[愛看書] 時尚的誕生 Viva! Fashion Designer

自從香港有誠品之後我真係好開心! 除咗又多一個好去處之外,佢仲有好多唔同種類既書, 真係something for everyone! 我去誠品探訪過幾次, 亦都敗左幾本唔同類型既書! 當然我未睇哂啦, 不過今日想分享下我前幾日敗左既一本書先, 我覺得好好睇! 如果你對時尚名牌有興趣, 你就要睇落去喇。

(English:  Since the Taiwanese bookstore Elite came to HK, I have been really happy!  Apart from having one more place to hang out, it has a good selection of books and there is definitely something for everyone!  I visited Elite quite a few times and hauled quite a few books!  Of course, I haven’t finished them all, but I want to talk about one that I got a few days ago – I think it’s a brilliant read!  If you are interested in fashion, then you must read on!)

話說我敗呢本書既當日, 我係去睇第二d書, 點知當我轉身想去俾錢既時候, 我眼尾見到呢本書係架推車度(仲未上架), 個cover好吸引, 所以我即刻拎黎望下, 望咗唔夠三秒, 我就決定帶佢返屋企喇!!

(English:  The day when I hauled this book, I actually went to Elite for another book.  When I turned around and was about to go check out, I saw this book on a cart (still wasn’t put on shelf yet)!  The cover caught my attention and I immediately grabbed one and glanced through.  After about 3 secs, I decided to bring it home!)


Viva! Fashion Designer

價錢(Price):HK$160 @ 誠品 (Elite)

呢本書係一個韓國插畫家畫嘅,本身係韓文, 但係好彩被翻譯成中文, 如果唔係我都無得欣賞丫!! 呢本書係以漫畫形式去講時尚品牌既故事, 由佢地點樣去開始個品牌, 當中有咩重要人物對呢個品牌有貢獻, 同埋某d品牌點樣衰落同俾人買走等等!

(English:  This book is drawn/ written by a Korean artist so the original is in Korean!!  OMG, thank God that it got translated into Chinese, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to admire it!  This book talks about different fashion brands’ history in a comic format, starting from how they started the brand, who contributed greatly to the brand and how some of the brands experienced difficulties and got brought etc.!)

入面畫功好好, 同埋以漫畫形式去講故事(全部都係彩頁呀!!),感覺好新鮮有趣! 再加上文字部份都有抵死好笑既地方! 可以好輕鬆了解品牌背後既故事之餘又可以笑下,就算唔係時尚達人, 我覺得當係普通讀物都好過癮!

(English:  The drawings are great and using a comic format makes everything so lively and interesting (colorful prints inside)!!!  Plus, the wordings are actually funny and entertaining as well!  It allows you to understand the brand story in a very relaxing and fun way!  If you are not particularly into fashion, this could be treated as a leisure read as well!)

入面有26個我地都好熟識既品牌故事, 舉幾個例子:

(English:  There are 26 brands’ stories inside and many of the brands are very familiar to us, to quote a few examples:)


第一個品牌係Hermes, 我本身唔係Hermes既fans, 但係睇完之後我對佢既歷史好impressed, 亦都好欣賞佢地對工藝既堅持! 哈哈, 雖然佢既袋就真係好貴婦, 唔係人人都負擔得起, 但係我覺得讀咗佢個故事後, 我會以另外一個角度去欣賞佢地既作品!

(English:  The first story is about Hermes.  I cannot regard myself as Herman fan, but after reading its history, I am really impressed and admire their insistence on quality and art.  *Laughs*  Even though their bags are for the rich and not everyone can afford them, I could use another angle to admire their work after understanding how the brand comes about!)

Louis Vuitton

其實我唔可以話入面26個品牌我都愛, 但係當我了解佢地品牌之後, 我識得唔係以貴平靚唔靚黎去睇佢地既作品, 而係反而去了解下點解佢地會有咁既design, 個design同佢地既歷史有咩關係, 代表住咩呢等等!

(English:  Actually I cannot admit I am in love with all 26 brands, however, after reading their stories, I know how to admire their piece of art (instead of just judging if it’s expensive or if it looks great).  I try to understand why they would have this design and is there any association between the design and the brand, what the design presents and such!)


雖然好多人都有名牌產品, 但係好多人都覺得名牌產品係身份既象徵, 係炫耀身家既一個方式, 又有幾多人了解點解一個袋會係經典款式, 佢個設計係點樣inspire出黎? 我覺得睇咗呢本書, 你會有個大概既understanding, 幫你去從另一個角度去欣賞佢地既心思!

(English:  Though many people have got branded items, many people just see it as a representation of social status and wealth.  How many of those would understand why a classic is a classic?  Where was the design inspired from?  After reading this, you would have a basic understanding and it helps you to admire their work in another way!)


Chanel既故事我未睇呢本書都已經知道喇, 我估係因為我成日見到Chanel既產品都會同佢既歷史掛鉤, 所以佢成為我其中一個大愛品牌! 你睇! 佢地既歷史真係會影響我有幾鍾意一個品牌呀!! 哈哈!!

(English:  I studied Chanel’s story because I read this book, so I got some understanding.  Every time when I see Chanel products, I would associate them with the brand’s history and I guess that’s why I am so in love with Chanel!  You see, a brand’s history would help you to appreciate their stuff more!!! *Laughs*)

如果你係好鍾意名牌產品, 但係你又唔太了解品牌既由來, 我真係超推呢本書俾你!!當然喇, 就算你唔係熱愛名牌, 但係你同我一樣都想知多d, 我都覺得呢本書好啱睇呀!! 簡直係輕鬆益智讀物!! 正!!

(English:  If you are in love with fashion brands, and you don’t quite understand where they are coming from, I highly recommend this book to you!!  Of course, if you are not a fashion maniac, but you want to know more (just like me), this is a good book to start with!  It’s light-hearted yet informative!! Brilliant!!)

P.S. 其實我都未睇完本書, 因為我唔想一次過睇完(會好失落), 所以我每晚都只係睇一至兩個故事! 不過我睇完兩個故事既時候已經超想同大家分享喇!! 哈哈!! 我真係超愛呢本書丫!!! 我仲敗咗其他書,到時睇完再同大家分享下啦! 你地有無睇開書呢? 如果有, 睇咩多呀?

(English: P.S.  Actually I haven’t finished the book yet because I don’t want to finish it in one go (would feel lonely after), so I read 1-2 stories per night to make it last!!  BUT, I so wanted to share this book with you when I was on the 2nd story *laughs*!!!  See, told you, I love this!!!  I got other books as well and I will talk about them later!  Do you have a habit to read?  If so, what kind of books do you read the most?)

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