德國Wellmaxx來到黑咪店都有一段時間,最出名當是洗面膏及手霜,兩者都是天花板級別。 今天跟大家分享這一款比較隱藏,但又非常保濕的Wellmaxx五重玻尿酸眼部啫喱。
The German brand, Wellmaxx, has landed in Hakme Beauty for a while, the most famous items are their Hyaluron⁵ Gentle Face Wash and Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream, both are wonderful products. Today I am going to talk about a “hidden” yet very hydrating product – Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Perfect Eye Gel Concentrate.
Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Perfect Eye Gel Concentrate
HK$340/20ml (LINK)

✅The extra-light gel with 5-fold hyaluronic acid helps revive the area around your eyes
✅Sensitive skin around the eyes is nourished with valuable moisture, mitigating signs of stress and fatigue.

Wellmaxx五重玻尿酸眼部啫喱質地是透明的啫喱,非常快吸收,吸收後不會有一層油脂留在皮膚表面,所以不怕會弄出油脂粒來。它的功效比較專一,就是為眼部皮膚專注保濕飽滿,所以適合眼部沒太多問題的baby或者男士(Mr Honey是它的超級粉絲)。
Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Perfect Eye Gel Concentrate is a gel format, it gets absorbed very quickly and it doesn’t leave an oily film around the eye areas, which means it doesn’t give rise to any irritating bumps. Its focus is to hydrate and plump the eye areas, so it’s suitable for anyone who wants to focus on hydration. It works great on men too, Mr Honey is a big fan of this eye concentrate.
It contains 5-fold hyaluronic acid which means it has 5 different types of short- and long-chain of hyaluronic acid arriving at different layers within skin to perform its hydration job. Therefore, its hydrating result is deep and effective. Also it contains hydro system Aquaxyl™, in layman’s terms, with the help of this ingredient, more “water pipes” are built within skin, which means moisture can be delivered to “the needed areas” more quickly and effectively. So if you have fine lines due to dryness around the eye areas, this eye gel helps to fade them.
它質地輕盈,非常適合早上化妝前用,令底妝更貼服無瑕。 再仔細看價錢也非常親民,一般市面上眼部產品只有15ml,這支Wellmaxx隻眼部啫喱就有20ml,亦只需要$340。 在現今物價騰貴的社會來說這價錢是不是很美好? 心動不如行動快來黑咪店(地址按此)試質地或者直接在網店選購(連結按此)。
It’s so light-weight and it’s perfect for use underneath makeup in the morning, it somehow helps to create a great canvas for your base makeup. Furthermore, if you take a closer look, its price is so friendly. Most eye products in the market only comes in 15ml, yet this eye gel comes in 20ml and the price is just HK$340. Well, everything is so expensive these days, it’s refreshing to see a product that works with a friendly price tag. If you are tempted after reading this blog post, I urge you to come to Hakme Beauty (store address here) to have a try or make your purchase directly online here.