黑咪店最受歡迎的洗面膏: Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash

7年前黑咪店最受歡迎的洗面膏再度回歸。 如果你七年前已經follow我,相信你有聽我講過或者已經試過德國美容品牌Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash洗面膏。 今次再度回歸,不止價錢跟當年一樣,產品還有大升級,看下去吧!

7 years ago, Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash was our best seller (I am not joking, yes not just one of, it was THE BEST SELLER in Hakme Beauty).  If you have been following me for a long time, I believe you had heard me talking about or had tried Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash before.  This time around, it comes back to Hakme Beauty with the old price tag but wonderful upgrade, let’s take a closer look!

Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Gentle Clean Face Wash HK$270

Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash



✅Foams up and cleans gently
✅Soap-free so it doesn’t stripe off your natural oil
✅Removes sunscreens 


I have dry skin and I had been trying so many different foaming face washes in the market, the one thing in common is that most of them are very drying.  Yes, the moment that you wash the foam off, your skin feels so squeaky clean; but if you don’t put your skincare off immediately, the dryness kicks in and skin feels so uncomfortable.  One of the biggest reasons why Wellmaxx Gentle Clean Face Wash was our best seller was that it hydrated the skin while cleansing, so skin was supple after without the tightening feeling.  


This round, the product got an update.  You see the little 5 on the upper right hand corner of the word Hyaluron⁵ (the old version didn’t have the 5)?  It represents their special hyaluronic acid formula, it doesn’t only consist of 1 type of hyaluronic acid, it contains 5!  5 types of long-chain and short-chain hyaluronic acid working in different layers of skin to hydrate and plump, for up to 5 layers.  Pretty cool eh?  If you tried the old version and you loved how hydrating it was, I think you will be amazed by this new version.

它雖然有泡,但它是非皂性,所以溫和潔淨之餘不會洗走皮膚天然油脂,這也是另一個不會越洗越乾的原因。 我去越南就帶了它跟Mr Honey一起用,用後皮膚也比較明亮,亦沒有敏感不適,我倆非常喜歡。 如果你會化妝的話,我建議先落妝再用這個洗面,但如果你只塗防曬,這個就可以卸掉防曬跟洗面一take過!

Though it foams up, it’s soap-free.  It cleans well but doesn’t stripe off skin’s natural oil, hence, you won’t get into a situation whereby the more you wash your face, the drier it feels.  We brought this with us when we went to Vietnam.  I loved how bright my face looked every time after cleansing, my skin was stale and supple!  We both love this face wash.  If you have makeup, I would recommend removing makeup first and then use this as a face wash; but if you just have sunscreens on, you can use this as your sunscreen remover and face cleanser in one go!

價錢亦非常美好,在這個百物騰貴的年代,價錢保留在七年前但產品質素有所提升,你說品牌是不是很重視客人! 如果你喜歡用有泡的洗面產品,一定要趕快來黑咪店試這條(地址按此/網購按此),誰試誰喜歡,男士女士都可以用啊。 

The price is wonderful too!  I think we can all agree that everything has gone up in price in the last few years.  However, Wellmaxx Hyaluron⁵ Gentle Clean Face Wash is keeping the same price as 7 years ago with a great upgrade, I think you can tell the brand does value their customers, right?  If you love a good foaming face wash, you must hurry to Hakme Beauty and try this Wellmaxx one (addresses here / online shopping here).  It’s unisex and everyone is loving it so far!  

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