈哈!

(English:  This series offer 3 color combination.  I wanted to get them all, but 737 Petal Pusher is out of stock at the moment.  No worries, I will wait till August to get it.  Right now, I could still play with these two colors!  Fab!)

等我試下色俾大家望下先.  拿!!  我全部都無用eyeshadow primer架, 咁你知佢地有幾上色啦:

(English:  Let me swatch them for you!  Well well well, I haven’t used any eyeshadow primer at all, so you can get the idea of how pigmented these eyeshadows are!)

737 Blue Had Me At Hello

Open up:

佢係個eyeshadow印左d字教大家搽係邊個位.  當然啦, 大家都可以自由發揮!!20070218174522.gif

(English:  There are words on each eyeshadow to give you an idea of where you should put the color on.  Of course, we are all welcome to use our creativity too!)

On hand:

Close up:

On hand:

Close up:

738 Comfort Zone

Open up:

On hand:

Close up:

On hand:

Close up:

呢個就係我用Comfort Zone既製成品喇, 開完第二日即刻試啦…正正正….

(English:  This is the makeup look created with Comfort Zone!  I couldn’t wait to play with it the very next day already!  Brilliant!!)

So far, 我好滿意佢既品質!!  佢個d eyeshadow仲有唔同系列, 我會collect埋佢地, 我再試真d比較下之後再同大家share我既comment啦~~

(English:  So far, nothing to complain about at all!  There are a few series from Wet N Wild series and I’d probably collect some of them (yea~~), I will try them out before I make a detailed review!)

P.S.  我Tuesday & Wednesday會去馬拉2日1夜…唔係去玩 (我都想), 我去做野jar (仲要一d shopping時間都無…嗚嗚…).  我返黎休息下再同大家share啦~~ 哈哈, 大家唔好太掛住我~~

(English: P.S.  I will be going to Malaysia on Tues and Wed, a 2 day 1 night trip!  Nah I am not going to play (I wish), I am going to work (no time left for shopping at all….OMG!).  Well, see you all when I get back.  Don’t miss me too much *joking*~~)

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