[敗家] 未生日先敗家於Vivienne Westwood + Chanel

嘩, 我都唔記得幾耐無去過Vivienne Westwood買野喇。 我以前都幾鍾意佢d野, 唔係貴到好恐怖之餘, 質料唔錯, d款有時都幾特別下。  呢兩個星期我成日行過Times Square見佢做緊sale, 本身都無咩心動, 但係尋日俾我見到個袋, 我就入左去問下價喇。 一問之下原來有40% off, 哈哈, 感覺好抵之下就敗咗喇。 橫掂我都好耐無敗過袋。。。

(English:  Ohhh…I couldn’t recall when was the last time I shopped at Vivienne Westwood.  I used to love their stuff, as it’s not crazily expensive but with good quality and sometimes the style is quite special!  These couple weeks, when I walked pass Times Square, their sale sign was up!  I didn’t think too much of it until yesterday –  I saw a bag that caught my eye and I had to go in and ask for the price.  OMG!  40% off!!  How could I not get it?  It’s been awhile since I haul any bag anyway…)

Original Price: HK$8,990 (with 40% off it’s HK$5,394)

我最鍾意嘅兩隻色, 黑色同shocking pink! 一眼就鍾意!! 仲要可以側背(我唔太好要手拎嘅袋), 入面又夠大, 可以裝到好多野, 個樣唔太formal, 返工casual都啱用。 正!

(English:  The two colors that I love the most – black and shocking pink!  It’s love at first sight *laughs*!  It has a shoulder strap (PERFECT – I hate those without), its inside is spacious and it doesn’t look too formal!!  Love it!!)

On the side:

The bottom:


等緊佢地拎個袋俾我個陣, 我走左去睇佢地嘅stocking。雖然stocking無折, 但係我都買左兩對(唔知幾時先捨得著):

(English:  While I was waiting for the sales lady to fetch me my bag, I went and took a look at their stockings.  There was no discount for stockings but I hauled 2 anyway:)

Price: HK$330@

Price: HK$460@

買完呢個之後我去左Prada買眼包俾Mr. Honey(其實佢同我一齊)做生日禮物(佢都係今個月生日)。因為我唔係好有心機睇男人野(個個款都差唔多), 所以我叫佢揀。 最好喇, 唔會唔鍾意ma! 佢睇緊個陣我就去8下d card holder, 但係我唔見到d咩野我好鍾意。  望望下個陣我諗, “做咩我唔去Chanel呢?” 哈哈, 買完生日禮物俾佢, 我就拉左佢去Chanel喇! 嘻嘻, 好開心。。。我買咗呢個, 個色超sharp!!!

(English:  After hauling this, I went to Prada to get a wallet for Mr Honey (actually he was with me) for his birthday.  I have no clue on men’s stuff, therefore, I asked him to pick.  I guess this is the best solution, since he should like what he pick!  While he was browsing, I looked at some card holders, but I didn’t find anything I like.  Then I thought, “oh why don’t I go to Chanel instead?”  *laughs*  After getting the birthday present for him, I immediately dragged him over to Chanel.  Ohhhhhh….I am SO HAPPY!!!  I got this one with such a sharp pink color:)

Price: HK$3,400


呢個俾平時d card holder長少少。我覺得佢個size係有少少似mini銀包。 如果有時用小手袋/clutch, 就可以用呢個喇。 好鍾意!!

(English:  It’s a bit longer than the usual card holder.  I think the size is more like a mini purse.  If I use a smaller handbag/ clutch sometimes, I could use this as a purse!  LOVE IT!!)

係啦, 我未生日都已經癲左喇! 咁好彩生日都係一年一次jer!! 哈哈!! 我尋日敗得太開心呀!! 搞到自己瞓唔著!! 好底B丫!!!

(English:  I know, it’s not my birthday just yet!  And it’s probably lucky that birthday only happens once a year!!  *laughs*  Oh and I was too happy from all the hauling last night that I couldn’t fall asleep!!! *laughs*)

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