下一個爆款手霜: Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream 

我相信大家家中都不缺乏手霜,但真正好用的又有多少? 我家的手霜數目猶如繁星,不同品牌的,不同氣味的,不同滋潤度的,不同功效的。 但我還是覺得我未找到一款真正保濕的,直至到我測試了Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream,用了幾天過後我不禁心裏高呼: 我終於找到下一個爆款手霜! 一起來看看吧。

I believe all of us have quite a few hand creams at home, however, how many of them are truly amazing?  My stock level of hand cream is beyond imagination – different brands, different scents, different moisturizing levels, different functions etc. And I still felt like I hadn’t found the one that could truly hydrate my hands, until I came across Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream, I used it for a few days and I knew, “I have found the next hot hand cream in town!”  Let’s take a closer look.  

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream HK$190

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream



✅Offers long lasting hydration
✅Plumps skin


手霜對我來說是一款非常基本的保養品,撇除香味價錢品牌,我要求它真正保濕。真正保濕的意思是,不單止當下那一刻要滋潤保濕,就算洗手過後應該都要覺得手部皮膚不乾涸,而不是抹了就覺得滋潤,沒抹的時候乾至甩皮出白紋。 這就是我對手霜的要求,而我覺得Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream做到這點。

Hand cream to me is a very basic skincare item, apart from scents, prices and brands, my utmost requirement is IT HYDRATES TRULY.  What I mean by that is you should be able to see/ feel the hydration whether you have the hand cream on or not.  Some hand creams seem to hydrate instantly and then after you wash your hands, your hands become dry and flaky again.  This should not happen if you are using a hand cream that truly hydrates.  And I feel like Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream completes the hydrating task really nicely.

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream有獨家五重玻尿酸技術,有5款不同大小玻尿酸分子在皮膚不同層面做保濕飽滿。另外還有專利HSA幫皮膚興建水道管,可以更有效地將水份帶到需要位置。亦有維他命E抗氧化,杏仁油及牛油果油做滋潤。它看起來比較杰身,但非常好推,給大概1分鐘時間就完全吸收,手部不會有黏笠的感覺,而且摸起來非常細滑。香味宜人舒服。

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Smoothing Hand Cream comes with a special 5-fold hyaluronic acid formula, meaning it has different long- and short-chain of hyaluronic acid working on different skin layers to hydrate and plump.  It also comes with Hydro System Aquaxyl™ to help build water pipes within skin layers (in layman’s terms) so moisture can be brought to places where it’s needed the most.  It also has Vitamin E to anti-oxidise, almond oil and avocado oil to moisturize.  Its texture looks quite solid but it’s very spreadable, give it a minute and it gets absorbed completely without leaving a greasy feeling behind.  Hands are smooth to touch and look refined.  The scent is wonderfully nice too.

我用了它幾天之後手部皮膚變得細緻嫩滑,乾紋白紋bye bye! 我喜歡它的原因是它的長效保濕功能,我晚上塗了它,第二天就算忘了塗手霜大半日手部也不會覺得乾。這點令我非常滿意!而且它價錢也不離地,香味討好,誰用誰喜歡的類型!

I used it for a few days and my hands became soft and smooth, there were no more dryness, flaky skin and fine lines!  I am in love with its hydration longevity.  I use it at night just before bed and the next day my hands are still soft and smooth even without any application for half a day.  I am amazed!  Furthermore, its price and scent are nice, I believe many of you would love it!


This hand cream doesn’t have repair functions, so it doesn’t soothe or repair problematic hands immediately, however, due to its amazing capability in hydration, with long-term use, it should be able to help ease any dryness that problematic hands might experience.  I do highly recommend you give this a try, I believe you will love it as much as I do.  Hurry to Hakme Beauty (addresses here) or shop online (click here).  

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