[化妝] Vidi Vici Small Face Case 01 All That Face

講下其他野分散下注意力先。 之前係韓國買左呢粒人人都話好用既Vidi Vici Small Face Case,一路都未分享,今日就講下佢啦。

(English:  It’s time for me to talk a bit about other things before getting back on the Christmas theme.  I got this Vidi Vici Small Face Case in Korea and there are so many good reviews about this, so let’s see what my thoughts are today.)

Vidi Vici Small Face Case 01 All That Face

我記得係韓國買係抵好多,平幾百。 所以如果你睇完有興趣既話,我好建議你去韓國先買。 我係樂天Duty Free買架~~

(English:  I recall this is so much cheaper in Korea.  So if you are interested after reading this, I highly suggest that you wait till you go to Korea next time to purchase.  I got mine from Lotte Duty Free~~)

入面有/ It Includes:-

Face Powder






用後感:我唔sure佢有無其他顏色combination,但係我覺得呢個係比較啱白既女仔用呀!! 顏色方面,如果你係健康膚色,我真係覺得唔係好啱feel。 如果白既話,就會啱色d。 粉質方面我覺得全部都好幼細,好上色同埋好滑。 Face Powder用黎定妝唔錯,但係無唔控油,所以油肌要用其他野控油喇。 Highlight我覺得顏色自然,珠光效果唔係好見到好閃,係一般日子都用得著既highlight。 胭脂方面就好pink,好上色,無閃,要睇你本身愛唔愛呢個顏色喇,我自己用過上面就嫌太過girly,唔係太襯我。 陰影粉我覺得帶橙帶warm tone多d,你問我我完全唔愛個顏色,因為用黎做陰影,我覺得cool tone既先最明顯。 如果用呢個色反而係啡橙左效果好一般。 我愛佢粉質既質數但係唔係太愛佢個顏色組合,呢個係同我膚色有關係。 如果你係白既又想買,我覺得OK架;不過如果你係健康膚色既話,我就唔建議。

(English:  Product Review: I am not sure if they have other color combination but I think this is suitable for fair skin tone!  Color-wise, if you have tanned skin, I don’t think this is a great color combination for you.  For the quality of the products, I think the powder is finely milled, pigmented and run smooth on skin.  Face powder can be used to set your makeup but it doesn’t have oil control function, so for those oily skin types, you will need to control your oil in other ways.  For the highlight, I think the color is very natural, almost with a pearly finish without being too shimmery, I think this is a great day-to-day highlight.  For blush, it’s of a very pinky matte shade, so it really depends if you love this kind of color.  I used it on my face and found the color too girly for me.  Then moving onto the contour powder, this is with a hint of orange and is more on the warm tone side.  I totally do not like this because if I need to use a contour powder, cool tone offers more depth.  I find this color doesn’t offer great results when it comes to contouring.  I love the quality of the powder, but I don’t enjoy the color combination and this is purely because of my tanned skin color.  If you have fair skin tone and you want to buy this, I think it’s good; but if you have similar skin tone as me, then I would suggest to skip this.)

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