[敗家] 台灣 Watons + 阿原肥皂

喺香港我成日都會睇開架品牌, 去到台灣都一樣。 今次去反而覺得Watsons有d驚喜wor! 好耐年前, 我用過一款Biore嘅防曬, 我真係覺得好用到好緊要。 但係偏偏香港唔入(我都唔明, 好野成日都唔入)。我知台灣有Biore嘅防曬賣, 所以我突登去Watsons望望。 當然啦, 我以前用個款都過左時, 已經無出喇。 但係我見都有好多另外嘅款式可以揀, 難得去到, 我就買左以下個幾枝喇。

(English:  In Hong Kong, I always check out the open counters and I did the same when I was in Taiwan.  I was quite happy when I went to Watsons.  I used a couple of Biore sunscreens long time ago and I thought those were one of the best sunscreens on Earth, however, they are not available in Hong Kong (how come??).  I know that Biore sunscreens are available inTaiwan and therefore I went to Watsons to take a good look.  Of course, the ones that I used were not manufactured anymore, however, there were new stuff to choose from.  Great – I got the following:)

佢地全部都可以當係防曬同埋Makeup Base, 一枝過唔洗煩!

(English:  They can be used as sunscreens and makeup base!!  Very convenient to me!!)


呢枝係新野, 我買左兩條!! 哈哈!! SPF50, 諗住出年夏天就用佢。 我會開枝試下先, 試完再同大家分享丫。

(English:  This is a new release!  I got 2 actually *laughs*!  SPF50, I think I am going to use this next Summer, but I will also open one to try first in the next couple weeks.  I will share my comments after!)


呢枝就有潤色功效, SPF30。 我就揀左自然膚色。 希望唔會變白面魔女啦。

(English:  This one offers balancing skin tone function and it’s SPF30.  I picked a color called Natural and I am not really sure how natural it is, hopefully I won’t be turning myself into a white-faced ghost!)


呢隻有保濕功效,SPF50! 我見呢隻又好似有d唔同, 所以買嚟比較下。

(English:  This one offers hydrating function and it’s SPF50.  I got this to compare with the other one!)

真係好平呀! 出年唔洗用貴野。 我諗咁多枝應該都頂到好幾個月! 等我用咗再同大家分享丫, 應該要d時間, 太多分享等住要出呀!

(English:  The price tags are really friendly!!  I don’t think I have to use any expensive sunscreens next year!!  I have 4 tubes now and that should last for quite awhile!  I will definitely share my comments after I get to try them – it might take awhile *laughs*!)

另外, 除咗買防曬外。 我都買咗一d Integrate嘅產品, 因為呢個品牌係香港無得賣ma, 我好好奇想知佢嘅質量如何, 所以就買左幾樣野嚟試試喇。 又係啦, 我會遲少少先出試色文。 等等我啦(人家真係有好多野要寫呀~)!

(English:  Apart from sunscreens, I always got a few Integrate products.  Integrate is a Japanese brand and it’s not available in Hong Kong, I was very curious about their quality and thought it would be fun for me to try out this brand.  Again, the swatches will be posted separately since I still have other Taiwan pieces to come.)


一粒灰系, 一粒啡系。 都係好實用嘅顏色啦。 下個星期再試色俾大家望望! 我知我知, 我真係有好多眼影, 但係我成日都身痕要買(笑)。

(English:  One is grey tone and the other one is brown tone – very practical colors.  I know I know, I probably have too many eye shadows, but it’s a sin not to buy them when I haven’t tried them before *laughs*.)


呢粒係胭脂, 話係mineral wor! 好似見佢個牌話係新出嘅。 我對所有新出嘅野都好有興趣, 所以買粒嚟玩下。

(English:  This is a blush – and it’s a mineral one!!  Interesting.  It’s a new release and it would be fun for me to give it a go!)


呢枝真係玩衝動! 我記得Integrate最出名係lipgloss, 所以就算我無咁嘅需要, 我都叫自己買枝嚟試下好唔好用。

(English:  This one is definitely “buy on impulse”!  I recalled that the most famous item from Integrate was lipgloss, so even though I didn’t have the need, I convinced myself to get this to try.)

哈哈, 我以上買Integrate嘅野, 全部都有15% off呀! 好抵, 又多個品牌可以俾我研究喇。 我今個trip都幾好彩, 成日都有減價(笑)!

(English:  The best part was I got 15% discount on Integrate stuff!  I felt that I was quite lucky as I always got discount somewhere *laughs*!!)

最後, 係我走個日, 我係機場行下行下見到台灣好出名嘅阿原肥皂:

(English:  Oh, on the last day when I got to the airport, I walked around aimlessly and saw AH Yuen Soap:)

呢盒野我唔記得幾多錢。 以前見過人話好用, 同埋我睇d日本美容書話艾草對淨化皮膚好好, 所以我好想試。 買呢盒方便d, 有幾隻味可以試。 不過我諗我要夏天先會開嚟用呀, 我怕冬天用好乾。 用完再分享啦。

(English:  I can’t remember how much this costs.  There were rave comments about these soaps and I was interested to try the four different flavours, therefore, I got this gift set.  I think I will be using these next Summer as I am afraid that they might dry skin out.  Let me try and see how it goes.)

好喇, 終於講完我嘅台灣美容化妝敗家史喇。 等我講下我個台灣之旅嘅其他野先。

(English:  Finally, I am done with my skincare/ cosmetics hauling story in Taiwan.  Let me move onto other parts of the trip!!)

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