[旅遊] 台灣的W Hotel

唔經唔覺已經三月中。 我都唔覺唔覺去咗台灣返嚟差不多成一個月喇。 今次去台灣同泰國都實在係太太太趕, 所以唔多時間可以四圍去。 每日都係處於待係酒店公司當中。 酒店都有少少成為我嘅景點(除咗我d熱愛嘅購物地點之外)。 今次我去台灣好好彩, 公司本身book開個間酒店無房, 所以我要住另一間酒店。 哈哈, 好驚喜, 竟然係W Hotel呀! 呢間酒店好新好靚好時尚, 所以有得住都好興奮下(而且又好近shopping熱點!)。

(English:  Mid March already!!  What have I done?  Time really flies and it’s been almost a month since I went to Taiwan.  Well the trips to Taiwan and Thailand were basically HURRY HURRY HURRY, not much time to really appreciate the places.  I was in between hotel and work everyday and I guess the hotel had turned into one of my sightseeing places (apart from the shopping places that I love).  I was indeed very lucky going to Taiwan this time because the one hotel that my company always booked for us was full!!  Therefore, I had a chance to stay with W Hotel this time!!  Brilliant – this hotel is rather new in Taipei and it looks absolutely trendy and amazing!)

入到房會覺得有Cyber嘅感覺! 好潮呀! 我有講我去嗰幾日有晴天公仔照住我(好好天, 係我走個日先落雨jar), 拉開sa d簾真係覺得好光猛!! 感覺好好。  我去睇website, 佢有唔同嘅房ga, 我諗我呢隻應該係最普通個種喇(但係都好正wor!!)。

(English:  I would say the room was quite cyber!!  Actually when I was there, I was quite lucky to have very good weather (the day I left it started to rain…).  The room was very bright!!  I looked at the website and there were different types of rooms with different price range.  Mine should be the cheapest one (but still good!!).)

見到張床超想訓(人地嗰日五點就起身準備去機場麻)。 有兩張床, 但係其實得我一個人。 哈哈, 我一晚瞓一張!!

(English:  Sooooo sleepy when I saw the bed (I woke up at 5am that day).  There were 2 beds but actually I went there alone!!  Hmmmm I could sleep on different bed each night.)

個沖涼房係床嘅隔離。 感覺好futuristic!!

(English:  The bathroom is next to the bed.  It looks quite futuristic eh?)

哈哈, 佢地係用Bliss嘅產品。 仲要係Lemon + Sage味, 我嘅最愛。 超refreshing呀!!就算落機好攰, 沖個靚涼都即刻醒神sa!!

(English:  *laughs*  They use Bliss products and it’s my favourite scent – Lemon + Sage!!  Oh so refreshing!!  Though I was tired, I felt energized after using these lovely products!!)

雖然台灣好多美食, 但係我因為有兩餐無咩時間去揾食, 所以就係酒店叫Room Service算喇。 其中一餐係早餐, 我叫左中國嘅傳統美食 – 粥!!

(English:  Even though there are so much good food in Taiwan, I had to have my meal at the hotel because I was in such a hurry – no time to go out and explore places.  So I ordered room service and one of them was breakfast – congee!!)

嘩! 一嚟我望住煲粥呆咗!! 咁大煲呀!!! 仲要有埋小點(蝦蛟燒賣)。 見到就飽咗, 我覺得呢個早餐真係三個女仔食都仲得呀!!

(English:  OMG!!!  It was HUGE!!!!  It came with a few dim sums as well!!  I felt full just by looking at it.  I think this meal could actually feed 3 girls – no problem!!)

另一餐食麵麵, 呢個size就正常好多! 話好好食又唔算, 但係急起上嚟醫肚都可以。 當然, 有時間就出去食好野啦! 我今次無時間掃街, 只係食咗d餐廳野, 有d唔錯! 遲少少出多篇文分享。

(English:  Another meal was noodle!!  The size was more normal this time!!  It wasn’t super delicious but it surely killed my hunger.  Again, I would rather go out and explore other cuisine if only I had more time!  I didn’t really have any street food this time, just some restaurant meals.  Some of them were quite nice.  I will talk more about them in another post.)

如果有心情仲可以嘆下酒, 呢個當然係要自付啦!

(English:  If you are in the mood, you can start drinking too – of course this would be extra on your bill!!)


(English:  When I was exploring, I found this basket of goodies:)


(English:  You can find almost everything inside!)


(English:  Oxygen, anyone??)

有玩具丫! 不過我見到佢就唔係好想玩!

(English:  A toy but I wasn’t tempted to play with it!!)


(English:  Battery!!)

有超大lollipop!! 要食幾多世先食完呀?

(English:  Gigantic lollipop!!  How long does it take to finish this?)

帽都有呀! 不過我諗唔會有人買掛~~除非必要啦!!

(English:  A cap!  Hmmm… don’t think anyone would buy unless it’s an emergency!!)


(English:  No worry if you forget your lip balm!)

仲有對sexy絲襪! 好笑呀!!係Be Bad呢組字吸引我研究呢盒野㗎!

(English:  A pair of sexy stockings!!  So funny!!  Actually the words “Be Bad” inspired me to investigate this basket of goodies!!)

當然全部都係唔包啦! 要俾錢㗎!! 拎嚟玩之前要諗清楚呀!

(English:  Of course, you have to pay for the items above.  So, before you unpack any of the items, make sure you really want/ need them!!)

我睇佢website有好多房都好靚呀! 最衰我今次太趕喇, 如果唔係我都會周圍係酒店explore下。 唔緊要, 應該都有下次! 咦, 仲有另一點想提提, 佢地入面嘅職員全部都好靚仔靚女呀! 我一入門口個陣覺得自己去左一個好時尚嘅地方!! 哈哈!!

(English:  When I browsed through their website, I found that many of the rooms are fabulous looking!  Too bad that I was in so much of a hurry this time, otherwise, I would definitely explore the hotel further!  Anyway, there would be a next time!  Ohhhhh…another note, the staff there are all handsome and pretty *laughs*.  When I first arrived, I thought they were all really fashionable! *winks*)

如果你地有興趣, 可以去望下佢地個網頁丫: http://www.wtaipei.com/

(English:  If you are interested, you could get more information from their website: http://www.wtaipei.com/)
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